I've always wanted to know what Sup Forumss favourite kind of tree is

I've always wanted to know what Sup Forumss favourite kind of tree is






Tree Fiddy

is this a fucking rubber tree? lol


what is your opinion on birch trees?

they are cool you can drink them

that's interesting. thankyou user.

you never drank dank birch juice?

they are what the russian dolls are made of

i have not. what does it taste like?

that is a neat fact. thankyou user.

Silk Tree.

I would also like to give a shout out to the Cherry Tree, keep it real my man.

Redwood fanboy

yes, these treess are wonderful. thankyou anons.

Name of tree?

One love.

This yo. Willow trees r so chill


i'm sorry, i do not know. but if it was up to me i would call them bendy tree bonazas.

pls apologise.


I feel so shitty, but I don't know what to do to feel better, whatever I do, if it's a bad experience it was bad obviously, but if it's good I want it more or more intensely, I'm never satisfied. it's always shit.

yes, they are quite nice. thankyou user.

i'm sorry to hear that, user. please let me know if i can help you in any way. in the mean time, you could go for a walk and look at some nice trees in your neighborhood.

yeah maybe that's not such a bad idea. thanks for your concern. you know, I found it fascinating that trees get most of their mass from the carbon dioxide in the air... they sort of grow from air, from almost nothing.

Are you colorblind ?

you're welcome user. and i also like that fact about trees.

Monkey Pod

oh, that is lovely, thankyou user.


oh my goodness, i love this so much. thankyou user, you are a wonderful person.


my grandma loved this one too. thankyou user.

gum trees are quite nice, and they smell really good!


that's not a tree, you skallywag