Wats up Sup Forumsros you have prolly seen me post pic related past few days but yeah i got banned from league which...

wats up Sup Forumsros you have prolly seen me post pic related past few days but yeah i got banned from league which was pretty much my "life" my actual life has just been going deeper and deeper down the shit hole for the past 2 years. Im poor as fuck barely making it check to check spending what little money i had on league and occasionally food, almost starving myself because i was so inffatuated with playing league all day because it was the one thing keeping me from thinking about my life and staying constantly depressed and anxious. Now that i dont have this thing that ive poured sooo fucking much money and time into im lost honestly. Its fucking sad to be this sad of a person.
>an hero?
wat do Sup Forumsros

Lololol. You pathetic neckbeard. Who spends all their money on a pc game? Lololol. You stupid bitch. Get your life together. Dumbass.

you make a smurf. if you dont wanna level up, buy one from a 3rd party site.

ip banned so unless i come up with 500$ not a possability

>playing lol

no coming back kill self nao

prolly will feelsbadman

Change your IP idiot.


If you do decide to an hero, at least do something cool before you go out

Go on a road trip to Yellowstone. Walk around, snuff some sulfur, try to fight a Bison, stalk a pack of wolves, climb a mountain without a rope. Just do a bunch of dangerous and exciting things and burn away your money on a glorious camping trip.

Or just go on the camping trip anyways and have a renewed appreciation for life. Truly eye opening.

i heard they have certain keywords, such as "faggot" that carry hefty penalty

sounds like faggotry to me

Vayne main... how fucking much money could you actually spend on all of vaynes like 5 skins? You seem fucking retarded just keep starving yourself.

You heard the man its not a possability cunt

was just a name i had nearly every skin in the game

Yeah man... i bet that made you a better player and not a bitch to riot. I have a spare account i havnt used in ages, over 2k games and all the champs up until the last 10 or so releases

Act like a cunt, get banned like a cunt.

what dose that mean?

What part? I mean you seem fucking retarded to act like you put all your time and effort into something like its your whole life... but youre too stupid to follow the rules? If it meant something to you, you would be an upstanding player and value the things you have gained.. instead you dtill talk shit for no reason.. no you have nothing. Do you deserve a free account? Knowing how spastic you where with your main

so a one time deal where i got autobanned for being "homophobic" mean im a spastic asshole?

I aint stupid mate, you dont talk shit like that one time, youre a flamer and you maybe only got banned once, but you would have flamed a lot in my opinion, anyone with a main name normally does, they rage if they dont get the champ they want, they feed if they dont get the lane they want... does this sound like you?

honestly sounds nothing like me norm im a jungler so i dont get "mad" if i lose lane or anything and i spazed out because my mid laner sat in base and talked shit on me the whole game so i called him a fucking fags after game he reported me i contacted riot and they said that because of the homophpobic remark they skip steps of punishment and was a auto perma ban

Would a vpn work? If you have a smartphone Mobile Strike is good.

No I'm not giving you any money lazy fuck

give me money you lazy fuck

not asking for money i have a job, a shitty job but i dont sit on my ass 24/7 such as urself friend

Look for some alternative moba's Dota, smite hots etc. In the mean time save up that $500

So who where you playing when you missed the q in aa range.. sounds like vayne to me

And why even say fag? Was more hurtful im primary school man, a swear at cunts all the time, why be so fucking boring and say fag... i call cunts cocksmokers and all sorts of shit, never had a warning

hecarim i ganked the midlaner and the q didnt connect ig and was just pointing it out as self criticizm but then the midlaner sat in base and talked shit on me cause i gave fb

idk im not a very aggresive person so fag is kinda my go too because what kind of pussy gets offended by faggot?


Yeah thats understandable.. still dude youre retarded... change your fucking ip and make a new account if you wanna play so bad.. i get more satisfaction reporting cunts that rage than i do from raging back.. ruins my whole game getting angry.

No one? So why fucking try to offend someone with something you dont think will affend them dude? Call him a cunt or a fuckstick or a waste of space but dude by all means dont cross the fags. Tell riot you are actually gay and you thought fag was a good thing.

ill prolly try that

i have a secondary accountpic related but evrytime i try to get into a game that shit pops up

Ip address are you even reading cunt

how the fuck am i supposed to know how to do that shit im a dirty fkn league player not wizard

Yeah even dumbfuck league players can google how to change your IP

You are not even trying. You are lazy and have zero determination to fix something that is so important to you. I guess you deserve this, after all.

how easy is dota to get into also every game i get on steam is always fps laggy as fuck and idk how to fix the shit i have a relativily new comp

>sad that you're banned
fuck you

its ur fault cmon man, i got 2 week banned and i was like alright ill just stop saying shit in chat. and im still playing 6 months later, learn from ur previous bans

3-year Anivia main here.

>Permabans are extremely rare in League
>Slurs get you LPQ and a warning the first several times.
>Tribunal gives you a fuck ton of chances to shape up behavior, especially if you have a high-value account

All of that together shows that you were acting like a scumfuck repeatedly over many games and have been repeatedly reported and punished over the majority of your time playing.

You deserved what you got.

Maybe next time you waste your life on a video game, you'll make sure to keep the degeneracy on Sup Forums instead of throwing a temper tantrum in /all

because of homophobic nature they skipped all previous punishments and went straight to perma ban never got reported for toxicicity beforre this

Spend your former league money on online poker, stock, or micro loans. Play the ultimate game: turning money into money.

2 years in to LoL, nigga you were silver 4 not worth even crying about it.

never got a warning never got comm ban the only think i ever get reported for is afk the only toxicity reports i have date back to season 2

not about rank was about time and money i spent playing the game having fun never really cared about rank

Bullshit. I know several people who have used "faggot" before and their punishments were LPQ and a warning, the one guy who did it several times got a week suspension after the third time in 3 weeks.

You've been acting like this for a while and you've been punished before.

Don't even try to fucking lie.

ill put it on my fucking dick and balls that i never got a warning nor do i consistantly act toxic every so often i might put a fuck you in chat because someone else is being toxic and im always very vocal about getting toxic people reported so they dont ruin my game

You cant stream with shit internet dumbcunt

i know man but at the end it was your decision to spend that time and money on it, you acted wrong and this is the result, thats how life is man, dont worry about it money comes and goes and im sure you have a lot of time left.

i said steam you fucking tard

u rite im slowly getting over it i will probably just go rob a bank get all my skins and shit back on a new account

I still don't believe a god damn word you say. You know why?

You have an IP ban.

That means you've been put on a "ban on sight" list. That doesn't happen for one match of calling people fags. it just doesn't.

Steam... how many games are updating in the background dickhead

Smoke some fuckin weed and chill the fuck out man. LoL fuckin sucks anyway

i was wrong about the ip ban i made a brandnew account and it let me play

Well. Thankz for being a dumbcunt

You apparently.

anytime bud