hello Sup Forums
Im a 27 year old whos obese, lives in their mothers basement and hasn't been outside or talked to anyone in 49 days.
Feel free to ask me anything
Hello Sup Forums
where do you get ur income
What are you job skills?
Also, nice choice of beer
mom works at khols as a cashier
Is this just the end of the road for you, or do you have plans?... or what?
why haven't you been out in 49 days?
Idk to be honest.. im scared of being an adult and would rather just sit and play video games and escape reality. I know im a loser but i dont know how to fix it, and if i did i probably dont have the motivation to do it
Why haven't you done your mom the favor of killing yourself?
How do you get food?
this, why live that way?
If your not a social person fair enough but you really don't feel guilty about being completely supported by your mother at 27?
It's one thing to live under her roof at your age but to not even contribute with a part time job? thats just pathetic.
Which do you think people need more: love, or success?
I personally dont know yet, maybe something happens, maybe nothing happens. ima just wait and see what does.
What caused you to be such a human parasite? Have you been molested at a young age?
Is your mom proud?
Are you educated? Univeristy is a great way to start your life properly and start developing your people skills at the same time
She loves me, and no she is not proud. I think she worries for me, but I dont talk to her much.
You must feel like absolute shit almost every day. I feel sorry for you. And I mean that genuinely. Hope you grow up and sort your shit out man.
Not asking a question, because I don't think you have any answers to any questions I would want to know.
it's a trap ya fags
At night when shes sleeping i go up stairs and bring down food from the kitchen.
Its not a trap, just bored of playing cs go and decided to post.
why does your pic look so "social"?
HS grad thats it, barley passed and realised school isnt for me.
Post pic of body pillow?
yeah thats not me, im to embarraed to put myself online.
Shits probably troll, BUT...
Nigga, real talk. You evidently need mental help, so get it. Its not normal to be 27, have no social interaction and live with their mom and not contribute to society/have a career path or goal.
Once you get mental help, start slaying the gym because life is hard... Its a fuck ton harder if you're a fat fuck.
Ditch the PEPE shirt
Slay sluts
Dude go get a job making pizza or something. At least u will get free food and money
I can't speak for American education, but University is nothing like high school over here, it's extremely independent, and the first year of it you basically spend getting to know your new housemates and yourself.
Please do, then we can help you improve and get started in society. You know it really does feel good to have a sense of purpose and not just live in a basement.
you're gonna need to hate yourself. i recommend you start a youtube channel and absorb all that hate that you will surely be subjected to and use it to motivate yourself to work out and get a job.
tits with timestamp or this is b8
No, one time a whore knocked on my door, said she was into fat stinky losers and mom wasn't at home, so we did it.
How many good boy points do you have saved up?
Also ranch or BBQ sauce for your Chicken tendies?
Yeah, you're not OP
yeah it's not too late for you OP, but you're going to have to make some drastic changes QUICK, because the clock is running:
1) delete the video games
2) enroll in college; i'd start at a community college, and i'd recommend computer science
3) start visiting a therapist and explain your fears and that you need some guidance
4) get a part-time job where you're interacting with other people
5) go to the gym and lift heavy at least 3x times a week
6) get some social hobbies
7) if you smoke pot, knock it off, for many people it can kill motivation and can make interacting with other people anxiety-inducing
seriously dude, i'm also 27 but when i was in my early 20s i had to do all of the above to get myself out of a rut. i'm now a senior software engineer making six figures a year with a girlfriend i've been dating three years and a pretty solid social circle. IT TAKES A LOT OF WORK, but you can do it.
and for another perspective, you can do exactly what you're doing now and end up like my dad, old and alone, who ended up killing himself two years ago. as sad as it is, i look at his life as a cautionary tale of where you can end up if you don't put in work.
Try nootropics. they will definitely open your mind and will make you see that you have been fucking up. its not too late man. Eating healthy and working out could be a small start but will get you to where you want to be. this will boost your confidence and will get rid of some of the anxiety that you have around people. It starts with you bro so start living before you realize that you've been wasting your time.
Into big black cock?
nootropics are totally not the solution here to OP's problems
Also sorry about your dad.
thanks man, wish things could have been different for him but it is what it is
Where's op? Anybody ever knock on your door?
Bromo...when thinking about all these changes youd like to make it seems impossible right? Then you just keep pushing everything else off. Just do one little thing at a time one day at a time. I would start with a job even if its part time at a gas station or something. Little money and will get you talking to people again.
Sounds gay as fuck. You french?
That's a good way to think, at the end of the day all our past troubles help shape us into the better people we are today
English. It's actually really fucking fun, except for the debt.
Listen you fat fuck. You may not know it, but you're killing your mom. Every day she has to get up and think about what a failure you've become and how much of it was her fault. She has to remember when you were a kid and all the potential you had and the aspirations you had, and then look at you lumbering up from your basement lair to eat a couple of cold, defrosted, expired tendies right out of the box.
Either get your shit together and show the woman who brought you into this world some respect, or kill yourself.
Where should the suicide take place?
Somewhere where your mother won't have to find you.
>49 days
>49 days
kek get on my level 5 months and going strong
So outside and in some place where someone else will find me and inform my mother eventually? I don't want to be a missing person and have it take years to find me and be on the news. So maybe in a neighbor's yard
Here come the edgy faggots
That's why you leave a note.
I'm in the exact same boat as you and considering suicide myself.
27 isn't too late?
Oh yeah I guess I could leave a note but I don't really even want to do that . Wish I hadn't been born
Hey user. I'm 25, thin as as fledgling birch tree, live in my parent's living room and have left the house for the first time in 60 to 90 days to buy milk for my mom.
OP, listen to this good advice
Kill yourself nigger
You can't say Heineken is a good beer, i hope you aren't serious.
Its good to know there are people worse off than me. I mean atleast I've got my own room upstairs and I left the house earlier this month. Rock on.
What do you have against Heineken? What did they do to you? Let's see your beer company. At least they're doing something with their life
This doesn't taste like horsepiss
not op, but another home dweller here ... for me it takes a lot of inner effort to "man up" and get outside again after a while ... so congrats, if it's also so hard for you
Lol beer snobs are the worst people on the planet.
It's not that it's hard, I just don't have anywhere to go to and do shit. I live in a small, shitty town full of slav trash, all my friends are far away, it's winter so fuck it, Ima stay put and write a novel about m'ladism or some shit.
You don't have to be a snob to like something that doesn't taste like bitter horsepiss.
True change comes from within op. Where did you see yourself when you were 10? Where do see yourself in 5years.
That is so badly something a beer snob would say. I buy cheap beer because it gets me drunk and it all tastes the same after the second or third beer. I don't like you, but that's ok.
Have you gone on grindr? Plenty of guys want to fuck you
i'm not rich. U can get better tasting beer for the same price as heineshit. Btw why tf would you get drunk on beer retard? Just drink vodka or whiskey.
Why not just buy vodka save the money and upset stomach from drinking piss water?
You sound like me, except I'm 18.
Barely leave my house now that I'm graduated, and can't find a job anywhere close to me.
Sent like 20 some odd applications, all of which were rejected, including McDonalds.
Sucks being a neet
beer is cheaper to get drunk on from my experience, and I'm used to beer, can down it rather easily
>calling people who don't drink stale piss snobs
mate, just taste a real beer
pls post ur birthday pics
Vodka irritates my stomach and leaves me hungover. I also tend to become crazy for some reason.
Im not completely on board with you. I drink rolling rock daily, and once a week treat myself to a nice ipa/porter. Henikan is just an over priced attempt at being good beer just like guniess its all hype. Btw this ipa only cost 5 dollars upgrade your tastes a little op for only 5 dollar.
I'm not the heineken fan that's someone else. I don't drink any specific beer, just whats on sale.
Of course not, I have friends in uni who are 30, and my dad only got round to finishing his degree when he was 45
I want your life, I havenĀ“t have beer in like a month, I wanna drink it with you
I tried it in Sweden, not bad but not good ether, I like my beer how I like my balls
so u have a shit load of time and internet
bro get into science
believe me u can do crazy stuff with it
Well he probably wasnt raised right. And his moms not handling the problem now either. Theyre both fycking up nigbitch
Salty, with a hint of piss?
is that you?
Like you mean class is really easy the first year or what? In america i think theyre just trying to get us in and out as quick as possible. American class is fucked anyway....never even heard of tesla from class. We also like to ignore americas corruption by talking about our governments failsafes to prevent corruption as if it doesnt exsist.
Because it's such a different style of education than our college and high school before it, and also because everybody parties really hard all of first year, they make the work alot easier than the next few years
27 is probably a little late for the college "experience". That is, partying, socializing etc... you can do it, sure, but it's kind of gay to be 27 and doing that. Socializing in class with the younger people would be much more acceptable. But you can go back whenever and get a degree.
If you go to school in a bigger city you could find people in their mid to late 20s and early 30s to socialize with, at bars. Seriously though, go to school for school and nothing else if you do ever go back. It is not something to be taken lightly, considering the amount of debt you'll put yourself in if you're in the States.
We shouldn't be asking you shit. You need to be asking the successful people on here the questions, buddy.
OP, I'm going to tell you right now that if you truthfully want to get out of this rut, stop doing the internet and video game thing and follow something along the lines of: .
I will tell you one thing. I am sure on some level you hate living like this more than anything, and this thread is probably a bit of a cry for help. Regardless you are probably going to feel worse after this thread, and you needn't make it again. You got the guide to success in this post: , and you need to follow it, save for later, and then shut down this thread because you are opening yourself up in a way that's not going to be good for you emotionally by putting something like this out there. Nut up, or shut up, for your own good.