So... that sucked. Just watched the whole thing, quietly hoping it to become good. From episode 1 I thought: well that guy is part of his imagination. Lo and behold. Then we have American Psycho ripoff, some Memento-ish plotlines, and a whole bunch of cewl hacker scenes that I didn't give a shit about. After looking at the Anonymous-like revolution I wondered if I was supposed to feel scared/empowered by it? Is this show meant for teenagers?

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Weird. I was reading this thread earlier and they seem to like it a lot.

Meh... It felt like something I've seen before or seen other shows do better. It made me want to watch seasons 1-4 of Dexter again or something.

Man you really changed my mind, I feel bad for liking this series now. And I had thought it was an entertaining quality blend (with homage) of the things you mentioned.

Mister OP, what do you consider good and worth attention? Other that your incendiary hypberbolized opinion?

I never told you to feel bad for liking it, I can't help it you took it so personally.

I enjoyed Mad Men, True Detective s01, Rome, Sopranos, The Wire, Firefly, Fargo, and even Bojack Horseman. So, nothing special, but I felt nothing watching this show.

Also it's an honest question. Were you actually thrilled to see the cringe V for Vendetta ripoffs take over the world?
We do not forgive, we do not forget (We are finally awake. We are finally alive).
I have news for you: you're not an adult. You are an infant.

I liked the main characters acting a lot though, and the music was great. But it was basically Fight Club with hacking in a modern
setting. Not an original series.

bonesaw ribbiot

You make an insane amount of assumptions and have no idea how skewed your perception is. That's all I have for you.

> Here's some things I don't like but I bet you do so you're immature and I'm cultured.

I personally like it to be honest. I mean I actually agree with every point you made, I too saw it all coming from the first episode, but hey, it's entertaining to watch, and it seems like it'll get a lot better in S02.

It's not necessarily a bad thing that it's inspired by Fight Club, American Psycho and Memento if the result is good. The acting, atmosphere etc are good and the plot's interesting, so who cares.

why would anyone watch more than an hour or two of a show they dislike? methinks thou protest too much. it's an entertaining show. nothing more. if you are not entertained, why watch?

>From episode 1 I thought: well that guy is part of his imagination
No shit, you're just as smart as anyone else. Except you're a little more stupid than everyone else for thinking it's supposed to be a twist.

Utopia. Don't watch trailers, don't read synopsies. Just watch it.

The entire fucking show is these "infants" as you call them getting beat the fuck down by life.

The entire show is about their own little eccentricities or insanity leaking into their ideals, thus dooming them.

The entire point of the show is illness.

Is the black friend imaginary as well? I can't picture someone like him hanging with a fuccboi like Elliot.

I liked the show a lot, but I was cringing at the V for Vendetta part. That said, I'm still not totally convinced that wasn't a part of his fedora-induced hallucinations so I'm still along for the ride.

which one

I really like this show.

It tiptoes into cringecore sometimes but that's more a symptom of Elliot's Paranoid Schizophrenia that causes him to exaggerate extensively.

The cinematography is great. Practically every shot is a pleasure to take in.

The acting is on point. Slater was very hit or miss in his previous works but I dunno I'm digging him in this.

Everyone always talks about how they "saw that twist coming" but I think how they deal with that is really fresh and fun. When they reveal that Mr. Robot is in Elliot's head, he says to the audience
"You knew all along didn't you?" And now in season 2 he says "You kept secrets from me. I can't trust you yet" I think it's a really neat and simple way to engage the audience while still treating them as capable and intelligent viewers. Pretty impressive how no one has really done this before.

The hacking is also pretty on point. It's a bit exaggerated and sensationalized but you can definitely tell they adapt the story to what they can pull off instead of making up bullshit computer science.

It's also doing a stellar job of showcasing mental illness and bringing the issue to light.

It's basically the shit version of Fight Club. The music at the end of Season one was the exact same as the end of Fight Club. What the fuck, they didn't even try to hide it.

Brit one, released in 2013.

Second season isn't as good, but first is perfect.

are you sure his imaginary friend is the audience?

i mean he was saying that he wouldn't tell us/him what he talked about with the psychologist but we had seen it

Cool, dude. Now you can move on to something else.

Overall, I was thoroughly less impressed by Mr. Robot coming out of it than coming into it. Still a decent show, but I think that imaginary dad bullshit was so unnecessary. It went from being extremely unique to blatantly referential. As user mentioned, the 'Where is My Mind' homage showed that the show was a lot less original than I should have given it credit for.

>fight club but with hacking
>TV show instead of movie, so more time to go in-depth and construct an interesting narative
>most interesting shit happens off-screen, in an attempt to be deep
>excellent acting

I can see why people like it.
Won't watch season 2, my interest has waned, but season 1 was enteraining enough despite it's flaws.

It's barely paying homage, they straight off stole the idea from the movie. It's just a moneymaking scheme to get the new generation watching fight club again.


I dunno guys about you but I like to see this mix of Fight Club, V for Vendetta and Patrick Bateman with some on point "hacking". It doesn't cringe me at all, it's actually fun to watch.

I thought he meant what he said after "I'm afraid of him" which we didn't hear

I don't think it's bad to show your references, but I didn't think the show NEEDED to be a Fight Club ripoff, let alone show it straight up with a song. Everything about Elliott's neurotic, second person narrative felt super cool up until "oh by the way Tyler Durden lel"

>"Where is My Mind" literally starts playing

Mr. Robot's season 2 is still operating as an unchallenging protest pop art enabled by the very corporations it criticizes.

The heroes remain sexy in an “alternative” way that already felt hokey in the 1995 film Hackers, but that has come back into fashion now that the 1990s are old enough to serve as catnip for the corporate nostalgia machine and there's a sense that the creators care only about establishing pretenses to mount their formally self-conscious kitsch. The series is too busy being cool to matter.

you have a point tBh

>mfw Sup Forums is actually too retarded to understand a tv show


>the creators care only about establishing pretenses to mount their formally self-conscious kitsch
you are saying absolutely nothing here. storytelling is about establishing pretenses and then following a protagonist through this maze of pretenses through conflict, both internal and external, to an already established conclusion. it's just the way narratives go, mate.

>The series is too busy being cool to matter.
you mean, style over substance? age old argument. style IS substance.

Go bacķ to reddit you fucking faggot

well what the fuck did you expect bro? real controversial stuff in a tv show?

its whole point is to be unchallenging and entertaining. in real life it wouldnt take off because they just dont make a single fair point with their goals except for removing debt. also calling themselves fuck society just wouldn't sell.

as you said the show is allowed by corporations, obviously they wont bring up a single valid argument that could possibly drive people to try the same irl. and while they're at it they make criticism of society and corporations seem like the same old edgy empty shit so when someone brings up a valid point people doesn't pay attention. i torrented the show knowing this and still like it because its fun.

>unironically linking reddit

I dropped it as soon as the woman got BLACKED desu

This show is watched by a lot of arabs for some reason. I wonder how they feel about the characters trying their best to bring down their country that has one of the highest standards of living in the world because they aren't happy with it, and if they somehow managed to take it down, all they would accomplish is to become third world and experience actual struggle.

>The series is too busy being cool to matter.

I'm getting this feeling. Esmail is a fine showrunner, but a very poor director. I fear the show will just get fucking irritating.