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Looks like a fucking skeksis.

She's aged like a fucking banana.

did her skull flatten out or something

she was NEVER beautiful. EVER

Drugs are a hell of a drug.


this'll be Alexandra daddario next year

Yep. She has always looked like a goblin.
>in b4 some assclown mentions The Mask.

Reminds me of Beverly Crusher a bit.

Seriously why is her mouth so big

She's broken her nose a few times in surfing accidents.

inb4: "nose." Yes, it looks like she has broken her entire face multiple times in surfing accidents.

Too late.



This took me like 25 mins to make, you fuckers better laugh.


I'd still happily fuck her.

you are retarded

in the movies in the Mask era she approached 10/10

she spent too much time in the Cali sun



>be 37

>still look early 30's

>see shit like this

Why are these people celebrities again? I swear the only white celeb that has aged like wine is probably Tom Cruise. 54 now and only now is he beginning to show any real age changes.

She looks like a 10 year younger version of my aunt kek

White devil reverting back to its natural form.

38 years young


too much sun



she looks like a nice smiling lady

getting a blowjob from her would be like dropping a hotdog down a wishing well

Should have been ms marvel

>Coke addict vs heavy makeup

Hmm, really makes me think

Why does she have crazy eyes now? Was she on anti psychotics? She literally has the eyes of a serial killer.

40 years young

her fucking eyes
is she witnessing live isis footage of a toddler massacre?

Reese witherspoon also aged like fiiine wine

46 years old

wine made of chin

Dude, she's had crazy eyes since forever.

BIIIIIGGG *beautiful* eyes.

That's not even old, who cares?

Literally The Joker.

She had Leno jaw back then.

I love that she dresses so humbly.
Hasn't she always had crazy eyes?

>20 years later, woman looks 20 years older
Holy shit, I bet jews did this.

Serial killer eyes don't look nearly that crazy.

yea she just has big ol' eyes.

Nkt always, but in that particular image she has the top white part of her eye showing. It is a common trait among serial killers in their mug shots.

Do you think she will eventually kill Amber Heard for trying to harm her husbando?

even an 18 wheeler looks small in the grand canyon am i right user


>dresses so humbly
nigga that fit costs more than what your parents have in the bank

She's witch made of plastic.



People always say "never stick your dick in crazy", but I don't fucking get it. Crazy chicks and crazy-looking chicks are the hottest every fucking time without fail.

you suck


She doesn't even like using curse words. She couldn't hurt a gnat. I think the Crazy Nona thing is a meme. She's a weird woman no doubt, but not nearly as weird as Sup Forums wants her to be.

only if you photoshop

Humble was the wrong word. I didn't mean cheap, I meant "not showy".

She got big.



doesn't look a day older than 42 and a half.

anyway, after 15 who really cares?

>superior columbian drugs


>That mouth + lower jaw combination

She should gain some weight. She'll be smooth as butter.

63 years of perfection


frank sinatra in a wig

i kinda see it

She dresses like an old grandma.


that's because she is or at least looks like

Mary pretending to be a man*

>implying old is not sexy

If a man did that everyone would be up in arms and calling him a sexual predator. Just more feminazi bullshit.

On the other hand if the man looked as silver foxy as Mirren and the woman looked as repulsive as Colbert, reaction would be about the same.

Give me old over the plastic 20-somethings walking around.



Damn, Cameron Diaz looks like *THAT*?!?

i hate this fucking hag's face, but she has starred in some kick ass comedies. love to hate this cunt

yeah what a sexy plank

Black don't crack

nice legs for 62


I love it

she seriously needs to get ORC'D

>25 min
>On paint.exe


Is she married? Why she do that?

she looks like a fart

shes been pretty good in the "smurf" role on tnts american remake of animal kingdom

Looks like Maria from Silent Hill 2