What I learned on Sup Forums today

What I learned on Sup Forums today.

A) Trump supporters can't understand perspective or angles.

B) Trump supporters don't understand numbers.

D) they are obsessed with this one fucking topic, as is Trump.

C) they love "alternative facts".

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wait.. don't you mean that the other way around?

anti-Trump people keep saying Trump voters are "obsessed with Trump".... and yet the anti-Trumps are the ones who can't stop shitposting about it all day every day


No, and if i was a Trump supporter, I would be embarrassed by the company that I'm involved with.

Both side are obscessed with their own, politics has become such a big thing it is now its own class of hate, political hate

Nope, just posting about what I read, lurking in threads today.

Can't Trump and his fools just move past this?

"His sea of love", kek!

stay mad, cuck boi

Not mad, just a observation. I just see that Trump fools (which are only becoming fools after the election was over), are fighting this crowd size thing right along with him. Not realizing that it's dumb and petty. It's like trip says, I have a big dick, and his fools are saying, yes it is we've seen it, it's fabulous.

Why is it that the only thing most Americans can do is let political horse shit spew from their mouths all day every day as they mouth-breathe between massive walloping bites from their Big Macs and huge straw-sucks of Coke from their supersized drink?

This nonsense has abso-fucking-lutely zero effect on your individual life, and yet all you can do is BLAB BLAB BLAB BLAB BLAB about it all fucking day. Is this beurocratic fucking mouth-diarrhea really the only thing you people have to define your existence???

Thanks for correcting the record

Don't eat fast food, only drink water, other than beer. My existence is defined by my family, the work I do, and my awesome personality.

I usually ignore the Trump posts. As I said, the meat and potatoes of what I've read from Trump supporters today was crowd size. It's fucking dumb, why am I catching shit for it?

>constantly implying all Americans are like this
>only insult conceivable for an absolute dipshit like yourself

I know way more Americans who are fit, exceptionally strong and could beat the shit of nerds like yourself than I do obese ones. Many people will agree with this.

E) Anyone who disagrees with them is either a cuck or CTR

>liberals still haven't learned anything


>this humiliation will be talked about for as long as liberals provide the keks

Learned a lot really.


Full bladders matter

Anyone has a image that is a discription of hell by a criminal or something like that?

Say huh?

I learned pic related

>What I learned on Sup Forums today


>A) Trump supporters can't understand perspective or angles.
True. And anti-Trump progressives don't understand the reality of the politics if the DC population in relation to inauguration crowd sizes, and also can't accept that Trump, as a Republican who is very hated by Democrats, still managed to get the 5th largest crowd out of any inauguration.
>B) Trump supporters don't understand numbers.
True, they accept any statistic that supports their politics, just like anti-Trump progressives
>D) they are obsessed with this one fucking topic, as is Trump.
Well, since it's the progressives that keep bringing it up, non-stop, every fucking day, I'd say that you are more obsessed. I've seen more Trump supporters try to change the conversation to policy and supposed accomplishments, and seen progressives go right back to crowd sized. Good job.
>C) they love "alternative facts"
"Alternative facts" is a term coined to describe the MSM and their lack of respect for actual facts. This happens on both sides of the media, but became so regular during the end of the election cycle by the left (CNN especially, as far as somewhat credible outlets) that it was given a name.

T-rump is American Putin. He is tough in a way of american mentality. If russians are senseless and merciless regarding themselvs, so americans have almost became to sellers of themselves. And Trump is typical american leader.

It's hard having a sub-50 IQ, isn't it?

It's part of the funny, stupid!