The Conservative vision for America is so fucking grim...

The Conservative vision for America is so fucking grim. I can't understand why anyone wants to live in a country with no worker's rights, Corporate monopolies ripping us off, no healthcare unless you're wealthy, College no one can afford without a lifetime of debt. Suppression of all Science that doesn't support conservative ideaology. Tax burden almost totally on the middle class, Religious zealots making law based on their beliefs. innovation stymied due to regulations that prop up antiquated industries and suppress new emerging ones that might compete with them, i.e. (coal and petroleum). Banning municipal Broadband, and no net neutrality, so Comcast gets to decide what you get to access online. Privatizing, and letting Religious nuts mess with our kid's education. Privatizing infrastructure, (only $25 each way to drive to work on the Nestle turnpike!)Etc... Can anyone explain it without ranting about Libtards, and Cucks?

Other urls found in this thread:

Clinton was responsible for most of the financial deregulation, and Carter was the one who really got the deregulation ball rolling. Clinton and Carter also appointed some of the worst Fed Chairmen imaginable. Obama was responsible for bailing out the banks but only giving the most meager of bailouts to the people, and his health insurance overhaul is a handout to the health insurers. It's fine to hate on conservative (which is to say neoliberal) ideology, but the only alternative at the moment is third parties.

Very simple really. They want to dumb down and kill off the bottom 99%. If they dumb them down enough they'll support killing off the "dumb and poor".

My other speculation is that the country will be sold by Donald To another country and America will be no more.

Your perspective is biased and ignorant. But it is still better than a socialist hellscape.

sounds like you're just a pessimist, would you lighten up a little?

Who says that's "the Conservative Vision"?
Link to some proof

>Implying the Don will give up the opportunity to have secret service follow him around after he sells
It's physical reinforcement of his ego. He would never give up that visual cue of perceived value.

The vision isn't grim. You just lack foresight and the ability to see things objectively because you're a child who's allowed your thinking to be muddied by glad-handing politicians whom you believe support your narrow interests.

People just want the right to work, earn a living and support a family. People don't want their efforts to end up in the hands of the lazy, cheese-eating, welfare queen baby factories.

>I can't understand why anyone wants to live in a country with no worker's rights,

Unions that get too much power and get out of control are the problem. Take automotive unions for an example. Workers are getting paid like $20/hours with full benefits to put in 4 screws into a car. Do that kind of job warrant a $20/hour salary? No it does not...

>he sells.
was meant to be
>his term is finished.

Smug words with nothing to back them up here...

exactly whose conservative vision is this? you need to prove someone said this shit

But those people, can support a family. Companies do not treat employees properly otherwise, bottom line killing the union is killing the middle class, and the ability for an average joe to make a living.

The Liberal vision for America is so fucking grim. I can't understand why anyone wants to live in a country that disallows workers freedom i favor of unionized slavery, Government monopolies ripping us off, forcing healthy people to pay for unhealthy people's life choices, Colleges that teaches nothing but government approved opinions. Suppression of all Science that doesn't support Liberal ideology. Tax burden almost totally on the middle class, SJW zealots making law based on their beliefs. innovation stymied due to regulations that wants to cripple industries and make people jobless because innovation is considered more important than financial & social stability. Banning internet free speech and forcing people to pay for less successful websites because they don't want to compete over customers. Forcing government regulate to the schools, so socalist nuts can push for commoncore to ruin kid's education in favor of the welfare complex. Centralizing infrastructure, (which effectively kills all market innovation) Etc... Can anyone explain it without ranting about lefties, and snowflakes?

"child" here. The welfare queen argument has been thoroughly debunked as propaganda, .

Every single one or your concerns listed is utterly baseless and spoonfed to you by the media.

Im a worker and I voted for trump because I know how liberal globalization policies have effected me negatively. I have never been close to wealthy and I have always has insurance, which was cheaper and better before Obamacare. Monopolies and college debt have always existed. Your claim of suppression of science is mindless fear mongering. Taxing the hell out of the middle class is entirely the fault of liberal overspending. Zealotry is a fault of both sides, there is no difference between a religious zealot and an sjw zealot. Everything else is too ridiculous and fear based to comment on.

Oh, you mean like the OP?

"Child" here. the Welfare queen argument has long been debunked as propaganda.

So the answer is to do away with them entirely and give all the power to employers?

Except it hasn't.

Who told you that crap, John Stewart? John Oliver? Bill Maher?

This man is amazing! You win all the remaining internets for the day. Everyone else may go home now.


/thread right here.

Because people rather vote for a single party and follow blindly than take a fucking second to analyze what's best for the country or actual facts, not saying that conservatives think like op said but it is pretty close.

Are you joking? Killing unions, privatizing everything in sight, dumping the ACA, Subsidizing fossil fuels, while demonizing alternatives, ending net neutrality, promoting Christianity, cutting taxes on the rich is all standard republican party policy. They campaign on this shit, so what other proof are you looking for

Nice, though the only thing I would change is that the liberal vision requires a crushing tax burden on everyone, while the conservative vision requires as minimum a tax burden possible.

Or you know, we could have Capitalism counterbalanced by a bit of socialism to keep it in check. It doesn't have to be all one way or the other.

Before I start, let me say I hate the Right wing and Left wing equally. I dont fall into either.

These conservative billionaire assholes only ever cared about their own vision for wealth and power. The dont give a shit about foreigners migrating here, only because they never get to see any from their gated palaces.

Trump tricked the retarded masses by pretending to care and from now on, its corporate interests only.

I hope we get to cull right wingers after this administration. Hopefully most of them will die out from natural causes. But then we would be left with the liberal fairies and queers for the next century.

Fuck my life.

Jesus Christ. Not everything is "crap" being spouted from political pundits. Here's a few sources for you:

Hays, Sharon (2004). Flat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 0-19-517601-4.

Gilliam, Franklin (1999). "The 'Welfare Queen' Experiment: How Viewers React to Images of African-American Mothers on Welfare". Nieman Reports. 53 (2).

DeParle, Jason (7 April 2012), "Welfare Limits Left Poor Adrift as Recession Hit", The New York Times, retrieved 14 June 2016

The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undermined All Women. Free Press. p. 178. ISBN 0-7432-6046-5.

2012, John Blake, "CNN Politics", "Return of the 'Welfare Queen'"

Fialka, John (1976-02-09). "Reagan's stories don't always check out". Eugene Register-Guard.

"Bond on Wrong Address". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 1977-03-26.

"Welfare queen gets two-six-year term". The Rochester Sentinel. 1977-05-13.

Levin, Josh (2013-12-19). "The Welfare Queen". Slate.

"'Welfare Queen' Becomes Issue in Reagan Campaign". New York Times. February 15, 1976. p. 51. Reprinted from The Washington Star.

Gilens, Martin (2000). "The News Media and the Racialization of Poverty". Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy. Studies in Communication, Media, and Public Opinion. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. pp. 102–32. ISBN 0-226-29365-3.

Adair, Vivyan Campbell. From Good Ma to Welfare Queen: A genealogy of the poor woman in American literature, photography and culture (Psychology Press, 2000).

Dow, Dawn Marie. "Negotiating 'The Welfare Queen' and 'The Strong Black Woman': African American Middle-Class Mothers’ Work and Family Perspectives." Sociological Perspectives 58.1 (2015): 36-55.

Julilly, Kohler-Hausmann. "Welfare Crises, Penal Solutions, and the Origins of the 'Welfare Queen'," Journal of Urban History, 41 (Sept. 2015), 756–71.

>mid 1930's
>"Hey guys, this new guy is starting to scare me, I keep hearing stories from small towns all around the country side"
>don't be such a pessimist everything is fine.
>fast forward to 1940s
>Hey guys, These shower rooms are starting to scare me, I keep hearing stories from other prisoners
>Don't be such a pessimist, the Nazis just want to disinfect us before they send us to the next Camp.

Because the minds of the masses are patently binary and easily manipulated. They fail to realize America is an oligarchy and nothing they do to try to spin it 'for the people' is ever going to change that.

Well that's a lot better than expected, it seems directed to employers and they did not go all out with the tumblr bullshit, the title however makes it look like so.

what laws have been passed by SJW zealots exactly? I assume maybe you mean the ones prohibiting religious freaks from abusing their faith to discriminate against scary gay people?

He didnt trick anyone, look at the alternative. Nobody wants to let 400000 able body terroists into the country. National security had a huge play but bottom line both of them were shit picks for presidency.

Exactly - people always seem to forget that it's not just that unions have all the power. Corporations and employers have incredible power in the marketplace; unions began as a way for workers to have *some* ability to meaningfully bargain in the exchange.

What do you think we have now? Just some of us realize the fatal mistake of veering to far into socialism.

This isn't reality though.

Debunked by who? The cheese makers union?
I have SEEN 400 pound gibmedats order like 300.00 worth of fucking cakes , pay for it with thier EBT food card and waddle outside to climb into a brand fucking new cadalliac SUV..... while talking on a brand new smartphone.
If they need far gubermant assistance for food to feed thier chillens , how in the fuck are they paying for that 70K SUV ? Or that iphone6? And why in the fuck would you need 300.00 worth of fucking cake????

But no faggots like you will always say.
>the welfare queen myth was debunked long ago....

We're you just born stupid or has it been a life's work?


What's wrong with Maher? his distrust of Muslims and hatred for SJWs, and everything they stand for is as rich as any Trumpette's.

I dont know what that 400k refers to, but he just failed to put Saudi, UAE and Egypt on the list of countries.
It looks like more of the fucking same. Attack Iran. fight the next "terrorist group".

nice job user.

I blue collar as fuck, and I still don't think anything is going to change under Trump.

50 hour weeks while I can barely afford a house, and Trump is gonna help me over his rich friends?

You snowflakes can't handle 40 hour work weeks let alone 84, and you want to get rid of unions? Who do you think fights for your rights and safety in the work place?

Globalization is never going away. We have an interconnected global community now, independent of ideology. Isolationism and excessive nationalism are just a ignorant refusal to deal with a reality you don't like. Grow the fuck up, deal with the world as it is instead of whining about you you liked it better before.

We're as close to unrestricted capitalsim as we've ever been. There was MUCH more socialism in our government policies during the time period Conservatives considered America to be "Great".


it would take millions of them to consume as much welfare as the petroleum industry gets.

Who said anything about Trump?

We don't live in an ideal world. We live in a world of options. Rarely are our options ideal.

Reaganomics is entirely based on the idea of giving hand outs to the rich because they deserve it, and hopefully it will "trickle down" to the rest of us.

Economy killing free trade deals are entirely based in right wing economics -- getting rid of barriers for the free market because if the market is free everything will magically work out somehow.

Right wing economics are a scam dude.

Lol no, let's just cut ties with every other country and guess at how long it'll take before America collapses.

The real question is whats going to happen when all these vasement dewlers have to pay to browse Sup Forums? I sense the coming of the next civil war and mark my words net neutrality is going to start it.

Yeah, and thanks to the Clintons many of these ideologies have been adopted by the left in this country.

The largest most demanding group of welfare recipients are right-wing redneck dirtfarmers. The people is america's "heartland" are the ones bleeding the welfare system dry. Stop paying every inbred farmer who doesn't want to work and there'll be plenty of money for starving kids.

>Im a worker and I voted for trump
stopped right there. Retard confirmed

Well, "trickle up" is an even bigger scam.

Most poor people have nothing because nothing is what they've earned.

I would not doubt that there are millions of them. And at least the petro industry is employing people. They are working for money. So I think they have earned some tax breaks.
What do the cake eating gibmedats do?

stupid meme. Hilary knows what its like she just doesn't care anymore.

America's most prosperous times were tied to a thriving middle class. The average person having plenty of money for a house, and car and luxuries besides creates the most stable economy. The far left gives too much to the poor, the far right gives too much to the rich, and we have completely lost any hope of a middle ground. Either side will destroy us, its just a question of who gets there first.

See lots of those posts, are those trolls or the new CTR?


If by close, you mean not at all then you would be correct. A significant portion of the budget goes to maintaining citizen entitlements, to the point that it has become unsustainable. Further socialism would only make things worse.

It's a slow poison.

Did I mention any particular ethnic group? I takled about one particular instance I had seen myself where welfare gibs were wasting money.
If farmers are being paid not to grow shit, or not to sell what they grow, that is some government regulation bullshit that should stop.
But they work. I am talking about fat fucks that do NOT work, just> hab dem kids...

So the base of the country that does literally everything, don't even deserve a decent living because they haven't earned.
And then they blame the mexicans for taking the jobs their lazy asses won't take.

bullshit. Trickle down econ. violates the most basic principle of economics. Supply and Demand. Cutting a corporation's tax won't lead to job creation unless they already planned on expanding. Cutting the taxes on the middle class, and poor will leave them with more disposable income to spend on goods and services. This cash flow into the coffers of business, and the increased demand for goods and services incentivizes business expansion, and thus job creation. if you cut a corporations taxes instead, the demand for their goods and services doesn't change, so they'll pocket the cash, and keep on as before. Where we are today is almost exclusively the fault of trickle down economics.

You really are bluepilled on spending aren't you.

OP here. Fuck Clinton and fuck CTR, everyone who disagrees with conservative philosophy isn't a shill.

They don't have a view. They have distractions fed to them by rich people who use their ignorance and disinformed idiocy to stay in power and fuck them over.

And they're so good at it that not a single conservative has realized why their assholes hurt so much and are steered toward blaming "liberals" and "biased media" by the best propoganda machine the earth has ever seen.

It's more about disinformation than ignorance. And it's also about stupidity and the subtle manipulation of "freedom."

Antifafags BTFO
Mein sides have reached orbit
New America is fucking awesome

And if we hadn't adopted bullshit supply side economics policies 40 years ago we'd have the cash for your so called "entitlements"

Imagine what this country could be if we didn't waste so much money pointlessly. Cutting the military budget in half would be a great start.



>says 'not everything is crap spouted by political pundits'
>lists a bunch of crap spouted by political pundits, including the fucking nyt

Confused child who has been spoonfed his worldview by the media and has no idea how the real world works detected

>war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength
wew lad

>That Trump is "literally Hitler"
>The country has changed that much since Trump has been in office.
>The changes under Trump so far have been bad.
>The DOW isn't at an all time high.
>Manufacturers haven't already started to come back.


Military is too tied into the knee jerk fake patriotism of the average red voter for that to ever happen.

This country is at the point now where it will be impossible to make any progress at all without forcibly dragging the entire middle of the country out of the 50s and finding some way to get them unplugged from Fox and thinking for themselves.

Never going to happen as long as people are choosing "alternative facts."

Yeah the guy who got on his show and declared that liberals won the culture war totally hates sjws

Nice job Samefagging this hard user

nice job user.

That "alternative facts" is even a thing now makes me wish one of Drumpf's drones would accidentally input the nuclear codes already.

Whatever opinions you have of them,right wing economics are still infinitely better than left wing economics in every way, shape and form.

I'll take trickle down over 'punish the successful and reward the incapable' any day of the week

>thinking anyone at all gives a fuck about the "culture war."

Maher is the only honest pundit there is. He will flat out tell you what bullshit he believes and what agenda he wants to push. If only all the rest were that open about it.

Maher isn't the problem. He's just a strong voice for anti-bullshit and anti-PC.

ya so lets give the illeglas free shit that will fix things.

You can't understand feudalism? It's pretty straight forward and was the go to system in both eastern and western societies for centuries. How quickly we forget eh?

Your worldview is pure propaganda designed so sell policies designed to screw you over as the exact opposite.

What free shit? They work harder than we do.

Maher is complete bullshit and complete pc. He's just another hate mongering, fear mongering liberal idiot, and you're just another liberal dipshit who believes whatever the media tells him to.

The vast majority of this was in progress before Trump took office. The Dow has very little to do with the average American's life or income. It's legalized gambling for rich people.

I've been screwed by the Obama administration in every hole. I have not been screwed once by the trump administration.

Ah, logic, the lost art

You believing that this is a thing is literally the problem with our entire political and pundit system.

You think you know what you're talking about because some asshole with an agenda fed you an opinion to keep you distracted from who's fucking you.

"Look at those brown people getting free shit! Doesn't that piss you off?!"

Meanwhile he makes millions to keep you stupid and Trump in office. All so he and his friends can keep you poor, sick, angry, disinformed, and distracted.

Lol you lost snowflake

I dont think its a thing I was making it a point.

Watch his show (if you can afford it). He regularly tells liberals to fuck themselves.

Tribalism us not helping anyone but who's fucking you right now. Literally right now.

Its obvious you've never really listened to the guy. the "Liberals" he's talking about are not the new breed of PC SJW Neolibs. Just last night he called out the Democratic party for catering to them, and flat out stated they will never win major elections again, until they dump the hurt feelings crowd.

>right wing economics are still infinitely better than left wing economics in every way, shape and form.

Democratic countries with far left economic policies like Norway and Iceland are doing better than the US in essentially every metric you can think of -- health, crime, education, the list goes on and on. The evidence goes against your worldview and if you're an intellectually honest person you'll reevaluate it.

This is the biggest fail that all of you are making, the president can attempt to do these things but its still required for the people to vote. The president doesnt run the country you run the country, get educated on polotics and vote agaisnt all these things trump wants to do. Or just come on Sup Forums and bitch when they happen.

Liberals are so out of touch with reality...

Free shit? I don't think a livable wage can be considered free shit, and I mean for everybody who works shit jobs.

>vote against executive orders