Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread.
Come one, come all, and come read a few chapters with us.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread.
Come one, come all, and come read a few chapters with us.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.
Links to read Berserk online:
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It's a manga that's been running for 20+ years now, and it's pretty incredible. One of the things that's most interesting about it, is that the author has basically reinvented himself in his style several times throughout the series, while still keeping it true to its roots. During the first 10 volumes (referred to collectively as the "Golden Age" arc), it's basically gritty 80s style manga of purely dark medieval warfare, becoming borderlined historical fiction. but in volumes 11-12+ literally hell opens up and pours itself onto earth evil dead style but in a completely serious manner. Over the next ~5 volumes you have every bit of bad in his world corrupted and risen to full blown demonic rape-fests; corrupt priests burning everyone at the stake, packs of roving goblins kidnapping women, raping and impregnating them to make more monsters, an evil god-emporer who tries to take over the world etc. It then turns into a traditional swords/sorcery fantasy where Guts assembles a team of rag-tag heroes to destroy the five God Hands of hell, one of whom was his best friend and rival during the Golden Age.
Hey guys! What's up?
Hey Zer0!
All is pretty well within the norm.
By the way, was was up with that whole "alternative truth" thing?
Hey. Sorry for missing last nights thread.
How are things?
It's all good.
Things are pretty good, not too much going on, next week will see an increase in activity, though.
it's been too long since i last read these early chapters.
Agreed, it makes for a nice re-read.
End of Volume 11 Chapter 8
Onto Chapter 9
>By the way, was was up with that whole "alternative truth" thing?
MSM trying to spin shit again.
Every day is the same. As in, I can't tell the days apart and nothing is worth remembering. I may have been dropped from the burger job I applied for. The worst part about that is they were really desperate and I was overly qualified. So I don't know what I did wrong. My friend is AWOL. He's not responding to texts. My other friend may be literally AWOL from the Air Force. I'm always depressed and tired. I may have cancer.
But I has spaghetti tonight. So I'm in a slightly better mood. Plus, it's always nice talking to you.
How was school?
But wasn't it the White House who came up with the term?
I was just curious if there was any valid reason why they'd use the term in that situation.
Trump is a scared child and doesn't like things not turning out as great as he expected.
That's a lot of rough things going on all at once, I'm here if you want to talk about any of it.
All I can say for now is to not get discouraged and to keep on going.
Spaghetti is always a cheerful way to end your day.
Classes have been alright, one week completed.
Think this'll be a relatively easy semester, barring two or three classes, but I'm looking forward to it.
Relatively excited for a computer science class, never done anything of the sort before.
I start tutoring other students next week, so that'll be fun.
Name-calling aside, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
I don't know the full story, but it seems their attempt at deception fell pretty flat.
Thanks man.
I'm glad you're doing alright. What do you think computer science is going to be? Like, coding? Maybe building one?
You're a tutor now too? Is there anything you can't do?
FUCK sorry i came late from work sorry user, now lets enjoy BERSERK HELL YEAH!!!
It's an introduction to programming in C.
Not the fanciest language out there, and I don't think it's used much anymore, but it's not like it's core to my education.
You're here now, it's time to start the party!
Glad you could make it to my favorite part of the night.
End of Volume 11 Chapter 9 and end of dump for tonight.
I think the intent was to brand what the WH was saying as an alternative to the "facts" (read: blatant lies) the MSM was pushing out. It fell flat on its ass for obvious reasons.
I doubt that what that user said is the case. The media made it a massive issue because 1) they wanted to circlejerk about how Orwellian the term is (in this they are correct - how that fact escaped Trump's advisors is a mystery) and 2) it gave them a great opportunity to deflect from the fact that they are far more dishonest and rampant distributors of "alternative facts" than the US government.
Forgot the rest of my post, yeah I'm tutoring a basic chemistry class, which is what I like doing since it's not too complex.
It turns out I can't maintain being thin without working out.
I think I started to get fat so I'm running/working out again now.
Fuck off CTR.
You never know. The military could always use a windtalker. C may become so dated they they start using it to program again.
Thanks for dumping. Loggin off. Dicord will be open if you need me.
user that got late here, ahh is so good to be young, make these days worth remembering caus when you get a work everything gets "grey" not like bad but really unimportant i make good money but i cant enjoy it, no time and when i have time i clean my house.....so good to be young
don't even know what this means.
I thought trump was upset about the photos comparing the inauguration ceremony crowds and just yelled at his press secretary until he gave an unprepared batshit-crazy press conference?
wait no he was pissed about the women's march.
I thought it was that Kellyanne person who came out and said it was an "alternative fact," in that case it wasn't any media company saying that, but literally what the white house person said.
I'm not concerned with what the media said and did with it, you know I'm not so stupid that i'd take what the media says for granted, my point is and only has been what the white house has said and done.
It's very true that the media is incredibly corrupt as you said, but that's not the point. The point I care about is what the White House says and does. That's what's important.
Very eloquent rebuttal.
Not that this one's any better, but at least it's unbiased.
Makes sense, reminds me of the Navajo during WWII.
Sure, I'll be around as well.
Point well taken.
see you tomorrow op ill come home early if possible!
Sounds good, we'll be here!
Take care.
You mean the ones the media spread where they took photos from two completely different times (the Trump one was taken hours earlier in comparison to the Obama one)?
>Navajo during WW2
That was my intent. There's a pretty good Nick Cage movie about them if you're interested.
What's it called?
Will check out most likely.
I doubt he gives a fuck about a bunch of feminists yelling about their vaginas.
Do keep in mind that I don't completely remember what the "alternative facts" thing was - it swiftly got buried in a bunch of other bullshit the media found the time to screech about. Anyway, I think she was referring to either what the Trump admin. was saying as an "alternative" to the media's BS, or she was referring to the media's BS as "alternative facts".
>The point I care about is what the White House says and does. That's what's important.
Exactly. The media can bitch all it wants but nobody's listening. What the WH is up to is far more important.
I don't doubt there was a time gap. I saw some shit showing the crowd at the motorcade and it was taken like 2 hours before it even started. People fall for that shit easily and hit share because of the confirmation bias.
Real or not, would he not be upset about that story being spread everywhere?
Yo, thanks! Might actually pick this up, looks nice
What's that? The first in history black democratic US president had a bigger turn out in a democrat controlled state than a republican, which everyone's been slandering and brainwashing others to believe is bad?
>What a supprise.
Why does it matter how many people showed up to his innoguration? It's like your morons grab on to literally any straw you can at this point. He's your president now. Get over it. You're acting like a child, bitching about something because you didn't get what you want. You mongols were trying to impeach him before you even gave him reason. God I hate you degenerates.
It's called Windtalkers.
>Real or not, would he not be upset about that story being spread everywhere?
An excellent point - especially since it was fake news. I'd be a little pissed off too if I were him.
I think you completely misread my post, friend.
Fuck. I think I did. Sorry dude. I'm just a bit upset. Can't think clearly. I'm so sorry.
She was defending the legitimacy of Spicer's words by saying what he presented were "alternative facts."
I agree that we should be focused on the WH, which is what I've always done.
But why are you so hung up on what the media says and does when you know it's bullshit and continue to say that it's not important and we should instead be focusing on what the WH is doing.
If that's true, I don't understand why you brought up the media in the first place.
Not to criticize, it's just been bugging me is all.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
That's the spirit!
Hope you enjoy it.
I should've picked up on that title.
Will bookmark, maybe it's on Netflix.
Forgot pic
The MSM was using it as an opportunity to clutch their pearls and pretend to be unbiased and all that shit for all of about five seconds. See, in my head I had thrown the whole debacle in the category of "shit the MSM says" (mainly because in a way they did start it), but now you've jogged my memory a bit so I do remember the term originated from Kellyanne Conway.
My take on the issue: she was right to defend Spicer, the media are lying jackasses. The use of the term "alternative facts" was a significant persuasive misstep though.
"The use of the term "alternative facts" was a significant persuasive misstep though."
Agreed there, pretty much what I was going after. Didn't know if there was a more logical reason she'd defend him like that or if she was just incompetent.
But I still don't understand, why are you so obsessed with demonizing MSM if you admittedly don't care about them and think they're full of lies?
I don't disagree and I'm not defending them, I don't understand why you bring them it so often and criticize them, instead of going to the heart of the matter.
>Didn't know if there was a more logical reason she'd defend him like that or if she was just incompetent.
Incompetent? Not necessarily, she helped Trump win the election. Made a mistake? Likely.
As for the MSM, I hate them precisely because they're a bunch of corrupt lying cunts who have ruined any and all legitimate attempts at journalism.
hang in there user, shit will turn around
Fair enough, but what do you have to gain from letting everyone know?
This is my own belief projecting,
projecting, but I've never seen the point in complaining about something if you're not going to do anything to try and fix it, else you're just wasting your time.
How do fellow strugglers? Been a fan for ten years or so, just gonna ask this, knowing that it's a stupid question. When is the next chapter coming out? Last page of the last chapter said early 2017, but anyone know specifics?
Should be around April, when the Berserk (2017) anime starts airing.
Thanks user, have a nice day
You too, enjoy yourself.