This shit will never get old

This shit will never get old.

He still won though

without any help from Russia, no less

yes it will you retard

>implying that's good for anyone
>even you

And he has barely any support, this is why it's so gold, kek.

It will live on r9k for a millenia. Your president will be laughed at by Martians in the year 2817

soooo salty

>one side represents 6% of the population from DC
>other side represents 80% of the population from DC

Somehow, one side has lower representation.

It's so crazy how those things work, right? It's almost like the crushing majority of voters in DC are democrats, or something.

It will never get true either

how is it not good?

Not an ameritard

Either way was good for me

You guys know that this is fake, right?

Confirmed for being a shill, don't waste your time with bait

The thing I don't understand is why they didn't compare it to presidents before Obama. First black president, obvious big croud? George W. Bush --> Same crowd. Why does noone notice?

Trump could have said anything:
>Most in DC are Democrats, and most who show up to inag. are locals
>Trump voters are at their jobs
>Who cares

>Guys my inag was so bigly, i am so popular

Trump is a dude with a 3 inch penis telling girls on tinder he packs 8


Shill... as if Hillary would continue paying us. She lost, there's no point in her spending money to have fake support.

I was thinking that earlier too.
All he had to do was say anything logical instead of the shit that spews from his mouth constantly.
That guy has a serious inferiority complex.

Cause they said it was the biggest crowd for an inauguration in HISTORY and you only have to look back 4 years to prove them wrong.


I'm okay with this. If this is the best the libcucks can come up with, they'll all be deported before summer time. Just think, all the fat ugly whores and SJWs will be in mexico, and only healthy, beautiful, glorious American women will be left at the beach.

>Im okay with this.

Everyone stayed at home because of terrorist/protesters.


Mama June and thousands of ladies like her voted for trump.

I was never a full blown trump fag, and I do think some of the shit he says is just retarded, but holy shit, using that picture as evidence for anything, other than the under-representation of republican voters DC, is just absurd.

oh look. A reasonable biased explanation.
Everyone would be okay with that.

Why does Trump then tries to explain it with stupid lies?


>this thread


Not a good reply. That says "Trump supporters are scared little wussies."


Ironic isn't it?

So Trump supporters are confirmed pussies....

Yeah, too bad the potus is too stupid to say that. Instead he has to make up "alternative facts"

Literally no one denies that. It's all about how this number means the world to trump and how he is willing to flatout lie about it.

>Confirmed bait

Although its fake news what matters is Trump won, get over it.

Fake news

>He still won though

Put apparently not with a lot of grace otherwise one has to wonder why the "leader of the free world" feels it necessary to embarrass himself by throwing a hissifit about this.

it was either him or shillary.

Im a native american and this one time at a trump rally, someone told me to go back to my country lol

Trips of truth
America will still be 40% fatties

Buzz words

fat comfy and rich, you jelly?

we know (trust me)

its funny that it bothers him so much

>He still won though default, which is something Trump-idiots don't understand.

Republican voter participation was average and consistant compared to previous elections.

But Democrats showed signs of voter apathy, because they obviously didn't like their candidate who obviously rigged the primaries so 'she' can be on the ballot. So it was a double-whammy of not getting Bernie supportive areas their right to vote, then turning off everyone else from voting for the main election because of choices on the ballot.

Now people 'could' blame Russia for the "hacking", but that (imo) is all part of the script that's going to play out in the coming years when we go to 'war'.

And they call Trump a populist... fucking kek...

one pic taken at 0830, the other taken at 1210 after 500,000 nigger have been bussed in on George's dime in the 99% mudbone capital of the world for the first black president's inaug. as if this even matters. obongo ain't the pres anymore. you might want to get over it.

At least I won't die at 45 from a heart attack trying to climb to the second floor of the mall to get to the Macdonalds



>fake news

How long do you think that strategy to refute unpleasant truths will work even with the less intellectually giftet one's of you people?

Sure there will always be hardcore nutjobs who believe it's all a conspiratzi but I doubt that the majority of the 62,979,636 people who voted for that orange squirrel is going to buy into that for long, if they even ever did.

>using angles
you mean like what the media did to make it seem like his rallies were tiny when they were shills for hill?
and also this took place in D.C
the surrounding states of this province are Maryland,Virginia,Delaware,New Jersey, New York,Pennsylvania and West Virginia, 6/8 of those have did and will continue to vote overwhelmingly blue for the last 40 years and 40 years more. He only won Pennsylvania by like .2% and even though its considered a swing state it had also voted blue for the previous 24 years before this election so winning there was a monumental success. of course his rally was smaller than Obombas because it took place in eastern commie-land.
6/10 i wasted my time refuting your bait

Stop pretending that this is about crowd size and not about Trump's lies.

The point is trump keeps crying about it and getting triggered and I love me some trump tears, yum yum.

No. I think avoiding terrorists is a smart thing to do.

I don't take it as a lie, right off the bat. I give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he saw something different, maybe the numbers he had were not the same, maybe that picture wasn't taken at the exact same time they said it was taken (considering it's from a leftist source), there are countless explanations to why he could be thinking otherwise, INCLUDING the one where he could just be acting like an egomaniac asshole flexing his "mad popularity" even when what he said isn't true.

Shitting on the guy just became a meme at this point, this is why I take any type of criticism towards him with a huge grain of salt. Whether he lied on purpose or not seems to be a matter of partisanship more than a matter of evidence about anything. I try to stay away from group thinking one way or another.

You're trans aren't you?


90% of the people there weren't there to support Obama though. It's just amusing to see a nigger do something for the first time. It's a taboo kinda thing, wasn't so long a go seeing a nigger on a horse or wearing a suit would draw shock from a crowd.

Na it was brought up by the leftists.. It really doesnt mean shit, what does matter is what will happen to our country

Obama only pulled a bigger crowd because he was the first black president i bet if there ever was a gay president, it would pull an even bigger crowd

get over it

They're under the tents fgt

>how gay are you?

Nope, straight white cis male scum actually. I'm just smart enough to realize that trump getting triggered is fucking hilarious.


Stop pretending any valid argument explaining the crowd size doesn't matter just because you want a reason to shit on somebody who disagrees with you politically.

You sound like a fucking child.

Dude, terrorist is not the preferred nomenclature. Republican American, please.

skip, that one isn't solvable

What a faggot

A very valid point that didn't need the ad hominem to start with. Voted trump here. NC trump voter represent

How delusional can you be? He literally used every opportunity to talk about it. He called a press conference about it and talked about it at the CIA.

Exactly, except for the next 4 years all of those pictures will be of trump because, let's face it, he can't handle the pressure.

trumps a libreral?

Dog gonnet! Betty these city slickers keep using words that I darned near don't under-mu-stand!

how do I nomenclature?

Might as well be, he gets triggered about as often.

Everyone knows rebublicans pull smaller crowds because Washington is left leaning. Trump could have just said that. I don't hold the crowd size against him. The alternative facts on the other hand, they are disgusting.

The white areas are KKK members in their silly white gowns.

This shit will never get old.

Spoken like a true Trumperdink.

Exactly, this isn't about the crowd side, but the complete lack of any sort of knowledge that Trump and his cabinet emmited following this event.

Lol youre just a faggot, its okay, just recognize it

Yeah, I googled that shit. Cuz nobody uses that fuckin word. Well done.


Go back to school, I'm pretty sure I had that word on a fifth grade vocabulary test. Try not to drop out when you start adding double digit numbers, it might seem hard but I know you can do it!


You uneducated fucks are digging your own graves....

If you're trying to ask me out, it's flattering, but no thank you, I don't have a scat fettish.

How's this one, cuck??

1. Left photo could be at 8am, right photo at Noon, you have no idea, no timestamp
2. DC is 95% leftist Democrats, no surprise the crowd was thin. In Republican areas Trump filled stadiums, which is more than Hillary did.
3. Crowd size is irrelevant to Trump as president
4. People are so busy talking about this stupid bs, they aren't talking about the shit he is actually doing. Trump is either crazy, or crazy like a fox.

5th grade, sounds like fun, will do, thanks for the advice.

Kansas City Shuffle, maybe

>The alternative facts
I don't think the "alternative facts" were meant the way she said it. I believe she was talking about alternative facts in contrast with the way the media portrays facts, as if they had one version of the facts and someone else had another version of the facts.

It's hard for you to come back from an argument like "here are my facts that my network gathered and they lead to this conclusion", without thinking some underlying nuance might be skewing what they are presenting in their favor, so you can only assume those are "your" facts, and maybe there are some "alternative" facts out there that you are not showing me.

Nobody that occupies a position like that would just spew something retarded like "alternative facts" on the strictest sense of the term, one would think, but if that's what people want to believe, that's what they will keep repeating since now they have someone they can justifiably crucify.

Again, it's a matter of partisanship driving the conclusion more than a matter of semantics, or intention.

It's a Trump trigger.

The point is, we're fucked.

At least Hitler had the manpower to put up a good fight for the Nazi party and defend their beliefs they wanted to impose on the world.

Trump doesn't have that backing. And here he is talking tough, building walls, marginalizing people.....and he doesn't even have the manpower to defend that belief.

Trump is picking fights with Russia and China as we speak, Mexico will probably join Russia like did Cuba during the cold war; if Trump gets his wall built.

...and who's going to support and defend Trump's America?

If this picture is any indication about that kind of support, then America is fucked beyond belief.

I'm talking DP, spit-roasting. China in the ass, Russia down his throat, and Mexico in the corner fingering her taco laughing and getting off on the situation.

>3. Crowd size is irrelevant to Trump as president

>photograph from 8:30 am as people were just being allowed in
>with heightened security and many closed entrances due to disruptj20
Trump's approval rating is currently sitting at 45% according to Gallup which mostly tracks people who still watch fake news :)

You sound smart, which is a shame because you're arguing a losing case. When it comes to numbers, there are no "alternative facts" a number is a number, it can not be skewed one way or another. Trump saying that the inauguration was the biggest in history is not an "alternative fact" its complete bullshit and he seems like a diluted moron for saying it.

First time in history that a president has received under 50% during his first week in office...