I don't get the appeal
I don't get the appeal
>good acting
>good dialogue
>god tier soundtrack
>great depiction of high school life
what is not to like OP
>OP had a shit high school life so he can't relate.
all those people except far right look like they're in their 20s
Whats not to get, he gets older and they stay the same age. He's tapped in to the cunny well at the fountainhead.
you really want to look at disgusting teenagers with greasy hair and pimples for 2 hours? who gives a fuck about their real age
Hey man, I had a shitty high school life and I still enjoy that movie very much alright
That and the movie with the blue oyster cult soundtrack. I can't remember the name but it had a really hot blonde in it they were after, they pissed in her friends fathers ice cube tray and vomited beneath the cushions of his couch.
>I don't get the appeal
Well it'd be a lot cooler if you did
10/10 would kek again
came here to post this.
This is all I could imagine during interstellar.
what movie is this guy talking about?
My high school life was absolute shit and uneventful as fuck, yet I enjoy this movie a lot.
the stoned age
Is this you?
I agree with you. This movie doesn't connect with me at all and I'm a huge burnout
Thats the one, cheers m8.
>dude degenerates lmao: the movie
normie bait of the highest order
Straigh kino bruh get off my lawn.
>finish watching Dazed and Confused and Detroit Rock City
>that feeling of emptiness
>god tier
It's normie trash. Only people who had friends understand this movie.
How is this my favorite movie when I wasn't alive in the 70s?
a-am I a faggot?
Our best years are behind us.
Is the purple-shirted guy grabbing his cock?
There's no way his pocket would be at the middle of his pants like that.
If you look at OP's pic he clearly does have some weird pockets on the front of his pants.