why doesn't Jon Hamm work more. i think he could be an A lister
Why doesn't Jon Hamm work more. i think he could be an A lister
I want to see that fucking dick
He got literally cucked out of being Negan, he wanted to do it and they snubbed him. Completely robbed.
is that gyp rosetti
It's John Winchester/The Comedian.
I could've sworn it was Brad Garrett
>doesnt wear underwear to show off his shower>grower penis
hmm really weird.................
Dude is gonna have crushed nuts when he's older wearing jeans with no underwear.
jon hamm is like 50
>mfw growers
>mfw they'll never have girls looking at their junk
Oh okay nevermind then
ever heard of sex virgen
he should have been Roland Deschain
h-he's 45...
...inches in my ass rn
Sure they'll see it but then they will leave before you can have an erection
>he doesnt get boners when in a 5 metre vicinity of a girl
lol virgen
Yeah but you will never crush her soul as she watches your already massive dick expand to tissue ripping proportions so who really wins here?
Try 3, faggot.
Is he always going commando or something? How can you see every contour of his dick like that? I know he's got a big one, but OPs pic might be shopped.
Because he isn't a numale pansy
For a guy named Hamm he's got a lot of cock.
>tfwywn eat hamm
the man is pretty consistent. i gotta grant him that.
>TFW not his age and dont have to worry about stealth boners
>Jon Hamm is sick and tired of everyone talking about his nether regions.
>The “Mad Men” star, 42, says he’s “familiar” with the crotch shots that have made their way around the Internet, but that he’s not necessarily OK with them.
>Just last week Hamm’s “package” was brought up again after the New York Daily News claimed that his private parts were becoming a distraction on the set of “Mad Men,” due to the actor’s choice to wear no underwear while sporting tight, 1960s style pants.
>“Most of it’s tongue-in-cheek, but it is a little rude. It just speaks to a broader freedom that people feel like they have — a prurience,” Hamm tells the new issue of Rolling Stone, on newsstands now. “They’re called ‘privates’ for a reason. I’m wearing pants, for f—k’s sake,” he continues. “Lay off.”
>Still, Hamm isn’t taking the situation too seriously — he understands that there are worse things to be called out for.
>“I mean, it’s not like I’m a f**king lead miner. There are harder jobs in the world. But when people feel the freedom to create Tumblr accounts about my c**k, I feel like that wasn’t part of the deal [of fame].”
>“But whatever,” the well-endowed actor adds, while reportedly sipping a Budweiser during the interview. “I guess it’s better than being called out for the opposite.”
He knows about it, and it upsets him that people notice it, yet he still refuses to wear underwear, kek
he is the ultimate woman
Has anybody guessed the size? I think it's a 9"
Maybe he should buy some underwear?
Maybe don't look at another man below the waist.
if you're going to be one of those autists about it why don't you go full bore and question the necessity of pants? people shouldn't be looking down there anyway, right?
he cannot satisfy his audience = women thus
>good looking
>huge cock
why is this allowed? Jared leto is also all of these plus he's also in a band.
This is how you know there isnt a god, life is imbalanced garbage.
Jon Hamm?
More like Jon Salami stick
If yore looking at another man anywhere below the neck you're a faggot.
>No underwear in denim pants
How chafed is the head of his penis?
>Leto is 10 months younger than Hamm
he's stuck doing david wain shit
Then you are grower too and not a shower, retard.
dicks getting hard is one of the things that girls go wild for. being a shower is nice for the initial 'ooh'. but if youre a grower, their eyes will be glued to your dick as it grows into a python while in the back of their heads, their minds tell them "this is for you. hes getting so big because of you", and theyll start pouring
I Kek'd hard when I realized I'm siting here staring at a mans dick
The jews are threatened by his big white cock. It threatens their narrative.
That's a shop.
Why are neckbeards so quick to spot it out on a woman but when it's a guy it's totally believable and nobody realizes the obvious shopped parts.
found the virgin
why the fuck would you bump a thread that was about to die. fuck you
Fuck he'd be a perfect Max Payne
Lauren cohan has started with him in three things:
Bela and John in supernatural
Martha and Jonathan in Batman vs Superman
Negan and Maggie in walking dead.
I wonder if they've fucked...
>flaccid small penis
>showering with gf
>this is the first time shes seen me naked
>as she enters my cock goes full fledged
>she her mire as it grows full mast
basically we were dirty and we had sex afterwards