Rate my gf, Sup Forums

Rate my gf, Sup Forums.

you two look wheely good together

Meals on wheels


This is gonna take a while have a seat...

Good one

Wheels and the Legman.


Cute. Would roll up on her.

send nudes


She looks like she is the care taker and the swapped seats, makes me think of the episode of peepshow wheer anthony steals away the hot chick from the cripples who all have a crush on her.

Cute, Chairish your time together.

Why was she too lazy to stand up for the pic? Pretty impolite, if you ask me

I bet she's a dead fuck/10


She's lovely. Irish?

Cute. You, on the other hand, look like Frankenstein

Wait, don't tell me...
your GF is the one on the couch.
And we are all insensitive for picking on the cripple?

Her beauty is crippling

She will never walk out on you ...

Would play frisbee with

Is she a chairwoman?

GF looks a little gay with that haircut and that blue sweatshirt
and why does he stand funny?
Has he got Polio?

Mr Stance


Atleast she won't run away...

Yeah, i think you're right, his legs don't like natural.

would burgle