Careers that ultimately went nowhere

careers that ultimately went nowhere

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>careers that ultimately went
in the loo

"Master of None" was just nominated for an Emmy for Best Comedy Series.

Good day, sir.

Where's your Emmy whiteboi?

Aziz ?

Like him or don't, I'd be pretty happy if I got to have a successful creative career as a standup, then have some TV people throw money at me to make a TV show, and meet my favourite rap stars or whatever.

every comedian literally hates him. I'd rather be a poor respected comic than be semi wealthy and hated. Aziz has zero stand ups as friends

Good. This guy is an asshole. Just watch the park and recs bloopers, he keeps getting really mad at Chris Pratt for farting


probably because it makes him want to shit in the street

>meet my favourite rap stars

I'm trying to find it, give me a minute

How can you be mad at this guy ?

i can't find it, sorry. Thats the best i can find at the moment, but i clearly remember watching him getting mad at Pratt for farting in the middle of a scene

Really don't get how a guy that can't get laid in a morgue writes a book on love

As well it should not have.

>How can you be mad at this guy ?
he tried to take my waifu

yeah he doesn't seem to enjoy the people he works around especially when Chris Pratt got the lead role for guardians during his time on parks and rec. I was sensing a little hate from the lil fella in those bloopers. What a sensitive douche.

I'm 3 minutes in at 2x speed and he's said like 5 words. Do you want to narrow it down a bit?

okay i watched the whole thing. aziz was in a few more scenes but he definitely doesn't look upset or hatin or anything like that. he's chiding chris for farting audibly but he's laughing immediately afterwards, and giving people shit semi-jokingly is pretty reasonable banter among friends.

if your evidence that aziz hated parks and rec is this blooper reel, you're reading way, way too deeply into it.

just fuck off faggot

is it a bad thing that i liked masters of none?

He's rollin in money and awards. I'd say he's been places.