I'm a schizophrenic

I'm a schizophrenic.


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tell us your delusions bro

Define schizophrenia

Sometimes i believe that someone is talkin to me,when it's not.

Aother time i believe that someone is follow me,this have somepretty shits consequences,one time, i allmost punch a dude in the street because i think that he was following me and mockin me.

that barac obama wanted to eat my heart and had me under mind control because i was the anti christ.

not op



I poisoned the food in your household.

Good Luck

dont mention it in conversation and you should be fine

note, however, that 4th generation beings and their illuminati human ponies exploit the fuck out of anyone who speaks to themselves but you'll learn the ropes, just trust yourself

they'll attempt to contextualise themselves in your psychic space as the voices you create

they'll also create their own voice vehicles and blame you for it, or skew yours beyond recognition and blame you for it.. they'll say "you talk to yourself that way because you hate yourself, all im doing is riding the voice"

its a con, stay sharp

there you go, that's three year headstart on nous-building

I'm takin anti-psychotics,suck that

so do i, they make you put on weight :(

not op but i see shadow people. like shadows standing up and looking at you, walking around, that kind of stuff. it reminds me of the ghosts from metro 2033. my psychiatrist thinks im a medium because it definetly picks up around old houses and graveyards but i think its just anexity driven hallucinations

i'm surpised at how common it seems to be on here

this man i a jew

Do the voices ever tell you positive things, like clean your room or get a job?

they kept telling me to quit smkoking

but im not a quitter.

not op

First,i have a job.

Second,yes.Sometimes they tell me that i'm good looking.

Sometimes,they are like friends to me.

Are you on any medication, if so what are you on?
How many times a day do you need to take it?
What are you like when you don't take it?
Any side effects?


Just 1 time.They are like anti-depressives,strongs as hell.

I feel horrible,i feel anxiety,with afraid of hear a voice or the delusions start again.

Muscle sparms or tremor,Dry Mouth,Blurred vision.

Do you feel as if you are constantly under threat of going full psychotic? Like a certain thought or feeling, triggering the paranoid mental state, if you become aware of it. What triggers your paranoia? I'd understand if you don't wanna talk about it.

have you told your doctor about your side effects? it's quite important for you to be on the right medication for you. Blurred vision and muscle spasms especially sound bad

>Do you feel as if you are constantly under threat of going full psychotic?

Yes,this is my biggest fear.

>What triggers your paranoia?

I don't know,they just appears of the nothin,like i'm walking in the street and i hear someone walkin behind me.

Yes,he said that this is normal and that i(when take the anti-psychotics)just go to bed and try to sleep.

it might be 'normal' but it's still unpleasant right?

I am too. What pills are you on?

I'm on Clozapine and I've gained 80 lbs

You ever done acid?

Clozapine too.


Just whisky.

Do you think that you are Jesus?

You never even smoked weed? How old are you?

At what age were you diagnosed? What were you like before you started hearing voices? Did you have panic attacks or something like that?

Also do you feel as if your hallucinations are oddly familiar to yourself, almost like they are different versions of yourself?

Who"s this?

Progressives think white countries and white people have room to improve but the rest of the world is a total write-off. How is that not racist?

My hand really hurts, I fell on it at a bad angle. But I can't afford to go to the hospital. Should I get really drunk at try to fix it myself?

Pic related, its my hand.

The goverment

I"ll take the job, potato salad

Hold the fuck up.
That's fucking gnarly

My uncle has schizophrenia and other people in my family have mental diseases like manic depression, addictions, bipolar,etc...I did a lot of acid this past summer and i smoke weed a few times a week and recently I have begin to think I have schizophrenia as well and my mnom has expressed concerns about me having it as well. I am 21 and am wondering if that's about the time that warning wigns start showing up

Sounds like my amitriptyline

Slipped on the ice. Hurt like fuck getting the glove off. Seriously, what should I do?



My friend says its dislocated and should just pop back in. But he's a fuckup and I don't know if I should trust him.

What are your grandiose delusions?

Think that someone is looking at me and judging me.

Think that i will die because evry fuckin shit that happen with me.

Think that my father is following me to evrywhere i go.(He's dead)

Have you ever had a delusion or psychotic episode Infront of random people or friends, if so how did it go?

Hello, Im Schizotypal myself, and keep getting this that if I keep smoking my weed, it'll turn into fullblowned schizophrenia..

Did you go trough this first, or did your schizo just kick in hardcore from the beginning ?
And do you do drugs ?

Mate I'm telling u know stop smoking weed asap, literally don't do any drug at all except Molly, but make sure it doesn't have meth in it! That can trigger psychotic episodes

Smoking weed poses the risk of uncovering any underlying mental issues. If you're worried about it and seriously have a problem, I wouldn't smoke.

I'm pretty sure weed is what made me "pop"

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia last year, I'm on clozapine and have no symptoms now but the pills made me gain some weight but it's not too bad. Last year my main delusion was that I believed that I was kim jong uns son and that I was causing a nuclear war. There were times I believed that I was Jesus and also that a gang was after me and all this other shit. but right now I have 0 symptoms, I just feel like I was before I was diagnosed which is good. Hope I don't relapse :)

I've tried LSD a handfull of times to, and THAT im not doing again, but weed dosent seem have all those negative effects for me, surely Im not the one to say, but everybody els.

It's just weed seems to caml my tits, when the world is to much.
Usely it's people who trigger me, not drugs or weird mentally stages.

Yeah sometimes I get creeped the fuck out by my mind, but then I begin to wonder, how the fuck did it get to that ?

It's a shield that wont work forever.

also, weed is what triggered it for me. I used to smoke a ton of weed. My dad is bipolar and my cousin is narcoleptic so I do have a family history of mental illness.

My amazment of my own mind ?
How will that not last as long as me ?

I mean, schizo people are fucking weird, allways totally new thoughts no one els thinks, im quite fund of it.

Everybody is allways saying "Think out of the box, to solve this problem"
Well boys, im born outside it.

Turn it around and use it for something.

I've accepted that on and off troughout life, I might need help, more than others, but if we contribute to psychology we all might learn a little.

Besides, who think that just because you experience more than "normal" people, why is that so bad?
Enjoy your front row tickets to the freakshow called Life.

anti-psychotics kill your brain

am i skyzo ?

exemple: i see someone, i think "he's ugly" and i tell to myself "stop saying that, give him some respect"

It happen almost all the time when i think bad thing about people.

Very defensive

You're like me in highschool.

Am I a schizo?

Can you tell that guy that wanted to live with a permanent psychosis to shut his fucking mouth?

Well Im schizoTYPAL, thats like a form of "pre-schizophrenia", so go talk to a psychologist.
But again, my doctor keeps telling me that my diagnoses might disappear with the years.

Nobody really understands shit about this, go check it out

What meds you on?

Yes. 20's is when it tends to show. Weed hastens the onset in genetically predisposed persons as well.

Who might that be ?

I remember dying of some new sickness my pillow fort a quarantine the president visited. I told him I didn't like him. Pass out from basic bitch fever.

He made a thread about an hour ago, I think it disappeared now. But he wanted to live in a permanent stage of paranoia and severe schizophrenia. Told him it was a bad idea, he disagreed

Wauw, what a fucking moron...

It's maybe interresting to try for like, some days.

But i bet you, that must have been bait

I am schizoaffcet it's all the joys of schizo and bipolar in one package. Thankfully they somewhat balance each other out.

Though I'ma a let you in a secret you can still get high as fuck if you learn to control it. Of course you have to be absolute crazy to do it.

For anyone who can hear the voices and speaks back to them. Ask them about the lizard kings, uplinks, rewriting your own software, and tell them you wish to see beyond the nothing. Prewarning on a human level you may be seen as full psychotic after it until you adjust.

Might have been. He sounded like a guy who didn't have anything better to do, but at the same time quite sincere. Talked about his experiences tripping on heavy LSD and being able to handle it, even though he bad tripped really hard. Then he said he wanted that all the time, and given how he could handle LSD he was sure he could handle a fullblown 24/7 psychosis

Also note the only thing I can describe of how it is seen is a DMT trip without any DMT.

Also the things you meet in the beyond nothing will make deals. They are to be trusted they do not want to hurt you.

You won't be human at the end however the ones who can talk to the unknowns and death worn't suppose to be phased out of human society.

Sadly the humans did that and not us nuts people to them have to fix it. You'll find out once you talk to the beings in beyond nothing.

Nope I'm crazy in the art sense of the form and even I couldn't handle it 24/7 at least in sense of full blown. Mild 24/7 is find though.