I just finished watching this for the first time. What did you think of it?
I just finished watching this for the first time. What did you think of it?
It was awesome and the character Addy needs her own solomovie
how many fucking times are you going to make this thread?
um this is my first user... I am sorry if someone already posted about it before.
I'd rather see a standalone Willem Dafoe movie set before the events of this. She could be a character in the movie
It finally found a way of actually making Keanu a badass character, by building up an interesting world/atmosphere around him and having him be pretty much just along for the ride.
>It was awesome
Blatant lie or incredibly bad taste. Pretty sure it's the latter
Im gonna send Addy after you if you dont stop bullying
It had its moments for certain, but overall it wasn't great. The story was pretty two-dimensional.
Extremely overrated. I always hear this and Edge of Tomorrow being cited as the two best action movies of the 2010s. EoT deserves the praise. This absolutely does not. It's fun, but hardly better than a Fast & Furious movie.
>hardly better than a Fast & Furious movie
i mostly agree with this
It was fun. It wasn't amazing, but was fun.
>EoT deserves the praise.
Eat shit. EoT was dull garbage.
I think he's back.
I agree. John Wick is very overrated. It's a mediocre action B-movie at best with suprisingly clunky choreography given how much people yak about the action scenes.
sometimes the rock soundtrack was overused otherwise I enjoyed it. Keanu actually played a really good dramatic character.
How come no one ever came along to shoot him during his lengthy hand to hand struggles?
Also, ending was ripped from Blade Runner.
What about those bloodsquirts? I couldn't tell if it was practical or added in cgi in post.
kino/10 tbqh
worldbuilding: unique den of thieves unlike any other
action: haven't seen gun-fu like this since hit girl
Felt like Hotline Miami on film
I liked it
Both are very overrated. They're only good in comparison to what has come out recently.
Still decent action(/sci-fi)-shlock however.
>Also, ending was ripped from Blade Runner.
Because it was a fight in the rain? They weren't even on a tall building
I'm hyped for the sequel. Best Keanu flick since the Matrix
Slow death stare and conversation in rain. Guy dying while he's speaking to protagonist.
It was a fucking ripoff of bladerunner.
This is the second time I've heard this. How is this movie anything like Hotline Miami?
>muh worldbuilding
it was fine entertainment but let's not get carried away, turbopleb
Fast paced shooting action in close quarters. The club scene especially leads to this comparison with the atmosphere and music.
The neon font for the subtitles
I watched the yify version where they cut the dog killing scene and I had no idea why he was so angry and neglecting his dog the whole time.
Why did they cut the scene?
>tfw she won't be in the sequel
It's pure exploitation of the edgy, fedora-clad libertarian demographic.
>Protagonist has a perfect, attractive wife who handily dies so that he can spend his days brooding.
>Bad guys are apparently irredeemably evil, which justifies any use of violence against them
>The secondary characters don't go 5 minutes without mentioning the fact that John Wick is a total badass and should he feared like a vengeful deity.
>the only female character in the film that has screentime betrays John and gets rightfully punished.
>the ludicrous underground economy with the gold bullion coins is something straight out of an Ayn Rand novel or a piece of r/Bitcoin fan fiction.
Good up until he leaves his house after the ambush.
Last good scene is with the cleaners.
slowly unraveled after that and I couldn't t accept that after the church shootout they didn't just execute him in the parking lot
Universal Soldier IV: Day Of Reckoning is the other one user
Wasn't too bad, I don't think I even paused the movie to do something else once.
it's shit
It shall be you who is eating the shit.
Edge of Tomorrow is awesome.
l enjoyed the fight in the club, but apart from that l more or less agree
Damn you, OP!
How the fuck am I to ridicule you if I don't know if YOU liked it or not?
My response can't be the opposite of yours since YOU DIDN'T SAY IF YOU LIKED IT!!!
Well done, user. Well done indeed. You won. You beat me at my own game.
No doubt the first 20 minutes are a good solid dramatic emotional story.
The Equalizer was better.
Literally the best bartender in a movie ever
>EoT deserves the praise. This absolutely does not. It's fun, but hardly better than a Fast & Furious movie.
Pretty spot on.
>Talks about pencil killing
>Never seen in the film
That would seal the deal for me.
I enjoyed both, sad fact is Equalizer was a better hitman movie than any of the ones they made
Speaking of that ,don't know why people wanted a prequel to show that "impossible task", it'd never live up to it, plus it's far better for it to stay as mysterious and vague as possible.
Reddit tier meta posting.
It was good but thought it was slightly too long