Looking for advice. So I met this asian girl on a dating website. She's pretty cute and we seem to get along quite well...

Looking for advice. So I met this asian girl on a dating website. She's pretty cute and we seem to get along quite well. My issue is that we've been out like 4 times now (went to a couple bars and a restaurant) and I've had to pay the tab every time. She doesn't offer any $ every time. Am I being a fag by being a little put off by this? I'm not a cheapskate but isn't it pretty common in this day and age for someone to at least offer? Is it because she's not from here?
tits for your trouble. thanks

is she giving up the goods after you foot the bill for all this shit?

negative. i think she would, we just haven't been alone yet really for that to happen

so you dont live together if that's correct maybe she has a bf and just using for food and shit

what kinda asian dingus

it's common for them to offer to pay if they're from certain areas. I've dated a few girls from Taiwan and one from China and they at least offered or paid. Not sure about Asian American to be honest...

Hi OP. I met up with a Chinese girl here studying abroad. Same happened to me our first two nights out as dates. Third date I rented a hotel room and pounded her very tight Chinese pussy. She was a vigrin. Point is, it wasn't until I ravaged her little sexy asian body that she then began to open up more and offer to pay for some things. She loved getting fucked, and offered to pay for the hotel next time. My advice, focus on getting alone and fucking her and use that as a measure to see if she will open up more regarding sharing costs. Enjoy that Asian OP! I have yellow fever and love it.

'tis true. i dunno, but its getting pretty fucking annoying. i'm ready to pull the plug

she's half chinese half portuguese.

Alao, post pic of her so I can live through you :)

what sort of asian is she? Korean, Chinese, Japanese? they've all got different customs. For example, a Chinese girl will usually offer to pay, a Korean... fuck no.

You haven't fucked her yet? You are a fag.

Thats not a bad idea. Maybe a cheap ass room at the Motel 6 or something. Been trying to bang some asian puss for the longest.

sounds like she's looking for a free ride like most women. not cultural.

I don't have a pic she deleted her dating profile.

Bad advice don't follow user. You try to force that dick into a place that you don't have the key to your fucked

If you can afford to not give a shit about the money, that's fine, but if she feels she can walk over you, it's going to even work against you, and you risk turning her off. So you need to find ways to escalate, or show some dominance any other way.

Talk about food, when she tells you about anything she likes, call her bluff and have her cook for you. Bring wine and go for it.

Plus the bitch has a better job than me. I dont' get it...

I met a Thai girl online and she'd insist on paying for half even if I got more stuff. She also knows how to cook and likes dick. I'm happy. Sorry OP.

Text her a pic of your sick and say your turn. Do big fag

OP. Rent the hotel, use that as your last time. What I did, I said to myself "this is gonna be the last time I offer, so might as well enjoy that Asian pussy" because I was constantly the one paying and initiating. Little did I know, it was this method of thinking that caused HER to initiate and pay for the next time. WIN!

Dubs, gotta do it op, send her your cock. You have nothing to lose

Ok Ok, give me a sec, I'll post the convo

If she wont contribute small cash for meals, do you think she will contribute towards bills/mortgage/etc? Think of this if you are considering a serious relationship

>I'm not a cheapskate but isn't it pretty common in this day and age for someone to at least offer? Is it because she's not from here?

I dated my wife for 3 years before we got married and in those 3 years she never paid a single penny for anything when we went out.

Ill also point out "in this day and age" is code word for "feminist" so unless you are dating a furry bull dyke or an SJW hipster forget "this day and age" is even a phrase and go by the "what would my grandfather have done/thought"

I would have said your father, but being Sup Forums, and most people around here are 15... your father is probably only in his mid 30's

Singles of truth. Bitches want equal pay not equal paying


If you expect your wife to "contribute" to bills/mortgage, you should both probably see other men

why not though? isnt that what all these cunts are crying/protesting for? equality?

Why wouldn't you expect them to contribute? Most women don't wanna be cooped up without a job and it would only be fair to contribute to living costs. Women are different man.

I just wanna see the asian. I love asians


I dont really care what femnazi scum cry or protest for.

I would never date or marry any woman that told me she "wants her own life, job, and money" or any woman who utters "I dont like being cooped up in this house".... Bye Bye

Im sure Tucker over there wearing pants 3 sizes too small would love to have you as his "wife"

found her on FB



She's cute. Definitely stand by my get her in a hotel room least hurrah advice.

Girlfriend and I split meals about 50/50. I wouldn't expect that from most women. You are getting to the point where she should at least OFFER to pay for something cheaper.

I think it's normal for the guy to pay for everything at first, as it's part of the wooing process. However, if you pay for 100% of stuff as the relationship goes on, you're setting a hard precedent to deviate from.

Maybe go somewhere cheaper and ask her "Do you mind getting it this time?" when the bill comes.

Hit up an AMP, you'll get your fix of Asians.

You're retarded. If she actually valued you as a person, she would sacrifice something once in a while for your sake.

exactly. now she's probably thinking I'm totally cool with paying forever. fuck that

Yes, you are a cheapskate. Aside from that, if she's Korean or Japanese, then it is the man's job to pay for everything. Don't like that? Find a bitchy Democrat Femnist who will be offended that you pay, but be privately offended that you're not paying. Lose-Lose.

don't say 'tis

>I'm not a cheapskate but isn't it pretty common in this day and age for someone to at least offer?

Only desperate girls. Girls like to feel being taken cared off


Listen to this man OP!

Still might be early in the dating process. However, if she's making way more than you, she should at least be splitting costs with you.

For a while I was making nearly double what my girl made. Therefore, I paid for 2/3 of meals, and she got the other 1/3. Seemed fair.

Preach, Sup Forumsrother

i hate fucking slopes

And I know her family has money too, she's always talking about how her dad bought her this $300 jacket for Christmas among other shit, he's got Season tix to the Cavs, etc...

"How about you take me out this time?"

Her choice, her bill.

This user know whats up. It's called being a man, something you faggot millennials are having a hard time comprehending apparently.

maybe I'll try the old go to the bathroom when the check comes trick

She looks like a fun fuck. Damn I'm such a sucker for almond eyed angels

She'll pay........when she lets you FUCK HER

Asian pussy and a cavs fan? I'm fucking in love. smash that LeBron loving asian honeypot OP!!!!!

Also, she told me her last ex was a fat bald nigger....



You sound like a controlling fag

Exactly. No wonder women have gone off the fucking rails. Men have turned into selfish bitches.

she doesnt even look remotely chinky you stupid fuck

i said she's half chink half portugeez

this one OP

How is her behaviour not a red flag to you, then?


i bet you also enjoy getting your tight fartbox fucked bloody by a 12 inch tranny

Bail, dude. She's obviously trash. And you're too beta for her anyway.

Not to mention this fucking faggot cuck and trap phase everyone under 30 is into