Hey Sup Forums, about a week ago...

Hey Sup Forums, about a week ago, one of my friends (girl) told me she had made out with some guy she wanted to make out with for months. But she told me the guy has a girlfriend, so it was basically cheating.

Now, I really despise cheating, and I fully believe that cheating is the fault of both the person cheating and the person helping him cheat.

So I looked the guy up on fb, found his gf, told her that her bf made out with my friend (obviously didnt tell him she was my friend) and that the guy's friends were watching and so they're not to be trusted. She thanked me for it and now I checked and they broke up. Did I do good? because it feels very good

fucking reply faggots

I honestly cannot believe how a trap thread gets like 100% instant replies but original threads are left to die

How about you consider ritual sepukku?

You did good. Fuck cheaters.

Man why the fuck would you snitch on your friend? I can understand calling out the guy but why tell the girl that your friend was the one who did it?

you did good user

I didnt tell her my friend did it, explicitly mentioned it at the op

Don't want to start a conversation on the philosophy of happiness, But a TLDR; Fuck you, You ratted on someone to satisfy your own moral compass. You're a little shit, and also a trash ass friend.

You're a good man, OP. The girl should know her bf is a shitstain.

>encourages letting people get cucked

You're probably a cheater yourself, right?

What goes around comes around

Good man, now go for the girlfriend. She wants your cock, white knight.

You did good man. You told the truth when no one else would. Well done

You come off as a jelious magt putting his nose in business that is not of his own
Honestly unless u wanted to fuck this girl theres no reason to do that other then to be spitful to somone u dont even know
fuck u op im not for cheating but im more for keeping out of business that is not your own

How attention-crazed are you? Worse than a camwhore

Do you really need validation from strangers on a jap imageboard?

Do you really need this much attention and validation from strangers on a jap imageboard?

then again user he was looking out for his buddy

gay butthole sex

No man, ur a white night. And a faggot. Mind ur own business and quit acting like you did it for some "goodly" reason and not like you did it because you were jealous. Jesus man Atleast be real with urself.

If his friend was fucking your girlfriend, you'd be glad he snitched on him.

OP did exactly what he needed to do. If you know cheating is going on and you don't do something about it, something's wrong with you. Cheating is one of the cruelest things you can do to a human being. The emotional trauma it is capable of inducing is often intense and long-lasting. If somebody was cheating on me I'd want to know ASAP so I could get the hell out of that relationship before my heart was already broken even more and hell, I'd be a lot closer to my friend. Nothing's more bro than letting you know you're getting fucked with. Seriously.

Yes. Fuck her.

you know what's up user hit it on the fucking dot

OP I was a kissless virgin fag until I was 20, then for some reason a girl showed up on my life and we started dating and she became my gf. But it was short lived because after a month or 2 I realized she was a whore who was trying to cheat on me with like 3 guys. I wish I had found out sooner but I was completely alone on the issue, I would have appreciated someone like you. You did good op

You took it too far. Take in information, reflect, and move on.

You're next move is probably trying to console your way into that freshly broken up chicks pants and so begins your journey to cuckhood.


>Cheating is one of the cruelest things you can do to a human being.

^^^ This faggot lacks life experience.



Something tells me you're gonna have a wife that gets knocked up by someone else while you're married to her and you're gonna stay and raise the kid

Angry ex boyfriend is gonna kick your ass, you're gonna lose a friend, and that chick you "selflessly" helped isn't gonna suck ur dick

Fucking stop begging for attention. It doesn't fucking matter. Your friend confided in you and then you took it upon yourself to stick your nose in somebody else's business. And you couldn't tell Facebook but you wanted somebody to pat you on the fucking back so you came here with your high school drama bullshit. Nobody cares.

check em

>angry ex boyfriend is gonna kick your ass

Let him try kek

Check this dick



She wanted to make out with him for months, so the reason the guy cheated was caused by your friend.
Then your friend tells you, probably knowing you would tell the dude's girlfriend (because she can't be the one to do it). Result, dude is now free from his girlfriend and your friend can now move in now that her rival has been deposed. She got you to do her dirty-work and played you like a fiddle.
Good fucking jorb.

No, she explicitly told me she does not wants anything with the guy and that she in fact hates him now, the reason why she wanted to make out with him was because she had a chance to do it months ago and she wasted it, and then she tried to do it again and the guy blew her off. She's a roastie who always gets her way in sexual stuff so she couldn't accept the fact that a guy had blew her off so she made him her personal target (she admitted all of this to me).

She didn't know I would tell the girl, i in fact haven't spoken to her since it happened

>because she had a chance to do it months ago and she wasted it, and then she tried to do it again and the guy blew her off. She's a roastie who always gets her way in sexual stuff so she couldn't accept the fact that a guy had blew her off so she made him her personal target
She sounds like a real peach.

>No, she explicitly told me she does not wants anything with the guy and that she in fact hates him now, the reason why she wanted to make out with him was
Surely her word can be trusted.

>No, she explicitly told me she does not wants anything with the guy

Muscles full of water does not equal strength you creatine consuming cuck

Exactly what a cheater woukd say. Faggot.

maybe that is a pic of the boyfriend?

Clearly. This fag is sheltered af.

Said the cuck

shiiiieeeeet didn't think of that

>She sounds like a real peach.

She's honestly a grade A bitch I just like her because she is fun but I could never be with her.

>her word can be trusted

Yeah on these matters it can, she's extremely direct, if she wants to fuck a guy she'll say she wants to fuck the guy. She just finished with a bad breakup and is done with relationships for a while, last time she said that she lasted 2 years without a bf.

The girl hates him now, you don't know her, I do. The guy is a goof, not even pretty, she was just after him because as I said (and as she said) she couldn't accept the fact that a guy resisted her.

I don't take creatine faggot, I was a fatass before going to the gym, thats 3 years of progress you're seeing there.

And the boyfriend is literally a lanky fag with glasses, I'm 6'2 and weight 205

Lol lets see what you looked like before


Shes never gonna fuck you op. Lol

Girls don't like fags

He snitched on a girl
They are friends, but she will never be bro
She is a cumdumpster and her actions prove it.

Why would you do that? It's a real moral grey area, but it's none of your business. I'm in a bind right now that is sort of relevant, so this kinda pisses me off.

>be me 2 weeks ago
>meet twin me but is cute and girl
>18, virgin, into all of the same shit that I am and I can't believe it
>start talking, take her to dinner, yaddy yaddy
>hang with her some more
>she's totally into me but we've barely even broken the touch barrier
>1 week ago get message from random fb girl at 11pm
>asks if I'm dtf
>random girl is 7/10, girl I'm taking things slow with is 9/10
>try to set up fucking w random girl
>falls through
>fast forward to tonight
>hang with main girl for Chinese food and movies, we cuddle the fuck up
>feels so fucking good, never had a connection like this with a girl, feels more intimate than sex just holding hands and having her head on my shoulder honestly
>scared to ask her to be exclusive because she'll probably want to put a Facebook label on things
>if random girl that plans fell thru with finds out im in relationship I bet money she would message main girl
>trapped between rock and hard place because I don't want main girl to think I want to maintain a casual relationship but I also don't want her finding out I fuck random Facebook girls

Surely you can understand I wasn't very keen about taking pictures, this is one of the few I got, and I don't think it's showing

I was the kind of fat guy with a huge belly, not really a general ball of lard

You can see your fb relationship to "just me", so that no one else can see it. Alternatively it's totally fucking normal for people to NOT put on fb that they're on a relationship, the most common excuse is "I dont like people having so much info on my life, they dont need to know I got a girlfriend"

also, you need to confirm a relationship with the person, nobody can just tag you and say you're their boyfriend

Fuck you
There is every reason to rat them out. The best reason is for the kek
Wouldnt you rat out a cheating whore. I dated this chick way back, she is married with kids now . And she emails me that she wants to leave her husband and kids to be with me again. So i sent it to her husband.
Also show penis faggot

props for committing to gyming out, but in the future just be careful of your actions. I'm done being a dick. Like I said before, take in information, reflect, and move on. Obv this doesn't apply when someone is being abused or whatever, etc, but these things are never fun to unravel. I doubt you're gonna look back on this and pat yourself on the back. Learn from your mistakes and grow.

Trust me I dont wanna fuck this girl and I'm no fag

I get all of that, but she's really fucking into me and it sounds like something that would be very important to her and I assume that she'd feel ashamed of herself if I didn't let the world know I was with her. social media is pretty integral to the lives of even the most down to earth 18 year old girls, sadly.

I did it because I honestly felt super bad about the girl and because my friend seemed to be proud of the deed, she's too fucking old to think its cool to break a relationship

Then just fucking come clean with the girl you were trying to fuck. Tell her you wont be able to go through with it because you want to get serious with this girl and that you respect both of them enough to not pull through it.

real girls aren't some sort of real life regina george just waiting to make your life hell because you didnt fuck them. I've cancelled several bootycalls and its always just like "Oh ok no prob!", everyone is aware that they're not serious and nobody is going to go full autismos because their bootycall was cancelled

Man fuck this shit...seriously, I'm 5'7 (you could say im 5'6) and I honestly feel so fucking bad...how does it feel to be a giant? Honest question. Like whats the point in me going to the gym for years if I'm just gonna stay as a muscular manlet?

This is not fucking fair, i'm the only guy in my family who is 5'6, every other male is at least 5'8

Eh, well the random girl wasn't exactly a good character. She's a pretty trashy woman to be frank, but that didn't matter much as I was planning to just fuck her like a pig and be done with it. If messaging her and getting my point across was a viable route to take, I'd have already messaged her. My best bet is to convince the main girl that I don't want to put myself in a relationship on Facebook- you were right to begin with. Ill talk to her tomorrow about becoming more serious. Thanks for the advice, user.

Don't get bent out of shape over your height. I know a guy who is 5'7 and he's fucking the best lay in my county. He even has a 3 inch dick- she told me. It's all about confidence, and you need some. Did I mention he's fat?

I can see where you're coming from, it sucks to see that happen to someone who doesn't deserve it.

Sorry I'm getting baked.

But shit like this happens all the time. The impulse to react like you did happened because your human - you're a dude with feelings, empathy, blah blah blah - fuck im high now @-@

shieeeet man, you did it, you can't change the past. It's not like you're going to go on a cheater hunt or anything.

Fuck we're all human

Cheaters suck. It sucks to be cheated on. It sucks to see people get away with awful shit. idk.

incoming doritos

Dawg, you gotta chill. Stop and think, is it your height really something to be worrying about for the rest of your life?

There are so much other things to worry about.

Focus on having fun. Do things you love to do.

Shit I just finished my subway sandwich and I want more.

For realz tho, who cares? Be you, have fun and live life while you can. You're not gonna be on this planet forever ya dig?

It's not always as good as you think user, some girls have rejected me because I was too tall for them. Also I've known several guys who were 5'6 and were still pretty strong and good looking. You should look for a list of handsome actors who are also small. For example did you know daniel radcliff is 5'3? And every girl thinks he's super hot. Tom cruise is 5'6. Prince was 5'2 and he fucked more people than any of us ever will