The new Ghostbusters is out now, right? I'm assuming once again in a movie with primarily female cast the one or few male cast members outshine the female cast comedically. Just like in Paul Fieg's last movie "Spy."
The new Ghostbusters is out now, right...
To me, the main girls were better than Hemsworth.
They made Hemswoth really dumb in a cheap, unrealistic way.
Speaking of which, Hemsworth's entire career is really dumb in a cheap, unrealistic way
yeah he was essentially their pet. it was pretty uncomfortable
Speaking of which, Hemsworth is really dumb and annoying
Spy seemed to have more of a mixed cast, I do agree the males were funnier though.
I wanted to like the female cast. I just wish the acted in a more mature and intelligent manner instead of acting like fucking hyperactive cartoons.
No clue, the theater was empty and I didn't go.
Nope. Every male character is a moron. It's literally Sexism the movie: male edition.
It's a huge piece of shit that insults the name and is a 1/10 only because it has decent visuals in some spots so you can say "ooh, pretty".
>Every male character is a moron
And they even have the white male villain kill himself at the end, don't they?
No they blast him in the dick till he concedes
The main villain is a man, all the men are retarded, the military/cops (symbols of masculinity) are neutralised so the women are the only ones who can save humanity, the female cast stay reenacting crouching-tiger-hidden-dragon while being out of shape and fast showing "healthy at any weight".
The white man villain at the end is defeated by nut-shots.
Was this movie funded by Tumblr? Holy fucking shit.
Saw it. Enjoyed it.
Chris Hemsworth is a himbo but he's also really funny and he steals the movie.
>Every male character is a moron
You're an idiot. The women are idiots too you moron.
>the female cast stay reenacting crouching-tiger-hidden-dragon while being out of shape and fast showing "healthy at any weight".
Doesn't even happen. Butt hurt lies almost as big as your own fat ass.
The women are idiots? How are idiots inventing brand new technology in days?
Did you miss the scenes with mccarthy doing cart wheels?
>The women are idiots?
They're nitwits in almost every scene.
You're butt hurt has also caused you to forget that Rowan, a male character, also seems to be a technological genius.
>Did you miss the scenes with mccarthy doing cart wheels?
Hardly croucing tiger you pathetic faggot.
Now you silly boys know how it feels when there's a dumb bimbo character in one of your boy movies.
Consider this poetic justice.
Rush was great.
Rush was amazing. He does pick a lot of bad movies to act in. Can't blame him for making money though.
>People really think like this
So his whole thing is proving that women are funny and that women can make a great movie right?
But it's all under his captaincy. He pitched the idea to sony, he wrote it, he directed it, he hired everyone. He's in charge. Shouldn't that have been a woman's job? Even if the movie was a success it wouldn't prove his point.
>inb4 but womens aren't allowed in hollywood to do anything they need an ally like feig
but entirely black cast + director + writers movies can be made. And they make a profit (eg madea) Blacks are 15% of the population, how do they manage it?
A bit like
Sony just coated this film in femnism. They kinda pink-washed it.
Look at the girl power pic. There are mostly traditional job with females.
Even if this is only set crew. Not many of them have technical fields. Which is said to be men heavy staffed.
And they even sport stunt, which is normal if you have woman in action scenes, and actors, which is like you say a gang bang movie is girl power because so many female actors.
I read somewhere that zootopia is more girl power with females in techical and leading positions.
If this pics is a girl power for sony, than they set the goal very low.
>ang bang movie is girl power because so many female actors
How come you don't know what a gangbang is?
His character is too dumb to live. It's not even remotely funny how fucking retarded they made him.
It's all money grubbing, hollow virtue signalling to get the tumblr crowd to go see this movie mistaking a vocal minority of angry dumb teenagers and womanchildren and beta numale white knight hipsters for a large enough group to make their movie profitable. Their first mistake was assuming that they actually have money to see movies or care enough to go see them, they don't. Just like they don't buy comic books. they don't play video games, and they don't watch TV but all they do is cmplain about those things
How are the ticket sales going?
it was 3.4 opening night, hows it gone today?
I would say that this is the "Gone Home" of movies, but Gone Home actually made a profit and won awards
>They can literally release an image like that and people will write articles about how it was the misogynist assholes on the internet who made the film bout only having women
>This is the world we live in
For a movement obsessed with proving women can be the main players in action, comedy, and sci-fi, they sure don't try to do that with any original property.
>Star Wars
>Mad Max
All extremely well established franchises, inserting women into these films doesn't prove anything. And this is where most of the backlash is coming against these films, from forcing your agenda into beloved franchises, it isn't particularly a gender issue, it affects race as well as other thing. When it happens in favour of white people, people throw a shit-fit and call it white-washing. Well this is the same, except much much worse.
Wanna prove women are funny or badass action heros? Then fucking DO SO. Make an original film with original characters, get great critical reviews, get great audience reception, make a shit ton of money, and do it on your own merit.
They do.
You just don't notice.
Zootopia is also a good movie with actually good moral lesson.
And a sexy fascist sheep
Mad Max and TFA basically drop women into the role of being heroes like the men do, and act like it's normal considering the circumstances, while it may be cringey at times, it at least has the intention of being inclusive
Ghostbusters literally attempts to emasculate you
Therein lies the difference between a blockbuster and a bomb: DON'T FUCKING INSULT THE AUDIENCE YOU DIPSHITS
I await your proof.
Seriously there's like Bridemaids and that's it
Maybe Edge of Tomorrow although that flopped
Hemsworth saves the movie
>Maybe Edge of Tomorrow although that flopped
It flopped the same way Mad Max Fury Road did thankfully
You are fucking kidding me? Edge of Tomorrow is a 100% better movie than Fury Road
Also MM:FR was a good action movie.
GB 2016 is a terrible comedy.
I like both movies, but what I mean is that MMFR did reasonably well at the box office and even better in Blu Ray sales, same for EoT, which is even getting a sequel.
Fieg did remarkable things with Bridesmaids and The Heat.
I just checked his filmography and was shocked that Bridesmaids, The Heat, and Spy are basically his only films from the past 5 years. I really thought he would have more output.
Spy was okay, but I feel like McCarthy wasn't on her A game, and the film felt bland.
Really hope Ghostbusters is good. Love Wiig.
Mad Max did it really quite well, and I didn't really cringe at all to be honest as she wasn't quite your classical male action hero archetype anyway. She also wasn't a fucking mary sue like Rey was in TFA, and instead had depth and flaws. Mad Max was a solid film all around, with very few flaws. EoT is very similar in that regard, and the female action lead works fine considering that the field is somewhat equalised by the exoskeletons. Also a very solidly made film, but the marketing for it was atrocious.
Ghostbusters just looks so god damn superficial, which is a crazy direction to go with given the rich history of the franchise and the fact they wanted to go even further with it. The trailers and reviews I've seen indicate that it is all cheap laughs, in an almost slapstick direction, with very little seriousness or emotional depth. I don't understand that at all. I'm not sure any cast, male or female or mixed, could have saved it from a script direction like that. It's incredibly puzzling to me. They clearly WANTED to turn it into a franchise again, but the script and tone of the film don't appear (without watching it, which is obviously a flawed perspective) to be trying to BUILD any depth or emotional involvement into the film with only the scarcest of intrigue leading into another film. It's like they were counting on the investment in the previous instalments, which they effectively overwrote, to be the driving force still. I don't understand anything to do with this film, other than the fact Sony was aiming to make a shitload of money. Every decision after greenlighting it baffles me.
W-what? Edge of tomorrow is getting a sequel.
Oh my god.... I'm feeling breathless. That movie was a fucking gem.
Took a copy on deployment to the Desert last year. My squadron watched EoT over thirty times easily. When new people showed up and hasn't seen it we all rewatched it. "Tip of the spear, edge of the knife" had to be one of the most spoken phrases in Kuwait during those eight months.
He looks like a faggot. I would rather female ghostbusters than this guy being a ghostbuster.
>They made Hemswoth really dumb in a cheap, unrealistic way.
Pic related, how to write a sexy and dim-witted secretary in a charming way.
now you know how Women feel every time they see a movie with a Male cast with the females treated as stupid.
When the last time it happened?
literally every movie with a male cast
Look at that faggot's hands. Not a day of manual labor. I fucking love being a man. Many work manifests itself and becomes a part of me. This nu-male just lives to appease women.
Literally every modern movie has women being smart and capable.
Although sometimes they come out stupid, because the writers are stupid.
I mean, she did have a final solution in mind for the greater good of the state.
A game? I don't understand why people like her, she seems like an unfunny female Chris Farley that always misses the cue on slapstick comedy. Maybe I just developed an unreasonable hate after watching Identity Theft.
>almost as big as your own fat ass.
Remember, "fat shaming" is okay if you preemptively claim that to represent "social justice".
>Will there be more instances of rabid women wrapping their air-spurting labia around other unsuspecting childhood memories, strangling the rose-colored life out of them?
>YUP, THERE SURE WILL BE, YOU PETULANT, WOMAN-HATING CRETINS. Because in all seriousness, Ghostbusters 2016 is every bit as good as Ghostbusters 1984, and the fact that it stars four women — the hilarious Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon — is barely even worth discussing, let alone fretting over.
Fat acceptance only applies to women you faggot
I can't think of a movie I've enjoyed with a dumb bimbo
Unless you count pornography
mentally ill attention whores, all of them
the funny thing about spy is the only 2 memorable people were male side characters, even though one was obviously written to be a disgusting sexual harassment misogynist
>I just checked his filmography and was shocked that Bridesmaids, The Heat, and Spy are basically his only films from the past 5 years. I really thought he would have more output.
He's probably established that he's only willing to make comedies/action-comedies starring women, so nobody except fuckheads like Amy Pascal want to give him work.
>Consider this poetic justice.
Whoops, I forgot that "Justice" in "Social justice" stands for 'Revanchism". :^)