

female muslim driver got destracted by the 3 little plagues onn her backseat and crushed mi leg 2 years ago.

i was on oxycodone for 1,5 years, then did a withdrawel.
now i need up to 3g of ibuprofen and 4g of metamizol (much stronger then ibuprofen but not approved in most countires due to risk of shock) and i'm still in pain. that will kill my kidneys soon. im 25. want to grow 50 at least.
i think about going back to oxycodon again, i could easily get 160mg/day. that'd be better then killing my kidneys and the pain would be gone.

anyone got any suggestions?

Dont come to /b for support.

Did you get a fat check at least

Cut off your leg.

just do 500mg oxys a day you will fell absolute no pain.... from everything ....ever again

>female muslim driver

Whoah what are they allowed to that? Isnt it against their religion or something

sorry man.

A lot of people dont understand the lasting pain that can come with such an injury, they understand nerve pathways and stuff.

choosing between being a oxy junkie and living clean but with pain.

Thats a bad beat man, tough choice.

While I know this is bait.

Makes you think op.

Would you rather amputate the leg and live pain free with a prosthetic?

Or live in hell with a gimp leg.

morphine or higher grade narcotics. did you sue them ?

i know,

i went to multiple doctors and pharmacies so i had like 800mg/day.

it basically is suicide but it kills all emotional and physical pain.
