Monte Hellman Edition.
What are your favourite Hellman films?
Monte Hellman Edition.
What are your favourite Hellman films?
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't seen any
You need to do something about that.
Big backlog of not Monte Hellman films to watch
>A grotesquely disfigured harpooner called Iguana is severely mistreated by his fellow sailors on a whaling ship in the 19th century. One night he escapes and takes up residence on a remote island. He makes himself ruler of the island and declares war on mankind. Anyone unfortunate enough to wind up on the island with Iguana is subjected to his cruel tyranny.
Literally me.
>posted from my iphone
Which is your favourite OP
Probably Cockfighter right now, pending a re-watch of Road to Nowhere.
I wonder if he will ever make another film.
Doubt, looks like he'll probably die soon
>written by and starring the bacon bathtub kid from Gummo
I really hope this gets made.
Seems to be in good health both mentally and physically. He's very active on facebook.
What's everyone been watching?
I feel like seeing Hideko Takamine again, so might watch something featuring her later.
Also, sorry Synt, I got impatient. Anyway, it wasn't all it was made out to be, although there were some great moments. Worth it for the haircuts alone.
Hail Mary
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Cry When it Happens
Julien Donkey-Boy
In Vanda's Room
Rio Bravo
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Heaven's Gate
Young Mr. Lincoln
Stray Dogs
Peggy Sue Got Married
Out of the Blue
Le genou d'Artémide
Rebel Without a Cause
The End of Evangelion
King of New York
I'm Hungry, I'm Cold
The Brown Bunny
Come Drink with Me
Day of the Dead
Rocky III
Mysterious Skin
The Lady from Shanghai
Landscape Suicide
Semi-Auto Colours
The Messiah
Late Spring
Assault on Precinct 13
Regular Lovers
Taxi Driver
The Day He Arrives
The Happening
Fallen Angels
Do the Right Thing
Poor Little Rich Girl
Mobile Men
Bad Movie
Paid in Full
U.S. Go Home
La libertad
Observando el cielo
Night of the Demon
Mountains May Depart
Memories of Murder
Mauvais Sang
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
If I Had Four Dromedaries
Halloween II
A Woman Under the Influence
The Hedge Theater
Punch-Drunk Love
The Terrorizers
Miracle Mile
Lessons of Darkness
Before Sunset
The Steel Helmet
The Nutty Professor
Elegy of a Voyage
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty
À nos amours
Who Am I This Time?
The Unchanging Sea
The Fourth Dimension
Bullet in the Head
Déjà Vu
Stop Making Sense
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts
Starship Troopers
Trash Humpers
The Unspeakable Act
Black Ice
The Eclipse
Silver Linings Playbook
Resident Evil: Afterlife
Days of Heaven
Marie Antoinette
Eyes Wide Shut
Millennium Mambo
The Yards
Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Amuse-gueule #1:
A Perfect World
The Hitcher
Mikey and Nicky
Film Socialism
Donnie Darko
just saving a cache'd list
In Vanda's Room
Public Enemies
Halloween II
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Beau Travail
Bad Lieutenant
Hail Mary
Window Water Baby Moving
Trash Humpers
Welcome to New York
Stray Dogs
Goodbye to Language
Under the Skin
Bad Movie
Field Niggas
Syndromes and a Century
Fight Club
A New Life
I Can't Sleep
Kill Baby, Kill
Hard to Be a God
Pain & Gain
Upstream Color
La libertad
The Mouth Agape
Aka Ana
House of Tolerance
Universal Soldier: Regeneration
The Fly
Lancelot du Lac
Y tu mamá también
Die Hard
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
The Thing
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
Love & Pop
Helter Skelter
In the Realm of the Senses
Woman in the Dunes
Visitor Q
Bitter Morsel
Heaven Knows What
The Earth Is a Sinful Song
Anal Juice
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Wake in Fright
Blind Beast
The Doom Generation
Ginger Snaps
Suzhou River
The Funhouse
Star 80
Green Room
Femme Fatale
The River
The Story of Marie and Julien
Saving another one don't mind me
I wish.
What are some films that unite plebs and patricians?
you motherfucker
If we contribute to meme magic enough it will spring to life from pure thought.
That kid has such a weird head.
anyone seen Jacob's ladder
I wish Gondry could write.
He is a visual genius, but everything he has done without Kaufman has been found lacking.
I Still enjoyed The Science of Sleep and Mood Indigo for the whimsical set pieces and effects, though.
You are such a child.
Stick to capeshit, you anti-art piece of shit.
It's a bad idea that creates middlebrow films. cf. Kubrick, Malick
Calm down, Kimchi.
I don't watch capeshit.
No, I haven't. Does he need it?
I literally laughed out loud at your comment.
There are very few that do this
The Thing, Alien, Terminator are the ones that immediately spring to mind for me. Seem universally liked
Reminder to all the "patricians" in these threads
Not a bad list at all, if we exclude the Tarkovskifags.
Reminder that Stanley Kubrick voted in /lbg/ poll.
What is with the hate for Tarkovski over here?
that list that was on letterboxd was better. Here's the raw data if anyone wants to recreate it:
>this poll actually triggered/keeps triggering people
You're pathetic
Retardation and memes. As with most of the other nonsensical 'hates'
tfw there is a The Ring vs The Grudge movie that was made and released this year
He is fishing for (You)
Well? Are you gonna blogshit or actually watch it?
>What is with the hate for Tarkovski over here?
It's entry level "muh first non-Hollywood director" and plebs here like him, especially his shittiest films (Mirror, Stalker)
I can't watch it I don't live in Japan
>stupid 'opinions'
Well, that sure explains a lot
Not worth my precious (You)
What sort of an excuse is that for the cinephile? Book a fucking fly and go watch it in Japan.
It came out a month ago it probably isn't playing there any more
Do you know who won?
wrnrrr hrzog
I worked 5 hours on an epic music video of Burial's Versus (
Unfortunately I lost it all because Sony Vegas is fucked up.
whats your account editor
and favorite herzog?
This some anti-lacrimosa shit
t. embryo shit
>It's entry level "muh first non-Hollywood director"
baby's first non-hollywood is generally french fags like Godard and Truffaut tbqh
Nowdays i guess it goes to a road with Von Trier and Haneke
>french fags
did u died
>some obscure western called Savage Pampas is one of the first 4K titles announced
based Germany
s m h
rly meks u tink
tfw don't know what too watch tonight
too many choices!
link watchlist and i'll help you
That's why you should start working through a list.
>wonder what to watch
>watch the first movies on the list I haven't seen
>stop procrastinating and actually watch more movies
>not just watching what looks interesting
fuck this forced list bullshit
let people develop their own tastes
we don't need any more embryo robots in this shithole
Don't bother. Going through a director's filmography is a far better idea.
Sure, sure, anyone sperging out against that list -or similar others- is the right kind to call anyone else embryos.
Different approaches, not necessarily antagonistic. And considering the possible use of the list, it's not a far better idea, nor is the list a simple checkpoint.
myrmician ant fascination :-3
Good film, but it could have more ass and stuff
Watch Ali it's coming a big meme nowadays
it is a forced list in as far as idiots like you shame others for not having seen a certain percentage of these apparently required films
yes, it is much more interesting when people in this thread watch different things rather than the same shit we all know about
if you actually looked at the full list that was made from the lbg poll you would see that there are users with interesting tastes
those are the people we should encourage as they bring something new to the table
not someone watching a film everyone knows is good etc
whether i am an embryo or not is besides the point
and you didn't actually say anything to refute my point
so shut the fuck up and stop this forced meme bullshit and just let people discover films for themselves
or at least provide them with a number of lists rather than this tired, entry-level shit
>idiots like you shame others for not having seen a certain percentage of these apparently required films
Well, we're right to shame plebs for being plebs. You sound like some obese bitch claiming athletic people are body shaming her and that she's just as healthy and beautiful as them.
P.S. watch more movies, you huge pleb
What is your account friend?
He is NEVER EVER going to post his profile, because he's obviously a huge pleb who probably saw a total of 20 movies this year.
pleb shaming is fine
but let's at least try and foster some diversity?
don't need 50 lozjudai's itt
again, i know i am a pleb, and it is besides the point
what does it matter?
this is Sup Forums not reddit, faggot
? people share profiles here. i just want to see if you have 'non TSPDT' taste.
>again, i know i am a pleb, and it is besides the point
But that's exactly the point.
First, you're an embryo. A big fat one, as it easily shows.
You don't have a point, but insecurity for being embryonic.
This is not a tired list, much less entry-level. Entry-level doesn't mean bad, but it's doubtful you would know, considering you're not even there yet.
I'm not forcing the list, btw, nor is actually anyone else. But its mere mention works like a charm to trigger autists like you.
Retards and plebs of your kind are not shamed enough in these threads for their deficiencies.
None of them merit any incentive or trophies for dancing in the third step.
Every user from the /lbg/ poll or else can have interesting tastes, not just the ones your sorry mind agrees with because goes against your limited idea of 'common'.
This pathetic place is already littered with embryos, so very obviously, most people here haven't seen 15% of this terrible, awful list.
Last, you're an embryo and proud of it. Go suck a knife.
t. scared lil embryo
watching films is a srs bsnss huh
>you're an embryo
>Go suck a knife.
Casual plebs will be casual plebs.
Damn. Hope this becomes pasta
i did have a point
a simple one
are you fucking daft?
stop sperging out just because i told you to fuck off with your stupid list that is spammed to death in these threads
Post profile or be silent forever.
cry more
>Couldn't post profile.
Why are you scared?
I organized it by number of votes and fixed as many errors as I could.