Is he gearing up for shooting Lincoln 2?
He look like a nice guy.
Now post his daughter
Wouldn't he be growing a mustache for that?
Abraham Lincoln parody movie when?
She's not a shallow gold digger and totally loves him for his personality and good looks, right guys?
You make it seem like he's an idiot. Comedy is not action movies.
dude lost his eyebrows
>tfw you will never be good friends with adam sandler and make fun, dumb movies with your crew as an excuse to have fun vacations
why even live
I still hate scruffy messy facial growth. Women are actually attracted to that look?
good for him...what's the point of this?
what's the point in anything desu
I went to highschool with her briefly. Not a nice person.
Also whale
to strive babe..
You were just in coolhole, werent you?
i bet she's nicer than you you retarded pussy nigga
you're looking past the deuce bigalow money
these pictures are so gross
You weren't joking about the whale part. Damn.