Let's worship nigresses
Let's worship nigresses
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It's "negress" you stupid nigger.
That nose belongs to a white.
let's just worship one or two of them, hey? that sassy tubby shaniqua who puts her greasy face right up next to mine and shrieks "BITCH YOU GOTTA RESPECT MY BLACK ASS BECAUSE SLAVERY".. i ain't got time for that shit. also, i'm australian and none of my ancestors owned slaves.
it's "blackamoors", you stupid negger.
[WARNING] Operation WoodPipe! #WhiteGenocide {ALERT}
Who's Behind this Post?
WoodPipe is a psychological manipulation operation to promote the brand of Dark skin black women, while enticing white men to date them to further reduce the American white population while increasing the black population.
Dark skin black women are behind this propaganda.
Strategies they use:
1. Black women Shill Post
2. Posing as white guys who likes black women
3. Stock Photos/wbem of fake qt dark skin black women
4. Fake Statistic of BW+WM Divorce rate (it's 58% higher)
5. Promoting Race Mixing (Bleached)
6. Starting thread with non related black women pictures
7. Scapegoating all of black women's flaws on black men
8. Stereotyping light skin, mixed, and white women
The goal of the Public Relations Campaign is to increase the percieved value of Dark black women, while enticing sexual desires in white men and normalizing relationship between dark skin black women and white men.
It's the reverse cuck psy-op...
-- About the Agenda --
Within the Black community is a concept called "Colorism" where the most undesirable women have darker skin complexions, and there's a growing rift between black women and black men, with animosity over the perception of black men choosing lighter skin women, racially ambiguous, mixed women and white women.
Disguntled dark skin "and usally Ugly" black women with low self-esteem have organized an underground activist movements (BWGTOW + Swirlers + Bleached) to make Dark Skin Black women appear more desirable/accepting/BASED to white men, while they pushes race mixing and White Genocide!
The Agenda falls into a subcategory of Social Justice Warriors with a Colorism/"Dark Skin" female feminist twist.
-- Groups that push the Agenda --
1. Swirlrs: youtu.be
2. BWGTOW: youtu.be
3. Colorism: youtu.be
Terms they use:
Don't take the BAIT, 14/88
i did not know that dark skinned women were a Brand[tm]! hory shet, i'ma go to Amazon.com and buy one.
All women deserve worship.
Race is no object.
>worldwide rates of either HSV-1 or HSV-2 are between 60% and 95% in adults.
Guess what, if you're not a kiss-virgin you very likely have herpes
This is my black goddess of choice.
post more
My goddess, believe it or not.
Yes, I'm serious.
This bitch could fuckin abuse me and as long as I got to make her cum, I'd love it.
Love em hairy.
TFW you don't have herpes.
I'm scared. There's a dark black woman at work that I'm attracted to. I've never been attracted to negresses before though. I also feel like she's working some kind of sheboon black magic on me. Is there a way to counteract it? I don't want to end up with black babies but I can't stop thinking about dumping a load in her.
i am a kissless virgin and i still have herpes
Did you get it from passing through your moms herpes ravaged cunt?
Just do what Tyrone does and dump a load and GTFO
I'd imagine if they work together she likely knows his full name, so unless he has an incredibly generic name she could probably find him quite easily.
Of course he could always just use a fucking condom and make it a lot easier on himself.
There are no black women. "Women" is a term used to refer to human females, these do not come in black.
The negroid female is a sow.