Lady Gaga

>creatively drained after releasing all the songs that she had worked on bit by bit for over a decade in obscurity
>don't want to take a long break and regroup to creatively recharge because crave attention
>won't just buy catchy songs from songwriters either because she thinks she should write her own songs
>churn out shit singles that nobody wants, but hey, at least she wrote them herself

Who are some artists whose careers were hampered by hubris from their early creative successes?

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Used to be soooo good, can't stand him since like 2006


who tf uses this word nigga are you that annoying geek in class


damn straight nigga
kick this geek ass op down nigga

read more bruh
no, reading shitposts doesnt count

fuckin word pham sm.h @ this nerd

go back to facebook, nigger

neo Sup Forums everyone.


t. white kid from massachusetts suburb


Is there a girl here who can confirm/deny whether or not she's actually wearing no makeup or if this is just the standard "no makeup xD ;-)" look that all celebs/models do but they're still wearing a bit of foundation/coverup?

Cause I swear all these types of pictures look the same and I'm not buying it, there's something unnatural about it

>hubris is a fancy word
Jesus Christ anons

Lol such hubris.

Not a grill, but I think that for once this is actually a nomakeup pic.

no but seriously what even is hubris

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

LOL I remember lurking this board years ago when y'all said she was the next David Bowie

Looks like mostly no makeup. Seems to be some mascara remnants from two days ago or something.

I thought Father John Misty wrote for her?


show 1 (one) post that said this or im calling hubris on your post

guys... she clearly has eyeliner on

>all pictures taken with exactly the same (iPhone) or very similarly built cameras have a tendency to make their subjects look vaguely similar
Well, who could've imagined that?

Excessive / extreme pride or overconfidence

I fucking missed seeing this pasta thanks user

I think that's just a lack of sleep, though I could be wrong.

read a book retard

Looks like she has some coverup on her under eye bags maybe?

yeah, this board is anything but "lit", you have to have a social disorder or be old af to spend free time alone reading books

If she does someone should tell her she needs a lot more.

naw, not shadow, I'm talking about that pencil thin line of black around her top eyelids and the mascara on her lower lashees

12yo closet homo detected

t. sassy gay guy

who /hubris/ here?

You're are dumbass. iPhone photos very often look different. That's why I said just these types of pics, the "hot celeb goes makeup free, check it out :-O" ones.

It just looks a little too good for 30 and literally zero makeup, and the coloring looks off too

Nigga How Does Hubris Even Exist. Just Close Your Eyes And Say Ego Or Something Hahahaha

It looks like if it's there, it's enough to take the edge off but not enough to make it obvious she's wearing it

t. insecure roastie
some people look good without makeup, you don't

>iPhone photos very often look different.
Same technology = similar looking photos, before digital effects. It's called science, user.


That's not La Roux...

she does have great skin obviously, you can still see the discoloration around her nose, eyes and mouth
don't think she's wearing anything but her upper lip is looking weird
most likely just residue in her lash line

>most likely just residue in her lash line

true, but its something

Obviously using hair dye, otherwise it looks pretty natural.

>like a girl would reveal the tricks of the trade

If that's genuine, props to her plastic surgeon

It's dangerous hubris when an industry artist starts to believe her own hype and tries to assert her own creative control with nothing to back it up

ITT : Hacks that got huge because their fanbase is too young to remember the obvious sources ripped off by said hack, whose career goes the way of the Hidenburg due to swallowed by their own massive ego

Read also: Marilyn Manson as Bowie

don't forget
>lowest ever rated episode of the simpsons

gags won fatty give it up

She should just hire some songwriters and pump out some more hits while she still has a banging body.

It's an acronym you dog
Hundreds under bridges raking in $

i didn't realize Sup Forums was a sub-100 iq board

even the dumbest polshit knows what hubris means ffs

>just performed the superbowl half time show
>has performed at the grammys for the past 8 billion years in a row
ya user shes really failing thanks to her /hubris/

she also won a golden globe and literally had an award made for her at the song writing hall of fame

Lady Gaga is kinda cute desu

The Fame and The Fame Monster are so good. It sucks that she's kind of riding the wave from them, but she did a really good job so it's hard to hate.

>biggest music regret is seeing The Strokes over Lady Gaga at Lollapalooza 2010. Prime Gaga on her best tour and I saw The fucking Strokes instead

shit i didn't know we were writing essays

the fame is probably her worst album except for the singles and like 2 other songs

she could've been

No? The singles are just the first few songs on the album, the second half is just as good but is less obliquely pop so it didn't get as much radio play.

>finding a way to make topic political

fuck off

Ive never heard anyone use the word irl

>Not anxiously awaiting her old crone days when she goes full Alice Cooper and has a career renaissance in her mid 40s.

It's that spot above a bitch's pussy

Legit looks like no makeup. 30 is not that old. I don't know what you would expect a 30 year old with no makeup to look like?

I think she looks better like this. she should forget her image and do something diffferent.

they didn't get radio play cause they weren't singles or promotional singles??

It's a type of sauce

>country pop
eww she's 10 years too late


didn't she already take a long break?

10 years ago was the height of the dance pop craze tho

>creatively drained
lmao, all that hard work prancing about like a whore and saying "rara gaga"

We've officially entered the Grimes Renaissance Era of popular music, which is when performers start capitalizing on the fact that they technically have the power to do everything themselves. However whether or not they have the talent to pull that sort of thing off creatively is a completely different matter, and only trial and error will clarify.

Mark my words, Lady Gaga is just one of many performers destined over the next few years to publicly mediocrify themselves out of hubris.

Who's this Hubris he sounds like an asshole

>pretending Stefani Iluminati is a real artist

The Fame is fucking great.

>he spends free time alone listening to music

>implying that every other board isn't sick of the fucking stormfront/pol/babby shit.

It's a containment board for a reason.

like 50+% of the posts on this fucking board aren't made by Hollywood/Israel employed shills.

It's prob more like 80%.

yet Sup Forums's hero trump is the biggest jew shill in fucking years, what a joke

nice false equivalency

What does Trump or Sup Forums have to do w/ the music scene being a complete work being used for social engineering etc?

Because the mainstream music industry has been seriously corrupt long before Sup Forums or Trump.


Well she's trying anyway.

so, since he got clean?