Whipped cream

>whipped cream
>a cat
>14 year-old girl

What was his endgame?

>Any claims to 14 year old pussy are actually about the Cat and playing with it
>Any mention of creampies is making whip cream pies.

Total alibi in the event he gets Hansoned.


How would Hansen respond if you just quoted TDKR lines at him

I have a feeling we'll find out on the new season.

>She's a little girl!
>For you

do u feel in charge

Went to high school with this guy...

mfw friends and I from high school still laugh about this shit.


Obviously he's gonna spray whipped cream on the cat and have the 14 year old girl lick it.

Any funny stories about him? Or was he just one of those invisible foreign kids

>tonights plan included me, the little girl and none of you

He misunderstood when she requested he eat pussy.

Didn't know him personally, but my buddy did from JROTC. Dude was a straight JROTC asshole from what I heard...

was getting caught part of his plan?

How would you respond if Hansen started throwing TDKR lines at you?
>What were your plans here tonight?
>"not much"
>Was getting caught part of your plan

A haiku:

Whipped cream in summer
A fourteen-year-old cunny
The cat is retching

>brings whipped cream to cover his ass
Anyone have the video link? This sounds like poetry.

why not just stay silent, go outside and get arrested and then request a lawyer?

everytime I see a clip of these goobers they incriminate themselves

You haven't met the mastermind, Jean Pierre Wehrey

What did the girl look like?

Why would just start cracking jokes and taking the piss, acting like I was just real-life trolling just for the lulz. Also pretend I'm a bit insane. Say I was just trying to see what happens if I carried out this dumb idea someone on the internet suggested to me. I'd get a few months and a fine.

This is what they should do. I understand you're getting caught in the moment and you can see your entire life rolling downhill. But you're making it worse by standing there and crying: "b-b-but I wasnt going to do anything!! ;_;"

There's no way you can make yourself look good if you walk naked into a room and they have a chat log about licking cats. Not even Tom Cruise could pull that off, so just get out silently.

"Jedi Return of the Clones"?


>Sooo....you just thought you'd message a 13 year old girl and convice her to to have sex then just come over to her house in broad daylight and execute said fantasy?

That is actually really clever.

top kek

shame for the low jpeg tho


I'm not convinced that John Pederson was a real person.

everybody thinks they can talk themselves out of getting arrested

What was his endgame? Eating homebaked cookies or going to the beach?

>tfw he beat Hansen and the charges, and made it to the beach in the end

Bravo, genericwhitemale.

>why don't you take a seat over there?
You have 30 seconds to think of a line that would save you. Wat say?

I fucked Ted.

Perhaps he's wondering why you'd interview a man before tackling him in the driveway

What?! No way.

Whens that out?


I knew this was a setup, but it was the only way to get to you Hansen. *seductively unzips pants*

I only came over to tell her that I couldn't come over

he wanted her to blank the blank

>it says here that you wanted to 'blank her blanking brains out'
>what did you mean by this?

its extremely pathetic and sad how desperate these guys are to try and wiggle themselves out. they have no idea how badly theyre making themselves look when they try to make up a story. the ones that just quickly ran out and didnt say anything did the best they could do in that situation.

Does he have a glass eye?

>"I see here in the chat logs, it says you're a pretty big guy."

>I've got the flight plan right here


Yes. Jedi Return of the Clones

when is the reboot coming out?

>episode where rabbi gets caught
>he starting trying to use jewish tricks on hansen
>me face

Someone give me the source of this image right now. If its not too much trouble, god bless

sounds like a 4channer

these threads are the best

who does Sup Forums self insert as?