watching the new RLM re:View Ghostbusters.
What did they mean by this?
watching the new RLM re:View Ghostbusters.
What did they mean by this?
can't believe these two sexists bash the new movie without watching it. canceled my patreon right then and there
Armored skeptic got his fame from taking on the arguments of dumb youtube christians. Atheists will watch anything that validates their viewpoint.
The other two validate the opinions of their fanbase in the same way.
None of them have anything of substance to say.
These guys make up voices like old radios
I unironically thought the left and right guys were the same person
They're all huge pricks getting rich off pandering to no-life losers. You think they're your friends? They're not your friends! They wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
>pandering to no-life losers
I agree with the rest but i wonder how rlm fans are any diffrent?
Because RLM actually puts their own thoughts out there.
They're still not your friends, but they aren't trying to be. If they wanted to pander, they'd have called Fant4stic the worst movie of all time or something similar.
Armored Fatass is protected by his many rolls. Your jabs are ineffectual, OP and RLM.
it's called a joke
well meme'd, my friend
RLM is better than the other three.
But their fanbase still likes to be pandered to.
We like point out nostalgia critic and the horrible fan movies or other youtubers constantly asking for patreon donations; in what way is rlm diffrent?
The difference is that RLM resists pandering, despite their audience's requests. If they pandered, they'd have 50 Plinkett reviews out by now.
Also, how often have you heard them promote their Patreon? They made literally one video advertising it when they first started and have pretty much let it be ever since.
Just playing devils advocate.
Their films are shit tho.
Honestly, in the end they are all the same, if you give them money in any way, you are a literal retard. RLM isn't in any way superior to these pricks, they do literally the same thing, just have a different audience.
I finally bought one of their commentary tracks yesterday. It was the best dollar I've ever spent. Besides that one time I bought a scratch-off and won $25,000.
Holy fuck remove jay's cock out of your mouth. RLM pander to their fanbase all the fucking time.
open the bandcamp page in your browsers source code mode, search for ".mp3" and download it for free :^)
You're a moron. Mike had absolutely no intention of making plinkett videos beyond the early star trek ones, but because people kept requesting more he gave in. The reason there aren't 50 of them is because they take a lot of time and effort to make, jesus fucking christ you are stupid.
They haven't made a Plinkett review in almost 4 years. The ones that were made before that were sporadic and occasionally made to fuck with people's expectations (Cop Dog). Why you so angry, bro?
No, I won't do that to Rich and the other two.
>Mike had absolutely no intention of making plinkett videos beyond the early star trek ones
And how do you know this?
11 video reviews in 7 years is basically sucking off your audience
I'm assuming this is sarcasm. If not, holy shit dat autism.
fassbinder directed 25 long films in 13 years, rimming the audiences both sides of berlin wall
Please don't make fun of autism or I'll have no choice but to report you.
Why is everyone hating on based Jeremy?
>ywn suck off Jay to completion
They need to put angry joe on that list after his over the top ghostbusters review....
Armored Skeptic is not remotely funny and he ruined June too. She went from being cute and funny sometimes to buying up skeptic's ass with every tweet she posts.
>not appreciating young love
Come on, dude, let them have their fun.
nah nig, she went from being sort of funny to pretty much being the real life version of NOTICE ME SENAPAI 24/7
>tfw someone else beat you to it
They need to bring back women. It's getting creepy for guys in their 30s to be doing this shit.
Are they a couple? I hope so. They're so cute together! :3
You're the creep, friend.
I assume he just meant all of them, though I distinctly remember Jahns always having a red background.
Also they have a pretty good grasp of what makes Ghostbusters so damn good. Didn't know Dan Ackroyd was legit crazy in real life.
Rich said in the pokemon go video on pre rec that he randomly said that guy with the red background and he really doesnt have anything agaisnt those guys
Ugh! Women are gross. Stop grossing me out, dude.
>Mike calling Melissa McCarthy fat
>Rich calling other e-celebs obnoxious while his vidya show is pure cancer
Fat women are 10 times worse than fat men
fuck you woman only bring down the vibe
Has Jay ever been BLACKED?
Are Mike and Jesse even still together?
No, Jessi left.
You literally have no idea if this is the case or not.
On Pre Rec Rich names her from time to time (doesn't talk about her, just like "I was doing this thing and she and Jay or whoever were there") so it seems she's still around, just not involved with the shows at all.
Because RLM is actually made up of people who talk about shit organically. They also stopped giving a shit about pretty much anything so Sup Forums projects easily. This is why Sup Forums only likes Jack ironically, because he hasn't given up on life and isn't self aware of his own uselessness.