Ask someone who payed to see ghostbusters anything...
Was it good: NO.
Was it bad?: BEYOND BELIEF.
Best part?: The ending.
Worst part: The damn soup suicide joke... that was shit.
Okay, ask away.
Ask someone who payed to see ghostbusters anything...
Was it good: NO.
Was it bad?: BEYOND BELIEF.
Best part?: The ending.
Worst part: The damn soup suicide joke... that was shit.
Okay, ask away.
Other urls found in this thread:
did you get the crab legs
Did you order Coke Zero?
>soup suicide
Wait, what?
Oh god... Not this...
Was the concierge black?
>Ask someone who payed to see ghostbusters anything...
The damn main villain dude is about to kill himself, and the (Macarthy girl) says "WAIT, there's so much to live for!!! Like.... Uh... well... soup!" then they talk about the freaking things to live for, and it's all soup... untill the black chick says "Salad?" And she goes, "And salad" then the dude kills himself.
What was the funniest line or scene? I know it's hard to pick out the shiniest turd, but I need to know if there is absolutely ANY merit to the """""Positive"""" reviews in case the Sajoos try to use it as ammunition
Also, I am witness to your digits.
>tfw didn't pay because my buddy works at a theater
Shit's dope.
Anyway, what did you think of Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon, or FemEgon)? She was kinda crazy for the sake of crazy but damn did she pull that off well.
Why did I pay to see it? because I refused to just jump on the bandwagon of hate.. I wanted it to prove it was good, or at least not all bad... It was pretty shit.
My life is now less enjoyable for knowing that something this awkward, stale, and unfunny is in any form of mass media
I hope the movie flops so hard it ends that plus size clown's career
Not that I remember...
The best joke is when they first test out the damn proton packs, and they are in a subway station thing, and they hold a ghost and it gets hit by a train, then the black girl says "Ya know, he ain't even the 3rd scariest thing on that train."
I thought she was... EEHHH the first joke or two was okay, but it got old fast... especially the lipsync dance thing... UGH...
My life is too... I saw it with a group, and they all agree it's HORRID.
someone from RT was on the radio today saying it was the funniest shit ever and everybody should go watch it
did it feel like a long SNL sketch?
It felt like a LONG ass SHIT SNL sketch... that dragged so far... I mean seriously, it's a BORING, SLOW PASED, Joke every other line(Like... every other line is a joke, and they all make you cringe) shit sketch...
At least with SNL it's contained to a few minutes... not an hour and 45 minutes.
It's SO BAD!!!
fucking aaaaa dude
what's your favorite comedy? you are watching some eye bleach tonight aren't you?
I watched it last night as an early showing, I've been spending the day watching the original two, FUCK I even watched Jack and Jill... The shit Adam sandler movie... It was honestly funnier than this... THAT'S HOW BAD IT IS.
My favorite comedy is hard to tell, BUT I am a sucker for crappy ones... and this was still bad...
I mean, I liked little nicky and all.. this was bad.
ain't no shame in little nicky
jesus christ though I can't imagine jack and jill being above another shitty comedy. That's absolute shit.
I have yet to see GB2 actually, always liked rewatching the first one though
The first one is a lot better than the second, but god damn... I feel bad for hating on this movie so much, I LOVE the ghostbusters... this just wasn't it... THIS MOVIE OPENS WITH A FART JOKE... Wait, they say it was a QUEEF... NOT EVEN KIDDING.
did you at least do the damn decent thing and buy a ticket for another movie so you didn't end up supporting this steaming pile??
>"WAIT, there's so much to live for!!! Like.... Uh... well... soup!" then they talk about the freaking things to live for, and it's all soup... untill the black chick says "Salad?" And she goes, "And salad"
Why did you watch that movie?
Do you enjoy BDSM?
I planned on it, BUT I got to the booth and thought, "What if the movie is good, and the trailers were just the bad parts?" and got a ticket in case it was good.
And Yea... That's legit one of the jokes... The second worst is by far the damn cat out of the bag scene... Basically a 20-30 second scene of them repeating "the cat's out of the bag" Then the other saying "Then we gotta get it back into the bag" then the other saying "But how if it's out it's hard to get in the bag" and the other replying with things like "It's harder, but needs to be done" FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE AN HOUR... IT WAS LIKE 20-30 SECONDS THOUGH... FUCK THIS MOVIE.
I watched it because I'm a film buff, and wanted to give it a shot instead of just jumping on the bandwagon of hate. I wish I had stayed on the bandwagon... this movie honestly is the 2nd worst thing I've ever seen... The #1 being a shit movie called the slaughterhouse massacre... but that movie had the budget of a bologna sandwich... so... it's forgivable... this movie had a huge budget... and the effects were WORSE than fucking foodfight in places... ESPECIALLY THE DAMN PORTAL... WORST GREENSCREEN EVER.
Am I the only person who thinks the portrayal of the Leslie Jones character was lowkey racist? Where are sjw's on this?
I just came back from it
There were a few funny lines in it, but that's more a case of 'throw everything at the wall and a few things have to stick'. Literally every fucking line is some kind of crack or quip or one-liner. Most of the jokes are people getting caught up in some retarded semantic argument at the most inappropriate moments and expecting us to laugh at the nonsense. It's literally a quip every five fucking seconds, there's no straight man, and literally everyone is a comic relief.
The plot was incredibly lackluster. The originals involved an ancient cult and a god of destruction busting down into reality, following by some ancient warlord breaking free of confinement. This is some neet autist somehow figuring out advanced physics and invent devices that open up the door to the other side along New York because he got bullied in high school
The ghost designs themselves were actually pretty decent. Whoever they picked to actually make them did a good job.
The main cast was nothing but a bunch of forced stereotypes. There was no real character to them
It's not an attempt at misandry as some people might say, because literally everyone other than the main cast is a jerk or retard
In places it was, but she honestly was the tame one... the worst by far was Mcarthy or whatever the fuck the actresses name is... HER VOICE WAS NAILS ON A FUCKING CHALKBOARD. She just was so damn annoying, and the damn voice she has is so nasally and in her teeth, it's NASTY... EUGH.
Yea, it's made me chuckle 3 times... The Dr.Kevin thing, when he asks which pic makes him look more like a doctor, the ghost being the 3rd scariest thing on the train, and the stupid ass sandwich scene at the end all got a SMALL chuckle out of me... the rest was just cringing... ESPECIALLY the "My cat" thing... FUCK THAT.
They were all stereotypes, there was no story, the villain was ass, the characters were ass, the jokes were all so ass... This movie was ass!!!
Can I finally go to bed happy and sleep well knowing that there will be a movie people will make fun of more than Batman V Superman, and I can finally be left alone with my enjoyment of it?
Uhh ppl have been calling it out from the beginning
It's been drowned out by the misogyny talk
you type like a faggot
I hope so man... I quite liked batman v superman(Ultimate) I saw it in theatres and was like "this isn't the best thing I've ever seen, but batman was cool, the fights were cool, wonderwoman was cool... but the story was ass." So it was like a 5/10 This movie is like a 0.5/10 it's like the second worst movie ever IN MY EYES.
ease up on those ellipses bro
Oh God.
>tfw saw this today and thought it was alright
>saw Hunt For The Wilderpeople afterwards because I work at an indie theater and I can get in for free
>mind is instantly cleansed of this dreck and I see Ghostbusters for what it is: the biggest cashgrab of our time.
Feels alright.
Eh, They are there for a legitimate reason, I get it they are over used, BUT it's got a fair point to it. It's being used less as an Elipses, and more to show I could go further on the topic yet I'm cutting it off to conserve reason to it without getting ranty.
I know this is a meme but my local theater is right next to a seafood restaurant. They do all you can eat crab legs on wednesdays. Its amazing what they end up throwing out, and most people dont know how to eat them so theres always plenty of perfectly good ones.
Me and my buddy usually go around 4am to get what we can and then rest for a bit. We set up a portable grill on the side of the theater and no one has ever bothered us. Once we get our tickets we prop open the side door and grab our snacks. Its easiest to just save an empty popcorn tub to sneak them in. They really are the perfect movie food.
The fuck!? This sounds like the perfect movie plan. I mean, an actual movie should be made from this.
I'm legit laughing way harder at that than anything in this movie.
My theatre isn't playing that. What even is that?
Yea, BAD.
>these fucking anti-shills
Keep trying. Maybe you'll get like three whole people to not see the movie.
I went to the big budget theater near my house, and it was only a half full theater at prime time. Never seen it so empty.
Dumpster diving isn't as disgusting as the media makes it out to be.
A lot of places tidy up their trash and just leave it on the curb, perfectly good high quality meals just waiting to get picked up.
is paul feig finished?
fake, black people don't eat vegetables.
A kid and his foster father wind up out lost in the wilderness after the foster mother dies and the kid runs away. A months-long manhunt occurs trying to find them, while the two grow a close bond.
From the director of What We Do In The Shadows, literally one of the greatest horror comedies of the past 10 years.
>What are collard greens?
why would you support this film ?
>Mfw everyone in the theather is laughing except you
>Mfw this happens for the entire movie
Jesus christ. Feel like committing suicide for paying for this.
There were 10 people at the theatre... 4 in my group, 2 dudes in front of us who wanted to see if they fucked up slimer, then a gay couple and a small group of what I assume as a double date thing, so 12 people.
I'm not against people seeing this movie, it's BAD I want it to flop, BUT people need to see the SHIT that this movie is.
This is mainly here for people who refuse to see it to know about it.
As I told the last dude, the theatre I went to is the biggest in my town and is usually packed, and it got 12 people in it for this movie, to be fair it was shown a day early, but WOW was it empty. Civil war was paced 3 hours in advance(I got there 4-5 hours in advance to make sure I got a perfect seat-3d also) Batman v superman I bought the last 2 tickets(3D)
Finding dory even was packed.
what does the success of this film mean? are we going to get more crap like this that only idiots and women will appreciate?
I need to know, how did your audience respond to the queef joke?
>implying anyone other than white healthfag vegans eat kale
I hope so.
xD, But that's legit in the movie.
I don't think it's showing in my town, BUT it sounds fun to go see.
I WANTED IT TO BE GOOD... it wasn't.
No... like 3 people laughed. ONE being the feminist sister of one of my friends who I came to see it with, and the girls of the theatre. And most of them didn't laugh most of the time. They did laugh at KEVIN the dumb ass receptionist, but even that was so overplayed.
I don't get it.
Is it supposed to be lolsorandumb?
If it gets successful, we're gonna see a shit ton of remakes with women. Hell, Reservoir Bitches is already in the works I think.
Just remember, you all brought this on yourself.
This means EITHER we will keep getting groan fest cash ins, OR it'll flop and they will learn not to make a sequel.
NO ONE laughed. It was so bad. The main character girl(Wiig) goes and is listening to a tape of a "EVP" she leans in VERY close, and it's a fart sound... She then says "Real mature guys" and the nerdy one(Mcinnon I think) says "Is it worse if I tell you it came from the front?"
I guess, It was BAD. almost all of the jokes in this movie are like that.
They're shit.
Not a question per say, but a statment. Seeing how Op only had ten people go see this movie. I had like ten people in the movie theathre at this screening. Not a lot of people are really seeing this movie. I don't think it's gonna be a success in the box office.
I kinda hope it gets more views mainly so sony can learn not to do this shamless thing again. BUT I can't say to go watch it because it was HELL. 2/10 is all I can give it objectivly, as a fan of ghostbusters I give it a 0.5/10.
>all these RANDOM CAPITALIZED WORDS and ellipses
fucking normie city in this bitch
They set it up with Dopinder from Deadpool being a delivery bitch for a Chinese restaurant that keeps stiffing McCarthy on her wonton soup. Shit's like 90% broth, and like half a wonton.
This becomes a running gag in the film.
How epicly did they pwn the haters in the new scene they added just to address the internet?
There's quite a few people in the thread who saw it
Why OP, of all the idiots to shitpost, gets all the questions is beyond me
Wow, that's actually really deep and a fantastic subversion of normal comedic tropes. With proper delivery that could easily be in the top 100 jokes this year.
it's shit but it's still vegetables.
Did they take every running gag from Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld episodes?
It's literally just Wiig reading a comment that says "Ain't no bitches can bust no ghosts" and McCarthy immediately draws her attention away from it.
He asked people to ask him questions, that's the point of calling it an AMA. Are you legit fucking retarded?
What the fuck are they looking at in OPs image?!
>Wiig just staring up with no fucking facial expression
>ugly blonde bitch looking down screaming
>Fatcarthy looking up...scared?
>oogabooga looking off to the right
Not OP. But the address YouTube two fucking times. Both awful. The second time litterally addressed how shitty the CGI was and played it as a joke.
Damn I hated Deadpool, but I enjoyed Dopinder running gag in that movie.
How new are you
I get it, it's been said to death. BUT the words are capitalized for a reason, ENPHISIS. The Ellipses show either a replacement for a comma, or that I could continue on the subject.
They didn't pwn anyone. They seriously just went on the internet twice,the first time saying "Bitches ain't bust no ghost" and that was that. Then the second time to say "The effects look fake" THAT IS IT.
Though they add Bill Murray as a hater/sceptic. JUST TO KILL HIM OFF. Seriously, they catch ONE GHOST in this entire movie, and they release it for 5 seconds to kill Bill Murray.
To Sup Forums Fairly new. I was here a few weeks ago for a Suicide Squad thread, and such, but most of my time on Sup Forums is spent in /b
There weren't too many running gags that I can remember, beyond Thor being literally too stupid to function (seriously, I think he might have actually been mentally handicapped. Him being possessed by Muh Bullies was literally the only time he was entertaining).
It's spelled EMPHASIS, jackass.
I fucking called the secretary would be really really dumb.
The marketers of the movie accomplished that fat better than anyone here could
With that they made him do the damn dance number(Credits) and the fucking peter pan thing. The peter pan one made me cringe for real. Like you hear cringe all the time, but I had to hold back from fucking walking out. When he flies does the pose and says "Too Peter pan?" then flies off covered in pixie dust and the sound plays.
Rule 1, never admit to going to Sup Forums. Ever. Not even for porn.
Rule 2, never go to Sup Forums. Since you seem new here you'll grow out of it but you'll see why in the future.
cool hwip
Even to Sup Forums Sup Forums is hated? I'm here doing this because I gave up in Sup Forums It's all either trap, furry or shit porn. I can't find anything else there.
I actually kek'd ever so slightly at the Peter Pan bit.
Leave Sup Forums as soon as you can Sup Forums will clean the seed of degeneracy that is now rooted in your soul, Sup Forums is an okey board
AH! That's so bad! Then again, I laughed at the damn Doctor photo thing, so I can't insult you much.
>they hold a ghost and it gets hit by a train
Yep. They hold the ghost with the proton pack thing(Huge and hooked up to a cart box for power and such) and they hold it and it gets hit by a train.
Sup Forums has hated Sup Forums for a long time.
Nowadays because it's almost entirely porn
Previously because it it's tryhard edgy schlock where people went to look and act cool for each other
It goes though the train, all the way except for the rear windows, which it smacks into and gets dragged along with it
Wow, you are new. Oh well, we were all new at some point. Sup Forums is the shithole of the internet. It has no actual purpose outside of being a filter we put the unwanted dregs of society. Sup Forums is actually a hobby board with extremely aggressive occupants. You'll be more or less fine here on Sup Forums, Sup Forums is also a great place to discuss movies like Suicide Squad that tie in.
Every single board is almost it's own website, so read some of the threads before posting, otherwise people will just start shitposting. Especially /jp/
i just got back from seeing it(gf basically made me because we always go to my picks) it was the worst film ive ever seen in theaters, worst film i've seen in years. even my gf thought it was crap and shes usually pretty forgiving when it comes to anything crappy
I've been coming to Sup Forums for almost a decade now. I still have a soft spot for Sup Forums. Fat hate threads on Sup Forums convinced me to do something about my weight, and now I post on /fit/ the most.
i used to like posting combos
got old after a dozen or so "who let this happen"s
none of this captcha shit
Why are you constantly wrong?
I go there out of boredom mostly. They YLYL threads are fine, but the damn BANANA and PEPE thing are just not funny. It's hard to find funny things, but even then I was laughing. I've laughed more at a REKT thread than this movie though.
Thanks for the tip and such. I think the new SS trailer was the high light of this movie. I'm looking forward to Suicide Squad(I'm a huge comic nerd, who would have guessed?)
I don't doubt it. I wanted to like it, I love ghostbusters, but DAMN DID THIS SUCK.
About what? This movie was BAD. REALLY bad.
and now its a tool for pol