that fucking ending...
I dont even know what to say
that fucking ending...
I dont even know what to say
Other urls found in this thread:
he is beyond autism now
the one with the short skirt is pretty hot tho
Look at the bottom of her ass, see the tiny black triangle shape
What the fuck is this, i haven't watched doug in like 3 years, has he completely lost it?
What review/video are these from?
lo, shes clearly a chubby and shes trying to hide it.
Never mind, just found it
Alvin and the Chipmonks CGI
Ive legit not watched a full one in years, only dipping in to see how shit its gotten,
The format is now
>overly long poorly edited opening
>unfunny skit with too many characters for 5 mins
>about 10 mins of no effort movie review
>finds something meme worthy
>5 min skit trying to make a new meme
>wrap up movie in about 3 mins
>final ebin skit for 10 mins that drags on and drags
>video ends
I think doug has had a psychotic break, how can any man write these shitty sketches week after week and think they are acceptable to film
Sad to admit it but it's getting harder and harder to deny that Tamara is a porker
your saying that like it's something bad
>life for the past 5 years has been doing Dougs unfunny shit
I would eat my own weight too
i would fucking kill my self
>"Nostalgia" Critic
>Chipmunks CG
I still don't understand
He ran out of actually nostalgic shit to review.
If he didn't have 200 people 'reviewing' shit on his site he could have kept it going.
The whole leaving and then blowing 200K on shitty jokes didn't help either.
Why is he missing 2/3ds of his eyebrows?
The thing is I didn't even know the original Chipmunks Movie existed until he brought it up in the review, and I'm actually old enough to have watched Chipmunks when it originally aired. A decent amount of effort went into this musical number but it was wasted parodying something I had no connection with and didn't give a shit about, which Doug seemed to assume a fair amount of his audience would.
How can one man be so pathetic and not have any self awareness.
He's become a master of convincing himself he's immune to all criticism by utilizing the IT'S A PARODY IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE BAD! cop out.
The funny thing is if you were to call him the Ed Wood of our generation he would take it completely as a compliment.
This man is so obnoxious
>those green screen effects
>those clothes
>lick my goddamn ass
This is true cringe and makes Kickassia look like Oscar material.
I seriously doubt Douge would even know who that is
Fat people, especially fat women, are disgusting pieces of shit that don't deserve to live with or be viewed by the rest of society.
lol projecting much?
We need somre more high quality pics and zoom ins
i made a reaction video
y tho
How can he even make the same joke twice?
>that song in the end
holy shit the cringe is real
fucking fuck fucnaenonljlnk
> all those crosses
He is a dissapointment to both his parents and God.
I love the original song though
Did nostaliga chick and nostalgia critic ever bang?
Seems like they would.
pretty catchy tbqph phamalam
just make 1 webm faggot
I'm a pedo or a furry if i found those chipettes arousing?
Talking about Doug and not me?
Douge really is faithfull to the source material
I should hate everything about Linkara but I don't for some reason.
>the amount of panty shots
>the tall nerdy one with the shortest skirt and you can see the panties 24//7
Aw lawd
>pretending there's some kind of debate as to which Chipmunks movie is better so he can do that "parody" at the end
>instead of "We're the boys of rock and roll"
>it's "We're the real chipmunks mov-ie"
I would literally rather watch Latza's Gamer Every Gamer Should Know.
I know Doug likes to draw, but does he not realize he's terrible at it? He always incorporates his cartoons and shit into their videos and they're terrible looking. They look like the work of a small child.
what the fuck...
She aborted his baby.
No way.
No, not really. I bet even she doesn't know who the father was.
Why did they buy a studio for? He literally still films infron of a blank wall and in hallways.
Not gonna lie pink shirt is hot as fuck
Doug probably drugged her during one of the recordings.
Nah there's just no way.
She did nail the Indian guy that plays the Heart Planeteer in his sketches though. Obivously she also dated Todd for years
Not even Sup Forums has anything this cringey in their industry.
Kill yourselves Sup Forumseddit
I have no way of confirming this but I'm going to tell other people about it as if it were a confirmed fact. Thanks user.
Poor Todd.
What did she have to wear?
Tell me.
Eeeeh im not so sure about that, personally
New York is so fucking doomed.
Ow the edge
>roomates inmediatly after dating
Cuck alert.
Well she did have an abortion when she was like, 19 or something. It wasn't really Doug's though.
It's your standard 7 or 9 DS9 costume. She looks pretty good but it's shot so incompetently there's very few shots of her ass or figure.
Best part was when people showed them this he just wrote well I was 18 we all did things like this when we were young.
What an ansolute fag.
Even fucked a tranny pre OP.
He also was once on Sup Forums asking what a poopy puffer is
She wore the costume. That shows you how little integrity SJW have.
>He also was once on Sup Forums asking what a poopy puffer is
Anybody have the screenshot of the guy on here talking about his work on Kickassia? I have all of Linkara's disgusting tomfoolery but I guess I never saved the stuff about the rest of these hacks
Before his patreon when he was asking people to binge watch his shit so he "can eat"
he even tried to shill his shit here by "let's watch it ironically XD" but got mad in the process, white knighted himself and asked
>What is a poopy puffer anywas?
I could understand a few years ago why people would watch this, but now day's its just shocking what type of people watch this shit?
There was a lot more but I don't think anyone saved it. I remember more about Film Brain being annoying and Rob Walker being an asshole.
Why the hell would you link your porn profile to your shitty webcomic that has all your irl info on it? Was he that desperate for pageviews?
that's the only one I've seen. Thanks, chief
Couldn't find any pics for some reason except for this part of the "poster."
>it's a the negress becomes a camwhore episode
I just looked up a clip from To Boldly Flee, her tits look huge in that thing.
six inches is average, what has porn done to us?
She looks ugly as fuck by now. Typical overweight feminist dressing like a woman in the 50s + glasses.
That means he is 4 inches.
Why is Brad so BASED?
im 28, i hope i can get a few 19 year olds but i haven't exactly become a sexy older man.
how did nobody record any of her camshows
Is that the same ex that posts evidence that he's a pathetic creeper stalker that is still trying to marry her?
Yeah, Praying Mantis. She's a whores herself out for P.F. Changs giftcards...I'm not making that up. Her twitter is full of nudes and giftcard requests.
>random note she could have easily made herself
what's he up to these days?
What he's always been doing. Not much has changed.
Making bank on Patreon
Who's that?
chick with the googles
Oh stop user. That shit fits with everything we've learned about Brad's shitty life in the last year and you know it
She looks so boring now she used to have some weird charm to her. Maybe it was the hair or the "only decent looking girl in a group full of nerds" vibe I was getting.
She was never below average.
What did he do?