I am lookingfor bromantic films such as >fight club >i love you man
i am comfortable wiht any genre as long as it deals with men exploring friendship in some form. the less focus on girls/romance the better, but i understand its going to be a part of most any film.
Dear Zachary is the most bromantic film ever made.
Bentley Jones
The Chess Players
Nolan Phillips
could you tell me more? not necsessarily the plots, but what kind of bromance in what ways is it explored?
just titles are... well just titles. what made you feel the bromance as opposed to just two dudes happening to be friends in a movie?
Brandon Hughes
The nature of Nicholas. It's a struggle of a two kids in their adolescent. It's nice. But quite weird.
Robert Rogers
Dear Zachary, just trust me.
It's not like you've got anything better to do than watch all 3 movies in this thread.
Jason Lopez
i really do actually, i only have the time to watch about one movie a week. first time seeing fight club was thursday. weekly movie nig ht with a friend.
Thomas Scott
essential bromancekino list:
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure End of Watch Dumb and Dumber Wayne’s World Superbad 50/50 Shaun of the Dead The Shawshank Redemption Swingers (1996) Point Break (1991) Step Brothers (2008)
Blues Brothers The Man Who Would Be King Butch and Sundance
Adrian White
Saving Private Ryan Of Mice and Men Stand by Me Reservoir Dogs
Parker Price
>all these recommendations
could anons please just pick one and tell me why this film is important to them?
dont you care for these films for reasons? i really do appreciate it but when anons just list over a dozen movies its kind of hard to know where to begin or whats even worth while.
Jaxson Wilson
Owen Morris
because there's a lot of bro shit there user, just watch it all
Michael Russell
Don't question. Just watch.
Isaac Bailey
no? i get one movie a week, and thats kind of a new trend. theres a reason i had never seen fight club until wednesday.
if you guys dont want to actually give me a suggestion as opposed to a list, thats fair enough, but i honestly dont see why people would invest time in a title. stories are meant to make us feel and talk and discuss.
if noen of these films are worth discussing, why would i waste time watching them?
Hunter Lopez
So you and your friend watch one movie about male friendship together once a week? That's pretty cool, user, I wish my friends liked me enough to come to my movie night. I watch movies about lonliness.
Ethan Butler
>wanting films spoiled rather than going in blind
William Harris
Superbad is the best movie about friendship. It is the universal tale of growing up with a friend and starting to like different things but remaining friends through it all and finding romance etc. They do both have love interests in the movie, but it is shown very little. The movie hangs on the main characters friendship and how it evolves, plus it is very funny. Watch it.
Isaac Gomez
no, sorry, we watch films in general, but i have a strong desire to see more bromantic films after seeing fight club. it came close to something im looking for but the way it escalated was not really good for me.
i love you man was kind of great, which is odd cuz i dont really like comedies, but it worked really well. but i would like to try and find somethign as deep and layered as fight club but... different. not sure yet.
but we watch just about anything. its mostly him catching me up on films i missed out on cuz i never really watched movies growing up.
people were able to explain how the bromance of fight club made them feel without spoiling hte plot.
plot is just the series of events.
story is the more spiritual journey the characters go on.
and again, its not a spoiler ifi ts in the trailer, so just talking about how two friends bond over X and hwy you found it endearing isn't going to spoil the movie.
Levi Miller
that sounds much more up my alley, i can relate to that one quite a bit, im sure we all can. i remember seein commercials for it but it jjust seemed like some weird nerd comedy.
ill download it now
Joseph Ramirez
ok, let's see: Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Dumb and Dumber, Wayne’s World, Superbad, Shaun of the Dead and Step Brothers, are comedies, the main characters are two guys hanging around and doing stuff, don't want to spoiler anything 50/50, The Shawshank Redemption and Swingers, are more sentimental, friends helps to moving on Point Break its an action film
Jaxson Price
Rush Hour trilogy
I have always loved these movies because you can tel Tucker and Chan are bros in real life
Grayson Miller
>board for discussing television and movies
why do i even try?
thanks to the superbad user though, that was in depth and didnt spoil anything, not that id care if it did, but you put some real effort into it unless this guy: thanks man.
Jason Sanders
Excuse me I think you forgot to thank me.
Zachary Harris
thank you user
Michael Thomas
Everybody Wants Some!!
Dylan Fisher
clerks 2 for best bromance scene of all time
Alexander Taylor
I heard that Morgan Freeman described Shawshank Redemption as a nonsexual love story between two men. And it's kind of accurate. Here's an indication of what to expect, won't spoil the ending: >Red becomes interested in Andy the moment he lays eyes on him (love at first sight?) >They become friends >Andy survives many hardships both physical and mental, and yet his ability to remain true to himself and never lose hope inspires Red >They become separated, Red doesn't think he'll ever see Andy again >Red thinks of Andy when he's contemplating suicide
Asher Morales
I highly recommend End of Watch. Basically a buddy cop movie that focuses on the camaraderie of the two cops working together. Just the right mix of humour and drama.
Brayden Butler
Nicholas Cox
came here to post this
Nicholas Allen
Just watched the whole series on netflix and it was awesome.
Carson Turner
youtu.be/yrK1f4TsQfM Swiss Army Man, OP. It's a bizarre yet amazing film, with definitely lots of bromance. Go see it the fuck right now.
Colton Martin
Band of Brothers Not a movie but alot of bromances