How do you defeat existential crisis ?

how do you defeat existential crisis ?

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Smoke weed and star gaze

Chin up and time.

By finding something more important to worry about and obsess over.


Cease to exist

An hero

I found myself a goal. Something i wanted to achieve.
But everything still get's to my head from time to time, and then Weed is a life saver.

You dont

Like heart disease

Kek, i am do same thing

Get a job.

Realize that on a long enough timeline, and especially on an infinite timeline, that everything we know about the universe (galaxies, stars, planets, etc.) suggests that it (the universe) will fizzle out and die, becoming a cold, empty nothing. Realize that everything we currently know suggests that Earth is the only planet supporting life. We are surrounded not by death, but merely un-life. The universe is primarily full of plasma (super-heated gas) and has a temperature just a few degrees above absolute zero. Living is the most anti-thetical thing any thing can do in the universe. It is beyond winning the lottery. It is turning on the nature of the cosmos. By existing you are like a program that somehow, some way, turned back on its code. You literally broke the streak - a streak that has and will carry on for an infinite amount of time.

The fact that anything lives at all is not a miracle, but an anomaly, and one that the universe will, ultimately fix.

Realize finally that everybody around you is on this same black sheep ship to oblivion, and everybody would suffer as you do now if they really thought about it - and eventually they will.

So here we are on the raggedy edge user. Shit's whatever. Find something fun to do.
Listen with honests intent, don't be mindless about it but just, listen. you start to appreciate the world around you and worry less.

You're a retarded edgelord. Everything we've studied thus far hints more at life elsewhere.

>find a grain of sand aboard a the flight deck of an aircraft carrier
>find another several decks below
>find some significance in the fact that while you're not near a beach and will never find one, ever, that you've got more grains of sand than somebody else figured you did
>meanwhile the whole fucking ship is sinking and there's nothing you can do about it


Firstly, tackle the idea that you are going to die and that your life is temporary. and I mean really wrap your head around it and embrace it. then, occupy your time with productive things like exercise, friendship, education, love, etc. just stay active and have goals.

Quit existence or figure out a personally invigorating way to ignore it, that shit doesn't just go away.

you suddenly realize existing doesnt really matter, there is no other reason for existing than you just do, and when you start thinking to yourself that you're ok with that, you win.

take a gram of psilocybin mushrooms in good natural eviroment like some woods or a beach. It should all become apparent.

what will become apparent ?

You probably won't like this answer, you'll probably read it and go "Well yeah, but how? "

Just get over it.

Sounds easy on paper but it's hard to do. I had derealization which is 24/7 existentinal crisis, and the honest to god, best tip i can ever give, Is to get over it, more important stuff to do than pity yourself.

"It's not that simple!"

Yes it is, it's that simple.

how do you get over it?

You don't. Good luck

embrace it

This. Sometimes sex helps re,mind me that mortality isn't the only thing about being alive worth focusing on.

Also breast feeding, even dryly. I did this for about a year with a friend and we bonded, I'd never had one during that time, just felt really peaceful.

leave college you bleeding asshole

become spiderman

ayyy tripple dubs


Expect less of yourself. Also smoke weed and stargaze.

try singing, humming, or whistling, like all the time, it'll improve your mood greatly

Get off Sup Forums and read everything by Evola, starting with Ride the Tiger.

If you are looking for a reprieve, hard exercise is a sure fire way to turn you back into a simple animal; fucking and music do the same but exercise seems to draw offer a longer after glow that makes the nausea of being overwhelmed by existance tolerable.

If you want direct confrontation look and for a zen center. I cant speak to drugs, always ear dmt can push that door open.

You dont

It's useful. Makes you examine your life, which is worth doing.

Technology is what progresses human existence. If you're not inventing some new useful thing, then you're on the bleachers. Which is fine so long as you understand your place.

>tfw have embraced that fact, and still see no value in putting effort in to life regardless of that fact