So Sup Forumsros, hit up some homies to see if I could score some yayo. It's been a few years since I've done it

So Sup Forumsros, hit up some homies to see if I could score some yayo. It's been a few years since I've done it.
Anyways can we get a drug story, party, binge thread going to kill time?
>ITT drug stories, party's and binges

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Maybe this is weird, but I always enjoyed smoking weed alone.

I feel like people ruin everything.

The first time I did LSD I ate an entire chicken, raw. Never got sick...

How did you know it was a chicken cunt

I ate some x last night, fucked my wife and our friend, picked up a random guy because my dick didn't work

The fucking babysitter told me, faggot.

Ay right after she sucked you dick man


You will not be remembered by history

I feel ya man, I've always enjoyed it as well. It's just like my peace and quiet time to relax