Sup Forums drawthread: "How can something this cute be so triggering?" Edition
Sup Forums drawthread: "How can something this cute be so triggering?" Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any one pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs:
Rukia refs:
Which wolf were y'all talking about?
>being a futafag
Serves you right
i'm not, you don't understand
i just thought it was another gay pic
it's POOOP
Sorry buddy, but just because the OP pic triggers you doesn't mean this is not the real drawthread.
>i just thought it was another gay pic
>it's POOOP
So it's an improvement then?
>reading comprehension
pls no
Literally an improvement over futashit. I'm sorry but it's the truth.
They are both awful but one is certainly much more awful, and sorry sicko, scat is far worse
>scat is worse than my tranny/herm memefetish
Sure thing tumblr.
he's right i'd rather eat her shit than look at "her" with a dick.
i disagree, swordbro is looking pretty good at the moment
Yes, this is indeed what futafags have.
>present in human history dating back to cavemen
yup basking in your own poop and not dying is pretty recent memefetishfag
>both awful
> like u actlly like it
>cavemen liked futa
>present in human history dating back to cavemen
In the minds of futafags, yes.
come on
Jfc you're all autists
pls stop arguing
lets all go back to requesting porn and having a good time
hermaphroditic totems in 90% of cultures around the world, now it probably wasn't sexual as much as it was about worshipping some fat nigger fertility god but the point is that no one wanted to roll in shit because they'd die
It's literally what you said. You said it dated back to cavemen.
that's quite a reach there user...
>futa was culture and shit
nwhere did he say it was fetishised
knowing cavemen, they probably killed anyone with this trait
>bunch of autists arguing over literal shit
>no drawfags
Are you a drawfag? Are you taking requests?
fuckies normies ruining my home board
i am
i am not id rather play rocksmith until i blister my fingers again rub one out and fall asleep
tomorrow probably
Yes, it made first
>bunch of autists arguing over literal shit
So no different from theother draawthreads?
>no drawfags
because they're so fucking normie they get scared by an OP picture that they don't have to look at.
>nwhere did he say it was fetishised
he didn't say it was fetishised
I know. Old Sup Forums would have loved this thread.
But I probably won't be here tomorrow. Just tell me whether or not you're willing to draw scat or not?
>no drawfags
>real drawthread
yeah i can draw poop sure
He tried to pretend it wasn't a meme fetish by saying it existed since cavemen times.
>drawfags get triggered and make their own thread because they get butthurt about OP pic
>LOL this isn't isn't the real one because it offends me
>because they're so fucking normie they get scared by an OP picture that they don't have to look at
i remember everyone was getting mad about swordbro op's but you don't even have to pay the op any mind
Really? Example of your artstyle?
this drawthread came after the other you fuckhead
on my phone atm dont have a pic on me
its not particularly great but if you really want a poop pic ill draw it no problem
>no one to DRAW in the thread
That'd be great, thanks. Are you open to hyper?
hyperscat is absolutely no problem
>this drawthread came after the other you fuckhead
>This thread: 21:59:53
>Other thread: 22:01:54
Nice try, faggot.
Hey just to clarify, you aren't Sunflower of Evil, are you?
i dont know who that is
so no
Okay. So do you have any preferences before I request? Are you okay with furry?
literally nothing is off the table
i will give the furry a severed dick and make it a toddler if you want my man
anything is fine
Well I'm not into guro or underage but you've made your point.
Can I just make a reference pic first for what I want?
They weren't joking, there are no drawers here
Still aren't any
ok good
but yeah man open to anything
also yeah references are extremely helpful
I'm... I'm here tho
noice digits
You're an artist
draw a sailboat on a cloud
Hey, I answered you're question before about why I liked scat. Did you see it?
Also, of course there's no drawfags here. They got butthurt about the OP pick and made their own because their triggered normalfags.
Hey sorry, one more thing before I decide what to draw. Which drawfag are you?My requests really hinge on the artstyle,so if you have someplace I can see your art that'd be great, even if you can't post a pic yourself.
i dont actually have a name yet
kinda new havent come here very recently
i was last here back in november
Oh, hey there
I meant no active ones drawing requests
Yeah, I got some insight from it
wait what is the question
i am a guy yeah
Okay. Gez, this makes it tricky.I'll just try my usual request and see how it goes, okay?
And what do you think? Do you understand why I find it appealing now?
Nah, I was waiting for a response but you already posted. Hold on, just drawing the reference.
yeah sure thing
i mean worst case scenario is you dont like the picture at least you wouldnt lose anything for it
ah i see
Okay, nearly done.
I'm no artist
As is evident in the picture
I can see you're passionate about it
no problem man hmu when its done
Here it is. Are you able to do something along the lines of this? Fox McCloud crowning a metre-wide hyperturd while Krystal acts smug/unimpressed and mocks him, claiming she could do better.
>I can see you're passionate about it
I am indeed. It's not popular but I can't help what I like.
that certainly is something
alright ill screenshot this and get to it tomorrow
ill post it next time youre on
>that certainly is something
Well, I don't settle for average.
>alright ill screenshot this and get to it tomorrow
>ill post it next time youre on
Thanks user. Just so you know Krystal has her Star Fox Assault design here. Fox can be Assault or Brawl design, which ever works best for you.
>Well, I don't settle for average
lol i can tell
>Just so you know Krystal has her Star Fox Assault design here. Fox can be Assault or Brawl design, which ever works best for you
i will keep that in mind
>lol i can tell
heh heh
>i will keep that in mind
Thanks. One more thing; how will I know you're in the thread tomorrow? What time will you be there?
probably same time, maybe earlier
Gotcha. Well I'll let you go now. Thank you so much for taking this request for me. It is so hard to get scat requests drawn on Sup Forums.
not a problem man catch you later
yall got any request ?
I don't think there's many people here besides me, and I don't think you're into what I like.
Draw the most disturbing fucking face you possibly can.
Any other drawfags willing to draw the Brown Gold?
Are you still here man?
well I may not be into it but it doesn't mean I won't do it, ask me dude, I'd be glad i can help
dude that's hard, I guess I'm just not in the right mood right now... I tried but I couldn't come up with anything good sorry (good request by the way)
>ask me dude, I'd be glad i can help
Oh really? Thanks man. Crap, better think of one that suits your artstyle. Hold on a sec.
Hey, uh, I'm not sure if any of my request suit your artsyle. I'll post a few I I think might and a brand new one I've never requested before, okay?
I can't assure you that I'll do it (I have my limits) but I'm listening
draw a smug gurl
Well here's a few I think could work.
/r/ Renamon and Alopex both on toilets next to each other, both clogging them Randy Marsh-style with thick hyperlogs lifting them off the bowl. Alopex would only be a foot or two off the seat and looking worried, while Renamon would be about four or five feet from the seat and trying to reassure Alopex that she can do this.
/r/ Rouge and Blaze pushing out thick hyperlogs. Blaze would be having trouble (but the look on her face would be one of shyness/self-doubt) while Rouge is pushing out a much larger log with ease, with a smug/sly look on her face, as if to rub it in to Blaze.
Or my new idea, which is pic related; a bloated furry dog/cat person pushing out a massive log.
If none of these are to your liking I have another, more comfier scat pic idea that is less over-the-top.
Bumpu for dumpu
Still here man?
here ya go, hope ya like it
that's funny actually dude there's no way I'm not doing that, I'm writing all these down (I probably won't do 'em all tho) so I can deliver later but now it's 2 pm here and I haven't eaten yet so I gotta go, das ok with you ? I mean if you're in a hurry I could manage to do one now... but I'm hungry...
Wait, really? Thank you so much man. Go eat first. I can wait.