post your favorite album, guess things
Post your favorite album, guess things
Other urls found in this thread:
unironically kill yourself right now
enjoys experimental pop
didn't that shit come out yesterday
Listens to patrician pop; enjoys the music made by the best artist of this decade. Thoughts on Visions?
you're very intellectual
yes and its my favorite album right now
halfaxa > visions t b h
you could posted a better favorite album opee
Halfaxa is enjoyable and has better songwriting than Visions in many areas, but it's a bit too unpolished and early in her career to be taken seriously as a "canon" Grimes work IMO.
(That said, individual tracks off of it are some of my favorite Grimes songs of all time.)
call me a pleb, but that can album is not catchy, but annoying. at least you should have pick future days.
Either girl or very secure guy
You get all your music from here and "collect" more than you listen
No idea but I like the pic
>very secure guy
you mean completely batshit turned out insane Israeli puppet guy.
tie between this
i actually saw the FJM one in a vinyl me please announcement a bit before it came out
but now its a meme which sucks
and this
>continuing to slam the white guy they forced to make a compromised political album while they shill the fuck out of this tranny
hey don't act like you're me
Has no gf and absolute trash taste
>Israeli puppet
hm ive never seen gramatik on mu i fuck with it
i don't know what to feel about #digital freedom though
too technoey for my taste
Salad Days- Mac De Marco
judge me bitches
been going to Sup Forums just over a year.
i love that album though, great pick.
likes going to parties
doesnt smoke weed but doesnt care if people do.
>Salad Days- Mac De Marco
I like how it start
Has a nice stereo system.
Dresses to blend in. Likes nature.
ive been an avid user for many years and i still have no taste :(
heh, i guessed one year because that actually was my favorite album too back when I had browsed that long.
>Dresses to blend in. Likes nature.
for you, used to be extremely and abnormally angsty back in highschool (fine now though).
oops, wrong (you). meant for instead.
>used to be extremely and abnormally angsty back in highschool (fine now though)
eerily correct
After a lot of thinking I've come to realize this is my favorite
You're a faggot
Pretty social.
Party animal.
You love comfy rainy days.
You've thought of commiting suicide at least once.
You hate pop
Nah. I love Michael Jackson and synthpop is my fucking jam.
The Microphones- The Glow Pt. 2
>has a nice stereo system
At home, currently far away from it for medical school and enjoying a patrician tier iHome bluetooth speaker ;_;
Much agreed. It's my fav of her discography. Rides the line between more experimental and her newer stuff. I think it's the album that separates her last two from the first bunch.
guessing you have no taste
wheres sisters panties and unironically enjoys putting penis between legs
>women passed off as a man
pop culture in 2017
likes graphic design
what does he mean by this
good at drawing
had an obnoxious reddit atheist phase
still thinks sadboys humor is funny
has had one too many bad trips
a little pretentious
Or this one, hard to choose.
kek, that frog gets me every time
is this album good? it's been your favorite for how many years now
2 years roughly
well yeah i think it's good but people's tastes are different
>tfw nobody replied to you
I'd have rated if I could but I haven't listened to any of the albums before I posted
kissless virgin
>that frog
Christ, is this your first day on the internet?
lives in a big city
You probably get in a lot of arguments with metalheads, have an average size dick, and maybe drink too much
you have robot ears :^^^^^)
You're a nu-male
got em good :^)
How bland must one's taste be to consider this their favorite album? I honestly feel sorry for you, there's so much interesting music out there that you'll probably never hear because you fell victim to the new wave of poptimism. Or you're just a waifufag, which is even sadder.
Not him, but what's your favorite album?
Not really, I've been listening to metal since 90's and I'm seeing Kreator and Obituary this week, Sepultura and Testament the next. I just really like this album. Do you dislike anthems?
too happy guy for me to handle
calm, prob smokes, I would like to know you n shit but u prob a popular kid or some shit
gay, but it's fine
depressed kid, just forget her man
would talk with you
kinda pretencious, but can have good conversations, be yourself bud
not him, last kreator gave me cancer tho desu
Your IQ is less than 110.
is there a better version of that album?
I am very skeptical about Emperor, Nightside being the only album I could accept due to Faust being on it. The rest of their discog is Ihsahn ego stroking.
Hard to name just one, but some of my absolute favorites would be
>Miles Davis - Get Up With It
>Bulgarian Voices "Angelite" - Fly, Fly My Sadness
>pic related
What do you mean?
pretentious faggot with trash taste
edgelord with an okay taste in music
Considering how 'obscure' by Sup Forums merits your taste is, it's weird that you replied only OP, people like you usually shit on every Sup Forumscore poster in a thread.
they usually shit on the every pop poster too
I don't shit on every Sup Forumscore album, I listen to a lot of pop music as well. I just find that Grimes album painfully bland and unexciting and find it difficult to believe that someone could seriously consider it their favorite album of all time.
you think about her every day
>find it difficult to believe that someone could seriously consider it their favorite album of all time
tastes differ
not a big fan of pop music, neither a fan of the other grimes albums, but art angels is definitely on the better pop albums of the current decade
Socially backward without a significant other in your life. Probably never kissed a SO of their sexual preference. between the age of 14 and 20
it doesn't get enough love
Wears skinny jeans, dyed hair
Wears hat, a bit pseudointellectual
Gets high every weekend
Wears band t-shirts
classic cuck
fuck off shill
You're "bisexual".
Watches Rick and Morty
Smokes socially
Rates things on a basis of how "comfy" they are
Wanted Bernie Sanders to win
You have an IQ around 130 or higher
Watches 8 or more on-going TV series that he thinks have good writing.
ahaha irone
Posts his music tastes to seem cool
same as above, but is more self aware
fuck forgot, and the people I didn't reply too are all cool and original
Wasn't expecting a movie, but i'll definitely give it a watch, thanks man.
i didn't know it was a movie. how about that