I guess big crowds at your inauguration is more important than having morals

I guess big crowds at your inauguration is more important than having morals...

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>doesn't understand what population density is


that's why it's a picture of murder rates

Not understanding what 'rate' is...

Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy

Y'see, this is why the world is fucked.
You idiots look at the two maps, and say QED, liberals are clearly more violent! (Or something. Fuck knows what goes on in your heads).
But, as with everything, it's more complicated than that.
Cities have more wealth, and therefore more opportunity for organised crime. That's where your murders come from.
Not much call for the mafia in Buttfucksville, Wyoming.
But sure, if this makes you feel better about the fact that no-one turned up for Trump's big day, which really really got under his skin, then great. Good for you.

Spot the libcuck.

Spot the insecure retard.

The fact that so many conservatives have come to equate logic and reason with liberalism is a genuine tragedy.

The same could be said for a population report of the us.
Where there are more people(cities,burbs) there will be more murder

Nice try though

>implying organized crime only exists in dense population centers
fuck off dumbass

large cities are more likely to be liberal, attract more parasitic types of people, have more progressive policing and governance, and the murder rate goes up as a result.

Unless you get a mayor who clamps down on that shit.

>in Major US Cities
not in all cities
what do those circles mean?
why are there circles covering half the state?
im so confused

>muh feels

hes not wrong
more money to be made in large cities than some small town full of cows
sure crime still goes on but not the same scale
low tier compared to cities

And here we have the typical libcuck behavior.

>Many people should mean less crimes
Sorry pal, but crimes per capita is higher in rural areas

cities have more jobs. People go there to work. Your argument doesn't really make sense.

By the way, why are we still shilling? Trump won, he will make merican nukes many again. And we will rate his reign in some years

Resorting to logic and reason? That figures.

You know that using words like "libcuck" instantly marks you out as a teenage virgin who's dressed by his mother? I mean, you probably aren't, but that's what everyone thinks of when they see you talking like that.

What do you expect? Republican voters tend to be dumber than Democratic voters.

I really can't wait for Sup Forums to be leftist again. Trump made Sup Forums great again

>muh [insert good thing here] high ground
Go eat cheese dick. I'm living on my own. Now get off this site before your bull comes back home.

>I'm living on my own.
I'm living with my girlfriend. She's really great.

>Murder rates after 4 years of Bareezy O'bantu
Of course, with Democratic murder rates like that how could we ever consider voting for a Republican?

The murder rates across Obama's presidency went down. Do keep up.

No, he was black and guess what coloured people started killing riots

>Doesn't understand what rate means


Not in infographic format, not a valid argument. Sorry bruh.

Doesn't understand, what unsignificant /pol charts are. Are we still trumpfagging?

Just more confirmation that the liberal mental disease has a greater propensity for violence. Liberal shitholes = high murder rates.

It's the amount you're charged for shooting a Niglet.

I love how they all ignored this lol

You are dumb and your post is dumb.

Compare domestic violence stats....

I could reply to you, if you want.
Did you know, that 70% of usa anons come from those red areas?

Those graphs do not correlate, wanker

XKCD never fails to amuse and educate.

Are we still unironically defending liberals?

nah, I hate that asshole

At least he pegged you in your tiny hole with your tiny dick. Liberal logic is like military intelligence. Oxymorons.

Oh u you autist you

>Ignoratio elenchi

Nice, faggot

and more people voted democrat in the general election.

>more people

Yeah, correct
White people, black people, Mexicans (citizenship optional), dead people, undocumented people. I understand a whole lot of people didn't vote for him.

Wow, that is a fact, I would have never thought of. Did you know, that every armed person during a mass shooting incident never fired back?

lol nope. Like all elections vote fraud was pretty minimal.

I laughed about that one my friend


I really hate it, when people never vote but call vote fraud

>officials refuse to investigate

Yep that's all the proof we need, case closed.