>ITT: Things you find wrong with the movie or the characters in Titanic.
>Letting 90 year old women onto lifeboats, who are going to probably croak in a couple of years , over twenty year old men
>Rose throws the diamond into the ocean, knowingly letting those explorers waste precious time and resources just to hear her love story
>She could have sold that diamond and donated the money to charity or given it to her grandchildren so they could geta nice education
>Rose could have taken turns with Jack on being on that piece of driftwood rather than hog it all to herself
>Rose cucks her husband in the end by joining Jack in the afterlife instead of her true husband
In short, Rose was a real bitch.
Hunter Jones
The real bitch move was letting the researching vessel and crew spend all that money looking for the diamond she fucking had on her the whole time just so she could relive her the one time in her life that she was happy.
What kind of shit is that.
Ryder Martinez
The real kicker was that she got onto a lifeboat only to jump back on board the sinking ship. She essentially murdered whoever could have taken that seat she took just to abandon it.
She was a thief, a cheat, and an all around selfish bitch.
What I found out of character is that she went back to try and save that crying child in the flooding hallways, it would have been more in character for her to trample over him or just shove him out of her way. That part where she tried to help someone she didn't know wasn't in character at all.
Ryan Taylor
>Billy Zane's character was rich and therefor evil >he killed himself during the wall street crash lol
Julian King
What I never understood is why they looked at the guy who snuck onto the lifeboat with shame, but they don't look at any of the old crones who are just a heartbeat away from the cemetery who get on the lifeboats with shame. The guy who snuck on was much younger than some of the old ladies who got on. Some of our society's courtesies and logic behind chivalry are so fucked up.
>Society valuing the life of some 70 year odl woman who will never have anymore children over a 20-some thirty-some men.
That part of the movie pissed me off.
Henry Jackson
To really illustrate how fucked up the notion of women and children first is, regardless of the age of the woman. they should have had some old lady who is about 99 years old in a wheelchair and on oxygen get on the lifeboat and make a seat for her oxygen tank and also a seat for her wheelchair and a seat for her, letting her take a total of three seats.
Aiden Murphy
Leo Ramirez
Not to mention the fact that in real life a ton of those lifeboats were released well below occupancy, as the people in charge continued to shoo away the guys trying to get on.
So they actually enforced that policy? It wasn't some hollywood bullshit of senior citizens first?
Leo Gutierrez
How is it noble for a man in the prime of his youth to sacrifice himself for a woman whose going to board a lifeboat only to die of old age a year later?
What kind of logic is that?
Ryan Martinez
>Seeing a tragedy is just as hard as being in the tragedy
Yea I'm sure all of us who watched those towers fall on 9/11 had it just as bad as those trapped in the towers.
What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Isaac Richardson
I wonder if there were any smart men who just sneaked down into the living quarters and donned women's clothing and tried to pass themselves off as women to save themselves?
Leo Collins
>What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Liberal logic.
IIRC one Japanese guy did and was shamed for it until his death.
Christopher Sanchez
Reminds me of Hilldawg's "everyone knows women suffer the most from wars because their husbands die" shtick
Lincoln Hernandez
fucking feminists man
Parker Rivera
You would not need to do that now. Just tell them that you identify as a woman and it's fine. I'm not sure where otherkin go though. Before children I would think. Unless the child is black. Because their lives matter.
Dominic Mitchell
If they made it black it would have been harder to see...
Nolan Myers
>IIRC one Japanese guy did and was shamed for it until his death.
Better to be alive and shamed than dead. He could have just moved and changed his name.
Easton Watson
If I was on the Titanic I would've made it off.
I don't give a fuck about chivalry or muh sacrifice, fuck, I might even jump on the lifeboat and push some other women off
Cooper Bell
>So they actually enforced that policy? It wasn't some hollywood bullshit of senior citizens first? Uh, no? Have you literally never heard of "women and children first" or what? This is what happens in any disaster, no one gives a shit about men.
Brandon Walker
Holy shit I thought I was the only one who hated Rose. Everyone looks at me like I'm delusional when I explain this