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He's a blue guy Dabadi Dabadu


>Mara Jade and Ysalamiri confirmed to not be joining Thrawn by the series creator

About damn time. I had my doubts at first but it seems that the new-canon is cherry-picking the best parts of the Extended Universe and using them as needed. First KotOR is confirmed canon, now Thrawn? Happy day.

>First KotOR is confirmed canon

Well duh, this would be set before Shadows of the Empire.

>First KotOR is confirmed canon
It's not. They literally cherrypicked parts of the KOTOR era to bring back, that doesn't mean the entire thing is canon.

I don't care about Rebels but this got me fucking hype

The producer said he doesn't agree with how the ysalamiri work in conjunction with how the force is shown in the movies and stuff, so they won't show up anyway.


What's there to not agree with?
It's a stupid furry snake with legs that's force sensitive and has a way of repelling the force as a self defense mechanism.

If anything the Force is so vague and universal that you can do anything with it.
Plus it's the only way you conceivably nerf a goddamn Jedi Master.




>The key to destroying the sith is... a tree...

What did he mean by this?

my fucking sides


Saddly never :/


Wrong, friendo. Watch the trailer.

In the panel, Timothy Zahn was shown for a few moments saying he liked what they'd done. Plus a new canon novel.


>entire TIE dedicated episode
>Dark Troopers


Maul slashed up his eyes last season.

This all sounds cool and all, but they'll probably have a bunch of filler episodes again right when something good finally happens like last season

>Sabine with a jetpack and wielding the darksaber
>Proto-Fett style Imperial mando shocktroopers


Damn, Maul is still alive? That guy's immortal.

He's even more based now too

What the fuck I thought this was a Disney show, this is like slaughtering younglins tier shit lmao

The show's second season is amazing, especiallt compared to the first

He also cuts another Inquisitor in half (forced to be offscreen because Disney channel) and even blinds a main character with his lightsaber in that same episode.

Audience member asked if Maz Kanata would ever show up on Rebels. His non-answer indicated "probably".

Thrawn is voiced by a Mikkelsen.

Where was Kreia, was it in the trailer?

>Thrawn is voiced by a Mikkelsen.
Yeah, Not-Putin in House of Cards

>fucking helicopter ligthsabers
how does that even work?

kek that helicopter trick

people are hypothesizing the Kreia is the voice coming from the sith holocron.

The fan-theory is that Kreia put her voice/spirit in the Sith Holocron that's part of the main plot now in Rebels.

Repulsorlifts in the hilt are what make it spin. They turned the speed up to let them fly with it.

Is Maul on the light side now or something? Haven't watched Rebels yet

They learned from the best

Is that one guy voiced by the guy who voiced Minsk?

No. He's still floating around the dark side, but he's more of a third party because he hates Vader and Palpatine for what happened to him in TCW. He's just trying to corrupt Ezra into being his slightly dark side apprentice to spite Palpatine.

Animations still looks so fucking stiff compared to Clone Wars.

they have like a sixth of the budget to work with.

Lucas shoveled millions into TCW, which allowed them to do things that other 3D cartoons couldn't even dream of.

Disney doesn't want to give them more money than the bare minimum they need to animate episodes. That really limits what they can do.

I wish the animation quality was better and I wish they wouldn't mind showing lightsabers going through people, but it is a kids show on Disney XD so it's pretty understandable why its physical quality can't be as good as Clone Wars. Luckily the overall storyline is a lot more interesting.

They first season was really rough, but Rebels came into its own in season 2.

looks like season 3 will just be even better.

You all know well he is only used now to be beaten by stronk wimmin.

Even before he was confirmed people were suggesting that if he ever did, the art-based Mando girl would be his death. Her art is laced with explosives after all, and that's Thrawn's thing.

>filler episodes


Are you forgetting that entire episode that was just focused on Chopper? Even if it wasn't "filler" it was still awful compared to the episode prior with Kanan and Ezra finding out about Malachor.

are those pens in his pockets?

My only complain is that he has pupils, since Chiss are supposed to have just solid red eyes.

He wouldn't have a ysalamiri at this point anyway.

Sup Forums??

>secured mission critical information
>secured Imperial Data droid
>found out the Rebel base was a trap
>found new planet habital for the Rebels

No, user.

Chopper is based though




I may not have been filler but it still fucking sucked.

I wish it was filler so i could skip it if I ever do a rewatch but since it's important to the plot i have to sit through fucking droid antics for 20 minutes.

>hating an entire demographic of SW characters
The new canon is setting droids up for something sinister, like an uprising or something.

>Rebels S3 looks better than Rogue One

wew lad

>droid uprising
>new canon
That literally happened in the old canon

They could've made the Rogue One villain Thrawn instead.

I don't follow Star Wars much outside of the movies and a few games here and there, but is this the first time Thrawn has been made official canon? I know the books before the Disney buy were always up in the air and considered a different form of canon, but as far as I know, Rebels has been made true official canon, right? Has Thrawn been mentioned in any of the new books?

And it hasn't in the new canon yet, therefore it's all potentially just set up for it to happen.

like.. a droid army
might have to like clone people to be able to match such a force

Krennic is a great villain. He's not the issue.

I wonder if Krennic and Thrawn will meet in Rebels. Imagine the pottery.

The empire used battle droids in their training protocols in the old canon

There were like 5 different canons, and you just had to choose one. The two main ones were the Lucas canon, which was just the films and the EU canon, which consisted of everything from the EU that didn't contradict anything from the movies, so Thrawn was canon.

Well how the fuck else is he supposed to do his paperwork?

The battle droids didn't create themselves and have autonomy to rebel against the meat sacks. New canon is showing regular droids (protocol, astromech, etc) to try and fight against it, while being self-aware that they could do such a thing.

Yes, this is the first time Thrawn has been officially mentioned in the new canon.

Has he been in other material? What does he do?

Krennic is an entirely new character.

No, Krennic is an entirely new villain. He's the Empire's director of Advanced weapons research, so he has access to a bunch of cool prototypes.

Thrawn in Rebels is voiced by the brother of Krennic's actor though. So if they do a Rebels/Rogue One cross over, which has been hinted at, it would be cool if Thrawn and Krennic would interact.

that could be interesting
they already play it super safe, why not pick from the the clone wars

>Voiced by Lars Mikkelsen

On that note, do we have any information on Mads character in Rogue One?

oh shit....they got Zahn to come back?

Ben Mendelsohn plays Krennic. Mads is the scientist guy.

no this is wrong

Lars Mikkelsen is Mads Mikkelsen's brother, and Mads is playing Galen Erso, Jyn's father. Krennic is played by Ben Mendelsohn. All great actors though

He also went behind the scenes of adding Thrawn to Rebels to make sure that they did it right, within the limits of what the Story Group would allow.

Other than him being Jyn's father, not really.

whoops, silly me.

disregard my posts.

>Story Group
Is that like the Illuminati?

My understanding is that he creates the technology behind the death star but ends up regretting helping the empire or something like that.

It's an actual group that determines how canon works and congeals together, and how new things can be added to it without stepping on the toes of anything else int he new canon. That's literally their job description.

More importantly, DASH RENDAR? Maybe? Hopefully? That was the fucking Outrider after all.

Filoni said he wouldn't be in it


Why you gotta player hate on IG-88?

it's a YT-2400, just not Dash's YT-2400.

Well balls. That's not as exciting then.

He's been canon you faggot.

>Star Wars Rebels makes Star Wars feel like Star Wars in a way that Force Awakens couldn't

Suck on that JJ.

Correct me if I'm wrong?
but don't the thrawn books take place after the OT?
why is it a good thing he shows up before the OT?

Pic slightly related, though unconfirmed obviously

Fucking hell

They had a canon reboot about 5 years back.

all the old thrawn books are not canon

Dave Filoni, the producer of Rebels, confirmed that Mara Jade isn't going to show up. This was during the Rebels panel earlier today.

>blindly accepting Disney's erasing of everything