Step aside Edwards and Legendary. Hideaki Anno and Toho will deliver true kino.
Godzilla Resurgence
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Stop saying kino, BvS shitters have tainted that word
when is it coming to America
Fucking hyped desu
Effects look really good.
he looks really good in action.
so much more кiиö. like some burning bleeding smoke explosion.
the only thing that bugs me are the tiny arms
Unknown at this point. But it opens in Japan on July 29th. I'm ready to see what Anno has cooked up for us. He put Eva 4.0 on the back-burner for this.
what's this expression supposed to convey?
HOW can it be unknown it it comes out in less than two weeks. trash.
The Japanese release is in two weeks. I'm assuming that North American distributors are waiting to see how it performs in its own country before making any commitments about bringing it to the US.
The compositing of the Godzilla suit into live action photography is pretty impressive. I think it kinda proves that back in the old days, visual effects looked shoddy more because of their poor integration - like how the film quality degrades with each layer of special effects that's added to it, or the black lines you'd often get around blue screened footage, of the need for a locked off camera in visual effects shots...
We saw all this and decided not only that analogue methods don't cut it when it comes to the compositing of visual effects, but also that the effects themselves should be computer generated, leading to at least two decades of unconvincing, poorly rendered effects.
He doesn't direct the Eva movies though, that's another guy. He's just the producer.
spoopy eyes
>I'm assuming that North American distributors are waiting to see how it performs in its own country
Godzilla rarely does outright bad.
They fucking better if they released Brave Militarymen feat. Godzilla
They know what they're doing when it comes to this shit
> The compositing of the Godzilla suit into live action photography is pretty impressive.
According to Toho it isn't a suit. Godzilla is completely CGI in the new film.
How does it compare to Godzilla (2014)?
Honestly outside of three REALLY noticable examples, Godzilla was integreated pretty well in the original 1954 film. It helped that the movie is mostly at night though.
Are you retarded? They said themselves that they used a suit and enhanced it with CGI
I could have sword I read that they said it was a giant puppet
That was the original plan. But, as reported by August Ragone two months ago, Toho has since stated that Godzilla is entirely CGI. According to rumors, the puppet failed special effects tests and was scrapped.
Thanks, now my equilibrium is all fucked
today I will remind them
Yeah, I mean a lot of the Godzilla stuff across the years has been really good, and works really well, if not often obviously minatures.
I think my point is that here in the west, we've developed such an unhealthy obsession with computers that this notion has been developed that they should be used for EVERYTHING, resulting in so much shoddy CGI in Hollywood blockbusters.
Although granted, we need it to be terrible before we could get to the point where, like today, CGI rendering can be pretty good, but it doesn't change the fact that a simpler, analogue option can still look better in the long run.
>fuck me I shat my pants
I hope Godzilla actually isn't entirely CGI. Why can't Japan just accept and realize they fucking suck at CGI? I've seen US tv commercials with better CGI than Japan feature films.
>I hope Godzilla actually isn't entirely CGI.
It's not. The first image we saw of it was photos leaked from the set. It's a physical thing.
If this movie fails Japan's entire film industry is tanking with it, they put everything into it and took a huge risk because Godzilla isn't popular with Japs anymore who would rather watch anal seepage like One Piece.
The budget for the film isn't actually that much, nor there has been a lot of marketing.
Final Wars, the last Japanese produced Godzilla film, made $12 million on a $20 million budget.
Yes. A physical prop does exist. Here's a more recent image of it. However, for months now, Toho has been claiming that Godzilla will be completely CGI in Resurgence.
The fanbase has been back and forth on the effectiveness of the marketing. If August Ragone is to be believed, Toho is doing its job. If you believe Jim Ballard, the marketing is almost nonexistent. We'll find out in two weeks.
i dunno why it is but i just love seeing huge laser beams wrecking shit up
>Final Wars, the last Japanese produced Godzilla film, made $12 million on a $20 million budget.
Final Wars also wasn't very good
>, for months now, Toho has been claiming that Godzilla will be completely CGI
Doesn't mean anything, there is a few CGI-only shots in the first trailer, but most of it is practical (probably not a suit, though).
The glow on his scars and the cartoon helicopters in the new spot are CGI, of course.
Why is Godzilla evil now?
because it's time to stop pussyfooting around with a 300 ft tall nuclear atrocity in a world that's already burning to the ground around us
You'll get no disagreements from me. Plus, its box office competition was The Incredibles and Howl's Moving Castle.
On another note, don't forget about the Godzilla x Eva Crossover Promotion happening right now. I've heard the merchandise is selling well. Maybe Toho can attract a larger audience. Rebuild does big business in Japan.
> there is a few CGI-only shots in the first trailer, but most of it is practical (probably not a suit, though).
Ragone said the effects in the first trailer weren't finished and Shinji Higuchi (special effects director) later admitted they were behind. Plus he confirmed that digital effects were the primary method of bringing Godzilla to life this time around. Unless Toho is lying, it looks like we have our first CGI Japanese Godzilla.
Well this one seems to actually have Godzilla in it
Japanese ones didn't really do good in the last 17 years.
EVA vs Godzilla fucking when?
With these two properties coming so close together now, it's insane to delay the inevitable
>those eyes
Godzilla's anglo?
>wait, where are my keys
I'm hoping an animated short will be attached to Godzilla Resurgence. Would be a waste not to take advantage of this opportunity.
But he writes them too, that at least I know.
Also how are you certian that he did not direct them?
Looks like cookie monster
>All I hear is:
>Asuka with Godzilla
>Shinji with Mechagodzilla
Not the guy you're responding to, but Kazuya Tsurumaki does the majority of the actual directing, he's been involved with EVA since the beginning with Anno. Anno's dictating what Rebuild is, but Tsurumaki is running the ship.
Wikipedia lists Anno as Chief Director, Writer, and Producer of the Rebuild films. He has similar credits for Godzilla Resurgence.
ughh no wonder why we have been getting so much shitty CGI on the rebuild movies then.
So Anno doesnt write them anymore? I find that hard to believe.
3.33 was a huge mess thought.
they specifically wanted to create a Godzilla for the and I quote 'post 9/11 and Fukushima world' and it's about time if you ask me
>Godzilla resurgence is actually EVA 4.0
Yeah Anno writes them, he's in charge of the story. EVA is his baby. The point is he's not so involved with the finer details of the production.
He looks so fucking evil. I hope he wins.
He'll be killed by the poison they hit him with but his tail will split off and grow into the next Godzilla
Screencap this
Ohh interesting, so he is writting the films at least.
Ohh and toiletfags?
I don't know why but I love that Godzilla, the movie maybe a meh but the design
man godzilla being the bad guy always sucks in godzilla movies.
Modern Big Budget Japanese Godzilla Movie
oh goddammit
Anno seems to be looking towards Gojira (1954) for most of his inspiration. Allegedly, he wants to surpass it and his new film will feature a similar amount of Godzilla. Adjusted for running time I hope. Gojira (1954) is an hour and thirty minutes. Resurgence will be two hours.
Reminder that Anno is a master of trailers.
And remember his last big movie was Evangelion 3.0.
Don't be fooled by a good looking trailer.
The movie will probably waste 30 minutes on Godzilla having some homoerotic romance with some jap teenager.
If the leaks are true this Godzilla is like The Thing, he goes through life cycles and absorbs living creatures and tries to replicate himself in a gruesome way
bravo snyder!
And you're forgetting that Anno is co-directing the film with Shinji Higuchi, so he's not on his own doing his shit.
way too long for single monster flick tbqh
> The movie will probably waste 30 minutes on Godzilla having some homoerotic romance with some jap teenager.
I find it almost odd how anno goes from making a philosophical, emotional, beautiful work of art to a simple kaiju flick
>good looking trailer
u wot m8
Solo Godzilla movies are always solid.
Anonymous, you're ignoring the 3 horrible cash grab movies between those two films
implying this wont be the end of eva of godzilla flicks
He was always sort of evil. Half the films where he's the "hero" are about baiting him into fucking another monster up and then putting him into a coma
>Simple Kaiju flick
This is kaiju Kino, you'll see.
>The man who made Rebuild waifu schlock directly contradicting what NGEVA was all about
He lost all claim to giving a fuck quite a while ago
EVA fags can't reconcile the fact that toku shit has always been Anno's real passion
The original had lots of attractions. Godzilla fighting tanks, then planes, sinking ships, attacking trains etc. I hope this Godzilla at least destroys Tokyo Skytree.
Allegedly Anno will be addressing the Fukushima Accident, the recent push for Japanese remilitarization, and the influence/effectiveness of the government (both international and domestic). I think that's more than a simple kaiju flick. And from the sound of it, Godzilla will be treated like an actual god this time around. Maybe something similar to the Forrest Spirit of Princess Mononoke or God Warrior of Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind
Considering how this one is clearly in some way about the Fukushima disaster, I'd say this is the first one since the '54 original to potentially have some real depth to it.
Of course that doesn't mean he won't fuck it up.
so basically its doing what Gareth Edwards movie was supposed to do
I feel bad for people who have only seen this and not Love & Pop and Shiki-Jitsu
Every single Toho movie had some kind of message.
Atragon for example spoke against dangers of militant patriotism. Usually it's just one shoehorned sentence about the evironment.
ever been driving at night and its really foggy and youre kinda drowsy and you hit the "WAKE THE FUCK UP" lines and it kinda sounds like these things? It spooked me so hard I wasnt tired the rest of the remaining two hours of the drive
All those lines sound like to me is when you stick something in a bicycle tires spokes
Many of Godzilla's movies and big enemies reinstate the same message of the 54 movie but are topographical for their time.
What I mean is that Godzilla was the horror the post-war Japan felt at atomic weapons, Ghidorah was the terror of the space age, Hedorah was the pollution that was killing Japan at the time, in 1984 the true terror was Cold War tension, and Biollante the fear of genetic engineering that was a big thing at that time (Jurassic Park novel for example also reflected it)
And now after Fukushima they have another huge tragedy to give birth to him again
Why not this? It was about Japan trying to forget the past (sins of WWII) and dangers of doing so. It returned Godzilla to his darker roots. It's easily one of the more critically acclaimed entries in the franchise.
Legendary better give King Ghidorah his own movie.
Also add Gamera to the Godzilla vs King Kong mix
Do the Japanese know that their new Godzilla design is goofy looking?
I personally think Tokyo SOS did a better job of that
> Every single Toho movie had some kind of message.
> Usually it's just one shoehorned sentence about the evironment.
Those were the movies produced between 1991-1995 and I don't think too highly of them for many reasons.
Japan doesn't care about Godzilla.
wow the CGI looks surprisingly really good.
No doubt this will be so much better than the 4/10 Godzilla from 2014
>Not goofy as fuck
It's part of the charm, a horrifying nuclear monster is one thing but if it looks fucking retarded that's even more horrifying.
the Heisei movies didn't talk about the environment that much, that was Showa's thing and even then it was mostly Hedorah
>4/10 Godzilla from 2014
Hedorah was kind of a loose remake of Gojira (1954). Except war and nuclear weapon anxieties were replaced with concerns about rampant pollution. Seriously, think about it.
And the Heisei films usually shoehorned in some heavy handed, irrelevant message. Especially at the end. Godzilla vs Mothra (1992) was the worst offender in this regard.
The only bad Heisei movies were Mothra and SpaceGodzilla.