HI user

HI user.

Добрый день, население планеты Земля. Мы - тайная мировая организация CYBER2CH. Может быть вы о нас не слышали, но это и к лучшему. Тысячи лет наше общество избранных поддерживало мироздание, создавало мир и войны, благоденствие и голод, создание и угасание. Это о нас писали Плутарх и Сюнь Цзы. Это мы выдвинули Трампа в президенты Америки, а Путина - в президенты России. Это наши последователи изобрели порох, корабли, запустили спутник на орбиту планеты и создали ядерную бомбу.


Считайтесь с нами.

Уважайте нас.






Good day, American anons.
You've heard about 'russian hackers', haven't you? We are here. Our name is CYBER2CH. Out next step will be destroying of USA and European Union from the inside.
We are the most powerful group in the world.
Beware us.

nice fucking baguette


Good day, the population of the planet Earth. We are the secret world organization CYBER2CH. Maybe you have not heard of us, but it's for your good. For thousands of years our society has supported the creation of elected, and created a world of war, famine and prosperity, creation and extinction. This is about us wrote Plutarch and Xun Zi. This is what we have put forward Trump American presidents, and Putin - Russia's president. These are our followers invented gunpowder, ships, launched a satellite into orbit of the planet and build a nuclear bomb.


Reckon with us.

Respect us.

Yo! American's faggot's! it's 2k17 and you can't webm with sound






Fancy bear is our fun project.
We are CYBER2CH.
We do nothing.
Beware us.


I am the member of CYBER2CH. Ask your questions while Im here.





We are make Trump a president just for lulz

how many dicks did you suck to get in? were they all smaller than yours?



You're a couch potato slav faggot

Привет, кибердаун

Pls answerI need to know, don't ask me why

Good night, sweet chan
No answers will be here. Just watch the TV

We don't suck dicks. Be serious please.



We doing nothing, in general
We don't suck dicks, in particular




Come on, you know that is lie Sergei


So there's two couck potatoes in total