Why all the hate?
Why all the hate?
They should stop doing comedies.
If you don't understand all coen bros movies are a comedy and they're making fun of everyone
I did not really get the impression that this movie was overly pro commie. Hate commies more then the next guy but I thought it was pretty good.
Especially since there's no topping Burn After Reading.
The coen brothers are always at least 3 layers deep. Their movies, unlike almost any other mainstream movies, tend to have a bit of nuance.
I agree. I really liked it. And i thought burn after reading was overrated
>why all the hate
because this board, and society in general, is infested with plebs
What hate? Nobody saw it.
They used communism as a joke that's all. It wasn't pro anything
I would hotglue that every day if i could.
Same, I wonder what fucking a statue chick is like.
Like fucking your mom, since she doesn't move in bed.
Yes she does you fucking pleb
>communism used as a butt of a joke trough entire movie
>all communists being either used morons or sleazy weasels
sure, kid. just like saving private ryan was pro-german
I guess you would be an expert on it, motherfucker.
I know this and that is not what I said dad. Sorry about it anyways tho :)
A lot of coen bros humor is based on dumb people reacting to intellectual theories ex.
clooney v. communism
no hate here, or love. I gave it 6.5. Seemed like they were going for a middle aged female audience who don't like laughing too hard because it makes them jiggle and leak urine
People who don't like it really just didn't understand it
like most great movies
I thought it was funny
I also find that era of hollywood very interesting