My ex hit me up 4 months after we broke up so im thinking "sweet ill be able to tap when i come back from school. The I realize she has a bf. The problem is that she had cheated on this guy before with me, so I stopped what I was doing cause im not a fucking asshole and im not about to blindly cheat on this guy with this whore. is there anyone that is interested in seeing the text convo where she "broke down" and begs me not to tell her bf?
My ex hit me up 4 months after we broke up so im thinking "sweet ill be able to tap when i come back from school...
more info: the guy had told my ex that he didnt want her texting me in the past.
Purple is my ex
Blue is her bf
Red is me
This is where i started having a bit of fun and decided to fuck with her a bit
keep going!
so did you rat the slut out or what?
>stop being immature
Thats sort of funny
I think that shes actually mentally unstable enough to hurt herself and I dont want her to kill herself either (i dont hate her i just think shes a shit human)
Do it.
Tell him.
Knowing, and not letting them know is just as bad as being a scumbag and fucking her.
She is being a typical cunt and playing the "poor me im gonna kill myself because im a piece of shit and cheat on people that truly care about me!"
Fuck that.
Tell him.
be a bro, warn the dude, he deserves that.
post the vids
Last one
I suggest you let her taste the consequences that come with her actions. She seems like such a spoiled enough bitch to deserve the worst possible treatment.
Fuck off, botfag
The thing is I cant. This girl has a lot of potential. I cant really go into it but shes a high class competitor. If i tell her bf he breaks up with her and then shell know it was me. I really want to tell the guy but she might actually kill herself like shes diagnosed with depression
Dude charge your phone
This. Fuck the whore. If she kills herself over her own actions it's not your fault. Bro code.
Bitch deserved to be taken down a notch or two.
Probably could have demanded stuff and gotten some good shit
Bro Code actually dictates that you go to the dude without the chick's consent or knowledge to discuss this situation, That way he can be the final arbitrator of the situation.
Two fucking retards telling each other how good people they are whilst both behaving like fucking reprobates.
Nice one OP, you're officially on the retard list
So about those videos
You should have fuckd
just wanted her to feel like shit, I know im not a good person
Tell her you want a fucking album of the nastiest pictures she's ever taken or he finds out.
Then share
Where the fuck did I say to tell her anything? I agreed with the previous post of warning the guy. Faggot.
OP if you don't tell the boyfriend you are doing him a disservice and are actually inhibiting him to commit suicide. The girl wouldn't kill herself, she's just pulling that shit because she knows it works. When the boyfriend comes home from work and sees a BBC busting her pussy open, he will want to kill himself. If you tell him, you give him the upper hand and you will actually prevent a suicide. Make the right call OP
A fitting provider for you, user
dead on.
She knows the choices she is making, he has no idea and will be crushed. Lets find the rates of suicide of people who do the cheating vs. people who get cheated on.
Not even close i bet.
Time to get over her, dude. You're clearly still fucking obsessed with her and have probably taken her off block already. about these videos...
I thought you were implying that he could still uphold the code and just go ahead and tell him, I was just meaning to say that a true adherent of the code wouldn't have talked at her first.
You are such a faggot, tell him you cuck
Zach here. Can confirm.
>Tell Zach
She deserves it OP just do it. Zach probably doesn't deserve you not to tell him
Tell him and post results
tell him u cunt
From now on, if at least 1 person gets a get, OP tells zach from a different phone number, for every other get he sends zach a video
kys op, ur a cunt