What are YOU doing to prevent the rise of Facism in your country?

What are YOU doing to prevent the rise of Facism in your country?

Tipping trash cans, linking arms with my fellow selfhating manlets, screaming shit I don't fully understand and throwing rocks thinking I'm being totally anarchist and then posting about it. Also speaking for minorities cuz apparently we need Antifturds to speak for us

I have a fucking bat and a .38 to beat up nazis in the streets

I live in Brazil

Anarchy isn't even the goal. Most antifa aren't anarchists. Some are capitalists, communists, socialists, democrat, republican and libertarian.

The only agenda the Antifa has is stopping the spread of Fascism.

I voted for Trump instead of Hillary. I did my part to save the world.

Right on, comrade. I hear it's bad over there.

Sitting back and waiting for the libtards and conservacucks to conveniently eliminate eachother. Once they are all gone then we won't have to worry about fascists wielding power.

I find Donald Trump to be a deplorable man, but he is not a fascist.

Steve Bannon, however, is.

But fascists are the only ones being nice to me even though I'm a visible minority. What say you and your brethren y you tryna rid the good guys

smearing my period blood against walls

Make certain to always vote against the liberal ,socialist,race baiter/haters, communist progressives of the Democratic National Party

The fascists will smile to your face and tell you all about nationalism and how they just want to protect everyone's culture.

This is a lie. There is no such thing as, how Richard Spencer puts it, a 'peaceful ethnic cleansing'

fucking cunt.

The Democratic party is a sham and is just as much an instrument of big business as the Republicans.

Masturbating to tomgirl doujins alone in my basement

>Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete.

lol a .38..you must be poor, just kill yourself.

Antifa didn't stop anyone. It was the military industrial complex that you complain about every 5 minutes that stopped the nazis.

They're the only ones treating me with any equality compared to those who preach it and preach tolerance but the totalitarian mob rule mind set of the "antifa" i know wont accept me cause i think slightlt different from them. Why is that am i not allowed to think for my own as a minority or am i suppost to give in to the viticmization

A little bit, yeah, but thats ok
Let's clean the fascist trash from the streets ya?

this police state loving fashy will defend you minority

Kiss my .38, bitch

Oh baby uwu

There is no rise of facism in my country. It has pretty much been stable.

Attacking pro-lifers on facebook



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this is now a cringe thread.

stop the spread of fascism by:

causing martial law by forcing increasing response from police.

being a part of the controlled opposition. you are all being used and you dont even know it. plus you wouldnt actually stand a chance against the right. we are the ones with all the guns and we know how to use them. you'd have to be pretty fucking retarded to think that your movement is anything more than a fashion show. manlets.

I've got guns. Wake me up when you stop being a bunch of faggots and are ready to actually break a law.

We have to fight them at every turn.
All trumpits are KKK

You say you 'know' they wont accept you, which implies they haven't rejected you. Antifa is about nothing more than stopping fascism. Everyone has different deeper political beliefs, but the bottom line is; If you are willing to fight fascism, you're accepted.

Only good nazi is a dead nazi.

Then ship him off to a ghetto, right?

we also have the right to disclose who funds your group at every turn. do you think that you and your broke ass "comrades" fund the movement? what a bunch of tards. nice fashion show, faggots.

Right now? I'm looking for tranny midget porn, that shit is rare.

Im with you!
Long live the left!!!

From canada

I am pro-gun and not even on the 'left' as you put it.

I'm working fairly hard to establish in our local movement that we're not looking for SJW neoliberal peace talkers. We're looking for revolutionaries who are ready to stand and fight.

We've got legal defense funds and lawyers, as well as a list of incarcerated antifa who we are working on appeals for and attempting to get them back on the streets.

Your wrong about that!
No one funds us we are the people!

no I will provide him with a lifestyle you antifa cucks can only dream of. face it you will never attain success in life because you're too jealous of other people's success.

Im in where you at user

>legal defense and lawyers

You're still asking them to treat you like people, still showing faith in the rule of law that got us here. Might as well vote for Clinton.

What wrong with clinton?


what legal defence do you have when we get you on camera detroying property and assaulting people? Are you perhaps retarded? Enjoy the next 8 years cuck.

Yea because you guys on the right are soooooooo peacefull

it works but don't share it everywhere so it gets patched

kool aid is strong with this one. you do realize that you are being featured as a potential terrorist group. and i'm sure you already know where else you've been kicked out of or banned. you are not for the people. you get shifted around based on politcal agendas. this place was crickets only a few years ago. pretty soon you'll be classified with the muslim brotherhood, femen, and the rest of the groups that being used as a pawn to destabilize the current government. they couldnt rig it, they couldnt overturn it, they couldnt recount it, they couldnt force the electors, and now they cant start a civil war. this time around if you pull your shit you'll be labeled a terrorist group. fashion show over. no more face masks, and long jail time when you disrupt the public or property. cunts.

Seriously, how does this even make sense? Seriously!
If you can provide any type of articulate/lucid answer, it will solve American politics.

1/10, earned a (You).

I'm actually fairly successful and I grew up wealthy. Good try though.

South Florida Antifa. Peep us round Little Havana.

Because we're not stupid enough to break into a prison and bring the hammer of god down upon us?

I have no faith in the rule of law, but we've been able to reduce and commute sentences, getting our heavy hitters back working.

Hillary Clinton was and is a instrument of multi-national corporations. Maybe a little better than Trump. If so, not by much.

When's the last time anyone on the right was filmed destroying the people's property and assaulting people?

literally wotking with the mob and helping negotiate with chilean banks and not paying taxes because my boss only tells the gov i make 20k a year, whilst i'm making ~78k.

Self defense from the left

Son, if you let them arrest you you've either not brought enough guns or men. You're hoisting the black flag, but you're not slitting throats.


government has tanks. antifa has bats. hmmm who wins i wonder.

Islam has done nothin wrong. Its american imperialism that is at fault here.
The racist past of are nation has come back to haunt us. Islam is being provoked by the capitalist elites. We must pull together for a global future

The people we're working on right now are incarcerated for defending others and themselves.

One individual was a victim of a neoliberal system that placed him in jail to responding to a neo-nazi who pushed him, because it was not a stand your ground state.

I'm having a little trouble understanding what you're asking. How is Donald Trump not a Fascist while Bannon is? Is that right?

Fuck you commie scum!

You are a white male im guessing
its not your fault


No it's called niggers belong in nigger countries figuring out their nigger problems on their own instead of being parasites in my civilization. Don't want them dead they just need to get the fuck out of my country.

Hmm, I wonder why we haven't had another Waco in the last 20 years...


These didn't happen during organized events, these were during personal time.

I can't exactly tell my guys not to fly flag when they're alone. They have some sort of antifa logo on them, run into a nazi crew and shit happens.

I'm talking about how minorities are oppressed by not being able to vote because they don't know how to use or have access to the internet, can't afford to buy any form of identification, etc. Even though this narrative is incredibly false and insulting. But I know what I'm talking about because I'm a self hating trust fund baby who has no real world experience and have never interacted with the people I supposedly speak for.


I have no issue with requiring ID to vote. You seem to have me confused with the neoliberal democratic party.

Its just a shame that we lost the war. We could be so much more.

But democratie just doesnt work. We need one.

A Führer

Unseren Führer

>it's the only logical choice

It's funny how this idiots think THEY stopped the Nazis. When it was actually the people they are accusing of being the Nazis.

Work with retards and you get retarded results. Bobby Sands might have clashed with the orange, but everyone knew it was the soldiers that were the real problem.

You're a gang banger with a manifesto.

Damn straight

>Islam has done nothin wrong
Except kill gays and execute women who are raped

>killing people

Yea that sounds right

Love him or hate him, you can't argue that McVeigh was unsuccessful.

This man is buried in Arlington national cemetery. Former SS officer Laüri Törni deal with it. National hero, killed commies for decades.

Dude come on thats fucking racist
There not all like that
Alot are cool with antifa in europe

Communism killed millions of people

Is it okay to punch a Communist?

You're x10000 times more likely to encounter a Red Star / Che Guevara T-shirt wearing motherfucker

I am helping by spreading the good news and how awesome monarchies are as a safe alternative :P

To bad he didnt blow up salon

Voted for Trump.
By installing a government that serves the interests of business over its citizens, it meets the very definition of Fascism and pulls the political-social pendulum back so far, when released it should smash the fucking scales.

Until they are the majority and then you're getting tossed off the roof with the other people they don't like. Go to Saudi Arabia and watch how they treat anything that isn't their specific form of Islam. They even treat Shiites like absolute shit and they are in the same overall religion!

I walk around punching commies and fascists nigga

>Communism killed millions of people

Kek what??
Na bro
Thats nazis

It didn't matter what he blew up so long as it was a federal building on the anniversary of Waco and it killed enough folks to remind the State that it could bleed.

Constitutional Monarchy is best Monarchy


man, just look at all that shit
fucking packrats

Religion isn't race though and with that Logic of not all muslim should some Nationalist be okay if they don't push the White Ethno-Nationalist agenda those guys aren't pushing a racist Agenda or is Nationalism all around bad but Islam is just an exception to that Hypocritical way of thinking

Imperium is glory

Am I the only one who's pretty sure he's almost certainly an alcoholic, too? Fucking look at the guy. Nobody talks about this but is anything known about how much Bannon drinks?

Actually Stalin killed more people than Hitler but the Jew run media wants to keep focus on Hitler for all the sympathy money they get. When Stalin took control over the farms and tried to run them more efficiently than farmers could he fucked it all up and millions starved. Not counting all the people he had killed or imprisoned in camps and slowly worked to death.
Then you have Pol Pot and the Kmer Rouge, a communist revolutionary group who took power in Cambodia and murderd tons of people.
But keep on being ignorant to even the most basic facts that's why you are Antifa scum in the first place.

Totes bro


Hahaha the jews please go back to /pol

By not joining alt-left fascist groups like antifa

that's pretty gay user
This must be a joke, those guys are elders.

São Paulo?

And when Chinese communists took over they murderd millions in a great purge to get rid of everyone that disagreed with them.
Also the Bolsheviks murdered everyone they didn't agree with when they took power.
Starting to see a trend developing amongst communists?

wo you got me haha I guess Communism isn't a total failure

absolutely nothing now, as I'm shitposting in a thread of retards. fite me.

nationalism is fascism
So no
