Remember me?
Other urls found in this thread:
hello there
apparently his name triggers the spam filter
>download 700mb divx movie
>download failed
All those porn files gone for ever
Is it going to flop like MEGA?
These were good friends.
DDL was the GOAT era for pirating kino
You had it coming
MEGA didn't flop.
How is this going to be different from MEGA?
>all those rare files, amateur vids and kino
>gone forever
one of the worst holocausts of the modern age
I would have had literally no use for these sites if I knew about soulseek in 2006-07. There's still mediafire/zippyshare though, so who cares.
i've literally never used megaupload. what's the deal with it?
i only remember rapidshare and hotfile.
They alread did.
>You have reached your download limit
Man I miss rapidshare.
People would upload a ton of stuff that's almost impossible to find now.
Torrent is only good for new stuff.
that one emma starr kino that you can't find anywhere
adding the 10yo torrent and seeing that it has one peer from qatar at 24.6% is the definition of despair
Anyone remember the rapidshare board here? God I found so much great porn there.
>God I found so much great child porn there.
IP logged.
Like jizz in the rain...
Time to die.
This was such horseshit
That's just part of the struggle for free
What happens to jizz in the rain? I don't experiment much.
Fuuuuuuuuuck, the nostalgia. I had completely forgotten about it. Got lots of great music from there.
I still use it.
Nostalgia? It's still my primary source when it comes to music, mate.
Really? For what? How does it compare to torrents?
I miss it. MU links were so much easier to find than Mega links and "mega" doesn't lend itself well towards searches.
>not still using it
TP clogged
Really? I started buying music when Limewire kicked the bucket.
At the time I looked into alternative services, but couldn't really find any.
What do you mean? Torrents are for specific files but slsk you just search all the files users share. For me I use it when nothing else gives what I want. If you get all your stuff from torrents then there's much need in fact you're better off without it. I only needed it because I got tired of being cucked looking for rare forgotten shit.
The fuck
Where do you people get your albums
Well yeah have you been living under a rock or something? You have all kind of options now.
It's the only way to get albums in 2k16 fampai, that and nodata and you're set
I'm glad it's mostly dead and people moved on to better p2p systems
If you only really listen to jungle/2-step/garage/house like myself, it's indispensable.
I could never get this thing to work, plus when it did it was so damn slow
lad :ok_hand:
Got a life premium account bought from a friend for like 30 bucks. Used it for 4 years before it megaupload permanently taken down.
I'd say it was money well spent.
There are some unfortunate generals on this site, I concede.
That's why I'm glad it's dead
It was a bad system
And to be honest I still don't know how the torrents system actually works, on paper it would seem impossible since essentially everyone I know doesn't seed
Is it really dead?
I still see some files shared there
Is it similar to torrent (seeds/peers) or p2p (kazaa etc) or does it have its own servers like newsgroups?
p2p systems never really dies, it's still on live support with some diehard users who refuse to let go
It's p2p but you need servers to handle the searches and find other peers
99% of the seeders are seedboxes. the rest are good folk who care about the rest of people and the freedom of the internet. I usually seed till 1:1
Yeah me too, and I always had shitty internet until a few weeks ago when I got fiber connection.
I still remember seeding Witcher 2 for a whole year waiting for it to reach 1:1
>100mb limit
>please wait
>can only download one file like every 12 hours
fuck that piece of shit
How is it a flop?
>50gb free cloud storage space
>Maximum download speed from any mega links
>No waiting time
I still wonder how and if it's making money though
quickly became a shitty share site, download speed was retarded as depositfiles
Remember me friendo?
>tfw obscure band lp is only available in this fucking program
Miss me yet?
dc++ master race reporting in
isn't still around?
Fuck yeah, precious rare hubs.
I was sharing my DV home movies to get in those.
aww yeah.
>mfw found a swede with [BBB] and a ton of movies
I was still using it until about a year ago. Just had it set to seed 40 Kbps max. Some Spanish-speaking cinephiles still use it and release rips on it. The main problem is that it takes so long to get anything because of users with slow upload speeds and a decline in use. The client hasn't even been updated in a decade.
They are not gone, they were just seized by NZ police. He has got all the files back now. I think most of them will be on the new service.
>they were seized by NZ
no they weren't you mong, the servers weren't even NZ based, they got deleted by the hoster years ago when Fatman couldn't pay the hosting bills after being arrested
According to Kim your account will be reactivated.
Spotify you poor nigger
>Weird little short films
>Rare clips from TV shows/movies
>Videos made out of creativity and not desire for money
>Videos pumped out daily for maximum profit, no regards for quality
Has any sit have had a harder decline?
let the bodies hit the floor...
>believing kim dot com
>after selling mega to chink overlords
>after making that shitty as album
Yeah. I lost interest around episode 650 or something.
Kim.com wants to bring it back, I KNOW! F U.
why does google ruin everything?
new one's a honeypot
>all dem suicidegirls sets lost to time
>AMV set to linkin park #4269
>blatant copying of YTMND
>sharing your family christmas 1998 vids to strangers
Jesus how could you be that desperat?
>Has any sit have had a harder decline?
This one. And both declines can be attributed to normalfags.
I didn't know people were searching for kpop back then.
>yfw this still exists
>an old forum with rare as shit video games from the 90's
>99% was megaupload links
it's all gone now...
>channel frederator cartoon weekend
>nockforce shorts
>indy mogul
>avgn episodes
youtube was so insanely comfy and newcomer friendly, you will be missed buddy
mfw i had it
still use it, lots of active communities there bro. literally the only place I download and share music.
>used to love realplayer files because they could fit on a floppy disk. Easy to transport from our main computer in the house to the computer in my room
fuck me I'm old
Fugg I remembered rs board now, gazillion stuff like porn movies and games. And they died like that.
MEGA is far and away the best option right now.
1 link full + yapa
Miss me?
fuck no you're the worst, virus laden piece of shit
I remember you all right
>search porn
>its named like brother sister sex in pool
>download it
>put in my flip phone
>watch and get virus
Pretty worth it tbqh
"i did not have relations with that woman"
>DL speed capped at 100
>Had to wait like 5 hours between links
Rapidshare quickly went to shit, I hated when stuff was uploaded there instead of Megaupload.
"i did not have sexual relations with that woman"
So much virus shit on there
how were they able to do it, bros?
it was always the best option out of all