ok Sup Forums, seems that a lot of new stuff about vicky as been released.
But, i missed it. Can someone help?
Bumping with stuff i have
Ok Sup Forums, seems that a lot of new stuff about vicky as been released
is this THE vivky?
No, not even close.
don't know much about vivky. this is Toria
sooo, anyone has the stuff released on december?
what site are you talking about?
here on Sup Forums. but there was a vola room i missed, seen on barchive
I can give you a list of the current vola rooms:
thanks, but that vola room expired
Who is this Vicky and why am I just now hearing about this?
maybe you're too young
Possibly. However, that's not answering the question. Is/was she some poser queen of Sup Forums? We all know Rabit-Chan is the one true queen.
she'is just a bitch exposed
Oh then who the fuck cares.
Wow Donald Trump. Cool dude. Bet that rustles all sorts of jimmies.
i care, for moar
I'm interested OP. How can I get more?
Bumping with unrelated BDSM pic of wonder woman nipslip
> Only on Sup Forums, baby!
search for vicky valerie
but, oc where released, and we're searching for them
Thanks, I found this:
bumping again,
there are videos, too
I can' t D/L anything right now because I'm alrdy doing 2 videos offa Vola's Vengeance room.
It's 2 videos from Chaturbate from
user Joshmin3207, an FFM 3some that is awesome.
They charge like $8 for a private show, which I can't swing for reasons. It's Very hot
Related: Joshmin3207
Someone commented about OPs girl having videos.
I posted a link that has vids. I can't dl them now.
Are you up to speed now?
I wanted to ask this without getting v&
I remember when I was 13 and that stuff was all over limewire. Feels bad now that I'm older
Same here. I'll probably be talking about this in therapy next session.
I musta missed out completely. I was on usenet with the alt newsgroups instead of limewire
I never knew how to use usenet
who is vicky?
You have to get a program called a downloader. Then you pick which newsgroup you want, then run the program.
It was the shit in the days of dialups. I'd use it now if my fucking ISP offered access to them.
Examples of newsgroup names:
that sounds oldschool, I might give it a try.
I was recently having technological nostalgia for teletext, which was free from pornographic distraction.
I purchased a monthly membership for Usenet access. This is outside of my ISP. I get 250GB downloads monthly if I use their download tools which are HTML based. If I use a Newsreader such as Fortes Agent it doesn't count against my monthly allotment.