Would purge be a good idea in real life?
Would purge be a good idea in real life?
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It wouldn't really serve it's purpose, but would be fun, yeah.
>cracked.com thread
People of lesser value already do kill each other, so what's the point?
No, it would be a retarded idea.
The stocks would plummet every fucking time, insurance companies would have to pay out billions-thus increasing insurance to ridiculous levels(same with health insurance, tons of money spent on property damage and cleanup. The list goes on.
Impossible to do unless everyone were sociopaths and on Soma.
Just delete this thread it already reeks of underage.
>Implying insurances companies would cover damages that occur during the purge
And all the cleanup and repairs would create jobs
Well you just keep thinking about all the jobs you're creating when I'm legally raping you and your wife before I cut her head off and jizz on the bloody stump. But yeah, the jobs.
Literall retard
>Literall retard
Yes yes, I too am retarded. Agree to murder each other then. Good.
>Create jobs
They would be temp/contract jobs
aka fucking useless.
The Purge is edgelord fantasy. The first movie was garbage home invasion horror with a slight twist. I have no idea how it could have spawned sequels.
>Well you just keep thinking about all the jobs you're creating when I'm legally raping you and your wife before I cut her head off and jizz on the bloody stump. But yeah, the jobs.
>Literall retard
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
I don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow
How is seasonal employment worthless?
>in real life.
If I wanted to, or anyone near you who wanted to, I could break down your door with a few of my friends, rape you, then torture you, then rape and murder your children, perhaps fucking crucify them, find a few sticks of wood in your house and nail your kid's limbs to this and then, why the hell not, rip up your kid's genitals with a knife, and then have fucking
to snap a few photos, instagram, twitter, whatever, flood the interned with all this murder and snuff BEFORE the local police even get a semblance of what happened from your neighbors who called 911. Me and my friends can fuck around for another fucking hour before we have to dash off and pretend we had nothing to do with it.
I don't need a 'purge' to do this shit or get away with it. Anarchy is the true reality behind all pretenses of state authority. If you don't already know this, I feel sorry for you when some random fuck decides to rape, murder, and destroy your family when a sensible neighbor might have a shotgun by the bed to prevent all of that.
Police don't protect you. They mop up and give a semblance of 'order' after the fact.
Killing more niggers off is a good thing
It won't magically erase crime the other 364 days of the year, at all
Greedy fucks are still going to steal whenever they want to, they won't just decide to wait until that one day when it's alright
Angry fucks won't stop murdering people. Especially crimes done in the heat of the moment
Alcoholic fucks won't stop drinking and driving
Pirate fucks won't stop torrenting shit off the internet
Nobody who is willing to break the law is going to wait until that one day when it's okay, which defeats the entire purpose of Purge days entirely
It's called the broken window fallacy. Read a book
That's assuming the government doesn't pick up the tab for purge-related damages.
So the shopkeepers can shove their six Francs up their asses
we seem to be having purges all the time currently, it's just another group of people doing it. Turn on the news
Broken fucking window fallacy. All the money paid to repairing broken shit would be better spent on new infrastructure that increases overall economic output
>child rape is legal
>billions in damage
>important political figures or icons would and could be murdered
>some super-villain guy would probably be building an atom bomb in secret and nuke half the country
The people in charge of western countries apparently seem to think it's a good idea because they keep importing Muslims.
also not to mention there would be the madman that has been collecting his shit for 10 years and would just go smear it all over the city
I don't know where you got the fifty minutes statistic but you are correct in your general point. It's absolutely absurd that people think that the state is necessary to protect you and that instead of the small danger of individuals stealing from you or killing you it's better if the most powerful organization in history does it instead.
The fact that you even asked that just shows how much of a fucking retard you really are. These movies only work if you refuse to think about the concept for more than 5 mins.
Fuck no. People wouldn't want to stop once it started. They'd be on a killing spree and when the clock strikes midnight they'd be like "eh, who cares. we're already doing whatever the fuck we want so who's gonna stop us?" People are retarded. You wouldn't be able to trust everyone to play by the rules and go home when it was over.
the purge stops at 7 AM or something, but in the movies it seems like people still commit crime outside of the Purge so it doesnt really help anything
imagine the shitstorm if russian tourists killed a presidential candidate
Quick Sup Forums, what would you do during the purge?
I'd walk around in my neighborhood and put my finger on every doorbell, then I'd run away so if they open the door noone is there, thus making opening the door pointless
this movie is pure fedora edgelord I want it to stop...
you'd die your first purge and thus society would have one less mentally ill person
>insurance companies would have to pay out billions
Just put a clause that says they won't cover for purges. Easy peasy.
Society wouldn't be able to absorb the night's worth of damage. The whole point was to serve as a safety release, an overflow mechanism for human aggressiveness in order for society to function, but a society that spends 364 days a year cleaning up 1 night's worth of mess isn't a functional society.
This has already been solved. Gladiatorial arenas.
So does everyone just go on the honor system when it comes to waiting each year and somehow continually use the allowed weapons? What the hell is a class 4 weapon when guys are walking around with AKs and flamethrowers? Why does everyone just obey the "politicians are off limits" shit? Does the military enforce the purge and act like mean motherfuckers to ensure riots stop? Is healthcare/insurance a fucking nightmare? Why do they ignore basic impulsive behavior. WHY ARE THESE STUPID FUCKING MOVIES SO POPULAR?
Pokemon GO is a test run for the purge
I would go full roof Korean
Because kids in high school think it is some deep shit
Purge insurance, like terrorism and lava insurance would be separate
>A government-sanctioned Day of the Rope once per year.
It sounds good on paper, and I imagine the lynchings would certainly put a massive dent in the melanin-enriched criminal population, but I imagine most of the Jews with any degree of power would take great pains to ensure they were untouchable for that period of time each year. In other words, it would be less of a proper purge and more of a bloodsport to distract the public from the people holding their leashes, which is what I imagine the movies are probably about?
White collar crime alone would destroy entire states
The only possible way that a Purge could work is if arson was disallowed. With 12 hours of no fire service the whole country could burn down.
Would it work? I don't think so. It would be interesting to see, though.
sure. one day where all those evil cops aren't there to save all the whiny bitch liberals who are crying for them to stop doing their jobs just because a handful of them each year shoot a few niggers, most of them doing so only out of legitimate fear for their lives because the niggers tried to attack them or pull out a gun.
after this single purge, we won't ever have to hear this generation of millennial fuckwads crying about how unfair justice is.
Pretty much. At the end of the second movie when some of the higher-ups get killed, suddenly everyone(aside from the "rebels" or whatever) is questioning the purge and saying it should stop.
The whole thing with the third movie is some soon-to-be politician or something who would be getting rid of the purge, is fucked over by people who want the purge to keep happening, so she's hunted the whole movie.
Just snort a ton of crystal and pace around my house with a shotgun
No. You can't control the revenge killings and revenge distruction of property after the purge day. If you kill my family, I won't be ok with that untill the next purge. Also, wouldnt a purge day be the best day ever for terrorists attacks or invasions by china or russia?
Fuck no.
Ignoring all the morality, safety and practility issues, the true objective of the Purge by the powers that be (kill all poor people) is just stupid.
Killing poor people would actually hurt the economy. Poor people are consumers, that means they pay for stuff. Poor people are also minimum wge workers, by killing poor people you lose that cheap workforce.
Killing poor people would actually just harm the economy, creating more poor people, who are then killed in the next Purge, creating a pointless cycle that chieves nothing and doesn't benefit those in power at all.
Thinking about a real world with a purge is hilarious
>never buy anything worth owning more than a year
>no long term commitments
>marriage is a detriment to your safety
>starting a family is basically surrendering your lives
>no one would buy homes
>weapons and ammo are main industry and import
>weapons and ammo are all that are valuble
I'd probably live in the deepest woods imagineable and just have a hammock and piles of guns and ammo.
>dumbest person
>his thread gets 200+ replies
you fucks are so easily trollable
But OP, Purges happen all the time.
pic related
The Purge is a literal broken window fallacy.
Read more: What is the broken window fallacy? | Investopedia investopedia.com
>By breaking the window, the man's son has reduced his father's disposable income, meaning his father will not be able purchase new shoes or some other luxury good. Thus, the broken window might help the glazier, but at the same time, it robs other industries and reduces the amount being spent on other goods. Moreover, replacing something that has already been purchased is a maintenance cost, rather than a purchase of truly new goods, and maintenance doesn't stimulate production. In short, Bastiat suggests that destruction - and its costs - don't pay in an economic sense.
Also, I don't understand why the government was covering up killing poor people if everyone was initially okay with The Purge in the first place.
What would you chose from these 2 options?
a) The government kills poor people one day every year.
b) The government kills poor people one day every year plus other people can come to kill you if they want to.
The third movie has a character that can't afford Purge Insurance as a plot point.
I kind of agree except there is a human trash tier that just kinda live at home with their parents and mooch, be homeless and drift around, beg for cash, probably could be better off with that gone.
Even if you believed that, surely there are better ways of doing it than a Purge, which would cause far less damage to the economy than making all crime legal for a night. Couldn't you just get rid of social security and food stamps? The cons vastly outnumber what you would consider the benefits is all I'm saying.
Moochers and the homeless don't actually cause much harm to the economy and society at all, by definition they're kind of irrelevant.
would making 8 SAW films be a good idea in real life?
are we going to have to suffer 5 more of these mongolidinal travesties?
>What would you chose from these 2 options?
The one where I kill the complacent rich fags.
So, option b.
hey it's only the third one. i highly doubt the series is going to go full Saw.
this reaction is so reddit
Believe me whitey you do not want that.
I thought the first movie was basically just a thought experiment turned into film.
In any case, Rick and Morty did a better Purge movie in a 20 minute episode than the movies ever could.
what would stop the people from getting revenge after something bad happened to them in the purge?
>be general in a nuke-bunker
>purge day
>press red button
Literally every person (me included) on this thread would be hiding under their moms bed....
How can you contain the purge to just 12 hours?
How do you ensure the purge does what it sets out to do and you don't have a whole year of "revenge" crime?
Drugs, smuggling etc twelve hours of lawless business could set them up for the whole year, would that fuck the purpose of the purge?
Only a very small minority would potentially take part in the purge, and even then they would be socially ostracized and over come by the share numbers of people who do not want to purge.
Purgers would be captured via phone cameras, social media and socially demolished and critiqued with such intense scrutiny through out the following year that no one (even if they wanted to) would participate.
If a purge were to truly work in the sense the movie tries to portray (ie only violent crime) wouldn't it make more sense to create a "Purge space" for the purge volunteers to participate instead of shitting up the whole of society?
A purge would never work because "catharsis" is very short lived and never solves the real problem, you would have so much sickness from "purge guilt" and ptsd purge survivors that it would be a drain on the whole system.
also, the film posits that its a goverment institution...only in america right. go to syria or something where its Purge 24/7, in fact you don't need permission to purge. people who would "benefit from a purge would be doing the things anyway, i don't think making it legal for 12 hours would make that big a difference.
>Anarchy is the true reality behind all pretenses of state authority
though i wholeheartedly agree with that statement, it was framed in such edgy mc edgerton, its hard to take seriously.
anarchy is self government, not carte blanche to shit your pants and fulfill your eric draven fantasies.
>insider trading legal
>trillions of dollars created out of thin air overnight
>economy crashes
>implying the 'purge' environment isn't just the norm for any black neighborhood
>Implying that criminals would believe the government if they announced the purge
they would see it as a way of trying to arrest them
user, it's not supposed to be realistic
it's an excuse for moderate tension and r-rated violence
The Purge isn't needed.
All you need is something like pic related
I like how the movie portrayed all the violent immigrants as white. Because we all know most immigrants are white and violent.
Itd be even worse since they would use that as a window to overthrow upper class citizens
The law.
Where do you think the government gets its money?
>your entire family is raped and murdered in front of you before you are raped and murderd
>because lazy internet kids and their keyboards weren't physically fit enough to protect their loved ones or themselves
>you are childish at heart and will have second thoughts about taking a life
>even in self defense
>you are pathetic
>yfw jocks become a massive faction in the purge and kill all othersf
>yfw you can't do shit to stop it because you are weak and worthless
Sure would be a great idea. Sup Forums would instantly go silent forever. LOL faggots.
Reptilian jew golds
The first movie was literally just a cool concept used as a backdrop to allow for the main plot which was a violent home-invasion
>they would mistakenly take on hordes of the criminally insane with the thoughts of survival or successful arrests
>you are stupid enough to think that is a possibility
>he doesn't lift
of course the anonymous keyboard warrior projects his insecurities, topkek
>implying organized mass killing wouldn't be done more properly by whites in the suburbs
>projects his insecurities
I'm sorry it hurts your feelings, user.
>he doesn't lift
I work a shit job lifting heavy things for 12 to 16 hours a day/night. You wouldn't last 3 hours. No one ever does. You are a weak bitch. I will fuck you up for hours. You can't stop it. Don't even try. Join my side or suffer.
similarly whats stopping all the bankers everywhere from just wiring all the money in their banks to their own accounts, then crossing the border to canada?
I think an alternate Purge that wasn't really a purge could be quite good:
>build concrete city
>surround it by 5m high wall, only a few entrances in and out
>don't let people move in
>place hidden cameras all over the place
>once a year, have "Purge"-day where all crime was legal as long as it was performed inside that city
>have entrances closely guarded, only on this day
>anyone over the age of 18 may enter, but no one may leave until the purge is over
>livestream the broadcast from the hidden cameras
It'd be the greatest gladiatorial combat match of all time, the greatest sporting event of the year
Maybe if you could only kill minorities.
>implying the banks are within U.S. borders
Realistically (lel), I imagine that the stock exchange probably closes on purge day and companies don't allow any trades
So if anyone tried to do any of that, it wouldn't be processed until after the purge making it illegal
What's stopping them from doing that right now and fucking off to some third would country with no extradition?
There's safe guards built in everywhere.
Trading of stocks and bank systems would obviously be pulled offline at midnight.
>implying any business would stay in the US.
There would be almost no Muslims or thuglife blacks left afterwards, so yeah it'd be great.
the writers not realizing that crime is more than murder and rape
>implying businesses aren't sold outside of the US almost instantly