99.99% of Muslims are not radicalized and are just normal people like me and you. So why does america feel the need to ban 100% of Muslims from entering the country?
>fun fact: more americans have been killed by white people than Muslims
99.99% of Muslims are not radicalized and are just normal people like me and you. So why does america feel the need to ban 100% of Muslims from entering the country?
>fun fact: more americans have been killed by white people than Muslims
99.99% is pretty close to 100% so it makes sense
40% of muslims are philosophically radicalized
Then why are all muslim countries opressiv?
All minorities are friendly as long as they are minorities.
>fun fact: more americans have been killed by white people than Muslims
and more muslims are killed by muslims. so whats that supposed to mean?
so what more Americans have been killed by white people than Muslims?
even if just 10% of Muslims are radicals (which by Quran laws they required to be towards "infadels") its still a dangerous religion.
Everyone is opposite racist.
more like 10% and the percentage gets smaller by generations
Because all Muslims are degenerate savages deserving to be purified from this world.
>not radical
>robed and masked
pick one
Trump only wants to ban Muslims from countries he isn't doing business with. The ones with money are still allowed here.
>Because all Muslims are degenerate savages deserving to be purified from this world.
Yawn, this meme again. Even "moderate" muslims don't belong in the West.
The majority of "moderate" muslims hold backwards, savage beliefs that are completely incompatible with western civilization.
i have no interest in this, and neither do you, OP, youre just some random faggot / dyke / feminist who only understands that anything trump does is racist
however, i spent 10 seconds reading about this so i am 100% more researched about this than you are. The muslims that are banned are from, for example Iraq, Iran, and a bunch of other fucko countries, Egypt, for example, is not on the list because they outlawed the radicals in their country
Muslims arent a danger to anybody, except the Jew, homosexual, feminist, and European. The four groups that shouldn't even be alive.
This is why the Jew has weaponized their faggot and feminist minion to pre-emptively strike against Islam because Islam holds the key to their removal from this planet
name my band Sup Forums
not the blacks
>Thats not true
lmao too true
over 50% of muslims think being gay should be illegal, fuck them
fuck you sand monkeys lover faggot!
yes it is
Its something like 50% are what we would consider radicals to them they are not stoning people to death beheading they are fine with and don't call it radical fuck all Muslims
>Muslims are just normal people like me and you
This says otherwise you massive faggot
Isnt it something like 25% of muslims worldwide are "radicalized"? Thats still a huge number of potential terrorists.
Did you guys know that roughly 50% of the world's Muslims are inbred? Pretty crazy, right?
Hey, relax guys - fucking kids it just part of our culture! What's the big deal, you racist bigot?
Youre going to see a lot of these threads painting Islam in this and that sort of light. You dont have to be an Islam, or religious, or anything, to understand.
We have 2 opportunities to remove the Jew, European, homosexual and feminist from this world. The first, you may have heard of him, is Adolf Hitler. The second is Islam.
Do not squander islam the way you did Adolf Hitler. Islam is your final opportunity to save this timeline.
There are no alternative upcoming methods of removing the Jew, European, feminist and homosexual from this planet. None of these groups are capable of running their own society. Jewish world domination will collapse near instantly. They themselves will watch in horror, seeing first hand, that the Jew is not capable of running the planet on their own. And not only will it be too late, but they will immediately create a reason why the whites they killed were the reason for this.
nothing is even close to as inbred as your Jewish bloodline
its not really radicalization, its just being a devout muslim.
Yeah, you sound like a cuckfag who sucks strange men's dicks and hates White people, OP. How about you eat a turd and choke on it? Fuck you and muslims/illegals.
because islam is a cancer.
The danger with continued immigration from islamic countries, is the danger of losing land and enchroachment from growing muslim population. When it's gone, it's gone forever. That's the real danger most overlook. As muslim have no intention of assimilation. So banning them permanently is beneficial, or at very least, minimal entry with only those with business or degrees allowed.
Yeah thats why I put the quotations.
>99.99% of Muslims are not radicalized
Yeah it closer to 75% not radicalized
The 25% out of a billion radicalized muslims is nothing to worry about.
If they followed the Quran exactly how it's written they'd all be blowing themselves up. The 99.99% are just a bunch of pussies who turn a blind eye to what their book says. Fucking coward religion
How are you being affected by "radicalized Islam" or are you rando faggot 218192712 who pretends to have concern over anything your Jewish master tells you
>no intention of assimilation
you should actually, you know, read about this. Because its falze
no, you know, it isnt
You americans are absolutely fucking retarded for banning muslims from entering your country. Just like we Europeans are for giving them free passage.
Muzzy Exploder
where have you seen people being "assimilated into Islam"
how is this non existent threat worse than turning you into a queer who acts out any mission the Jews tell you to
Your retarded ass is still calling people "trump supporters" and it's been weeks since he's been made president
how many goats have you seen on the street in america how is this relevant, its not, youre some random fuckin homo who has been convinced to release endorphins when you harass a "muslim threat"
>You americans are absolutely fucking retarded for banning muslims from entering your country
That's not even whats happening
explain this then
>99.99% of Muslims are not radicalized
[Citation needed]
Meanwhile, in every single Muslim country in the world women worth less than shit, gays are hang and throw off roofs, and human rights are as non-existent as a smart liberal.
Bomb Squad
Is that why in the UK between 50-75% of muslims marry their first cousin? And why there are Sharia Patrols and "no-go zones"?
Is that why in the outskirts of Paris the Muslim-run cafes forbid women from entering?
Is that why rapes and sexual assualts have skyrocketed all throughout Western Europe this past year?
Because they are assimilating?
>wanting jewtube related to happen to the US
It's like you're all buttfucking morons or something
>Meanwhile, in every single Muslim country in the world women worth less than shit
This is a far superior model than what we have in the West, where women are on a rampage of ego, given reward for zero contribution, the marriage, family, relationship is destroyed, every female is a whore, Western society 100% cannot be recovered, you're talking about the X amount of problems Islam has as if youre concerned?
>Is that why in the UK between 50-75% of muslims marry their first cousin?
Jews have been breeding their own family member for 4,000 years
Islam is the scum of this Earth, Christians are being murdered by these savages and we sit back and just let it happen. I rather be friends with a Christian then I would a savage Islam fucker.
Any religion that follows the teachings of a pedophile prophet (Muhammad) is fundamentally flawed.
I don't know statistics of this shit but i do know my best bud is muslim. I'd do anything for that motherfucker and he'd do it for me.
wouldn't ever want him tarred with the same brush that terrorist/backwards scum do
hi friend I am jewish can we be friends?
>99.99% of Muslims are not radicalized and are just normal people like me and you.
>fun fact: more americans have been killed by white people than Muslims
Fun fact when talking at statistics you need to talk ratio, no quantity. Numbers are meaningless as there are much much MUCH less Muslims than white Christians in USA.
Why is the mom the only one looking at the fucking camera?
Westerns have backward ass beliefs that font belong in the western world, so what's your point?
Islam is simply incompatible with western culture.
They insist on policing themselves and ignoring the law of the land in favor of islamic law. Muslim courts have been taken down all over the US.
We like our women to dress promiscuous and most of us can hold in the rape, muslims cannot. I dont even have to remind anyone about the child rape epidemic in Europe brought on from mass muslim immagration
Muslims have no interest in assimilating into american culture and instead prefer to stick with eachother in ghettos that become more unsafe for anyone not muslim as muslim population rises. You fuckers are known to hate and murder our dogs.
The more of you that come in the more you insist that we change to better suit your customs. Halalalalalalal food in our markets etc.
>This is a far superior model than what we have in the West,
Then why don't you move to Syria and join Isis? Or if you want something less extreme, move to Iran or Qatar?
What do you have agaisnt jews? Its not like you look on the news and see a bombing with a jew involved. Its allways mudslims.
Because 99.99% of those dukka dukkas don't have the balls to stand up to the 0.01% of those degenerate camel fuckers live streaming executions. Therefore they are as guilty and are also degenerate camel fuckers
>Islam is the scum of this Earth
Youre going to see a lot of these threads painting Islam in this and that sort of light. You dont have to be an Islam, or religious, or anything, to understand.
We have 2 opportunities to remove the Jew, European, homosexual and feminist from this world. The first, you may have heard of him, is Adolf Hitler. The second is Islam.
Do not squander islam the way you did Adolf Hitler. Islam is your final opportunity to save this timeline.
There are no alternative upcoming methods of removing the Jew, European, feminist and homosexual from this planet. None of these groups are capable of running their own society. Jewish world domination will collapse near instantly. They themselves will watch in horror, seeing first hand, that the Jew is not capable of running the planet on their own. And not only will it be too late, but they will immediately create a reason why the whites they killed were the reason for this.
>Any religion that follows the teachings of a pedophile prophet (Muhammad) is fundamentally flawed.
That is actually the only religion that follows the prophet Mohamed, who are you supposed to be fooling,
Youre an undead homosexual creature the Jews have re-animated to assault whites, christians, muslims, the west, the family, society, civilization, you gain nothing from your actions
>hi friend I am jewish can we be friends?
>Islam is simply incompatible with western culture.
What culture? Drinking your double latte, fucking your boyfriend, spitting on republican voters is a culture now
>Then why don't you move to Syria and join Isis?
Why dont you move to syria and join isis, maybe they have better benefit plan than being an undead homosexual crusader of the Jew
>What do you have agaisnt jews?
You pieces of shit are the reason all these undead homosexuals have been re-animated to create threads and posts such as these
We should stay seperate our beliefs dont mesh. How about muslims try to make their land better in stead of mooching off westerners.
They were born here, so there's not much we can do about them. Can't deport them.
Why, then, would we willingly allow people to come to our countries that fundamentally hate everything we stand for and want to see it demolished? It's basically masochism on our part. Or suicide. It's mind-boggling.
.99% of Muslims are not radicalized and are just normal people like me and you.
the non-radicalized already exploded with "Allah Akbar!!!!!"
btw we have a greater problem with gay+trans faggotry
>Removing Europeans
Remove any other race you'd like but surely you will never remove Europeans without a race war. We put 6 million in the dirt and we can easily put another 6 million in the dirt for Muslims.
because she is thinking "today will I cook pork meat or pork salami?"
You realize both of those women will be killed for such slutty behavior in their home countries. Look at them fratrenizing with those men like whores. Their faces are exposed!
Amount of muslims in world = 1.6 billion, probably more now
0.01% of 1.6 billion = 160,000
That's at least 160,000 potential terrorist attacks, America did the right thing.
>How about muslims try to make their land better in stead of mooching off westerners.
How is this even a rational thought. First of all what do you even know about muslims. And how are these secretive muslims mooching off you while the Jew destroys your family, race, culture, society and banks
>that fundamentally hate everything we stand for
I grew up in the West, i am white, and I dont appreciate when you shit in your boyfriends mouth, or intentionally infect other males with the AIDS virus
>Remove any other race you'd like but surely you will never remove Europeans without a race war.
The muzzies already have your ass on lock
How do you respond so quickly?
Because of the 00.01% that chop, cut, shoot people's heads off. People simply aren't into that stuff happening to themselves.
Are we still the good guys?
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
We'd still win the race war, Europeans are more prone to owning firearms and defending themselves, Muslims tend to travel in packs which is good since you can easily just spray them and just sit back and enjoy their limbs fall off.
>Why dont you move to syria and join isis, maybe they have better benefit plan than being an undead homosexual crusader of the Jew
Because their way of life sucks balls? I wasn't the one saying g they are superior, you did. Now answer the question, self-hatimg closet-faggot.
as an anglo even I'm disgusted by that. It's one thing to acknowledge the truth that English is probably going to overtake swedish (virtually everyone under 25 in Sweden speaks good English and it really does offer them more opportunities), but it's a whole other thing to applaud it and encourage it.
>99.99% of Muslims think of women like property
>not radicalized
This poem was written in 1887 by a jew. It has nothing to do with our founding fathers' vision of our constitutional republic. it has no force of law, and is found nowhere in either the declaration of independence or the constitution.
>race war against a religion
I'm white and used to be a muslim. How are you going to be able to tell what a muslim looks like? You'd end up shooting a whole lot of spics.
Ahmad fuck off.
So how do you feel about trump bringing back torture? And No ones bringing the white man down race traitor.
>That's at least 160,000 potential terrorist attacks,
The department of defense will be sure to consult the random fuckin homo on Sup Forums
all of your comments are predetermined
>We'd still win the race war,
this convincing yourself that there will be a form of "race war" is the belief you held onto while all your retarded european females were getting raped by brown dick
>Because their way of life sucks balls?
it literally doesnt, between beating your wife and having a family, or being you, getting analy raped, pretending you actually care about hillary clinton, i would say muslims are a million times better off than your apple ipod buying ass
you dont even have wired ear buds anymore while they can actually get their irrational, dumb females to shut the hell up
Swedes contribute nothing but pretend to be superior on the internet
im whiter than you
>So how do you feel about trump bringing back torture?
lets hope he uses it on your faggot ass
>like me and you
don't you dare compare me to you or some sandnigger motherfucker
>Used to be a Muslim
You think a goatfucker would denounce their religion in battle?
How much percents is 4 out of 300 million, remind me again?
Also the 99.9% is bullshit, most of them are radical or passively support Sharia laws.
I'd rather be friends with neither. Fuck Christians, and fuck Muslims. Fuck every religion. All religions are the reason for all of our problems. To say otherwise, is to be biased.
America doesn't want what happened to Europe to happen to them
>it literally doesnt, between beating your wife and having a family, or being you, getting analy raped, pretending you actually care about hillary clinton, i would say muslims are a million times better off than your apple ipod buying ass
>you dont even have wired ear buds anymore while they can actually get their irrational, dumb females to shut the hell up
I'm pro trump and never owned an iPhone. Now answer my question, Muslim closet faggot - why don't you move to Syria / Iran / Qatar?
.01 , theres like 2 billion of you....we cant take that chance
I wish I could blame a specific religion instead of mental illness in people, seems fucking easy. Ban them.
>im whiter than you
Cockroaches and Iranians are not white nor European. Fuck off Ahmad.
>i-it's not the religioin...!
>i'ts just mental illness!
There seems to be an alarmingly high rate of dangerous mental illness in Muslim countries.
good point
Pretty sure a muslim wouldn't openly declare himself to be one when that's enough reason for people to kill you. These people aren't idiots, but you are for even fantasizing of a race war.
If you saw me on the street, you would think I'm your average American citizen. But I was a Muslim not long ago. You can't have a race war with a religion. If you can't tell who your enemies are, you've already lost.
>Islam has nothing to do with islam
>You think a goatfucker
you literally have sex with men but having sex with random farm animals is "horrible" and "shameful"
Like homosexuals dont even have proper arguments. The jew slices open your skull, throws in "islam is evil" "islam fuck da goat" and off you go
to be accurate, liberalism is the source of every problem in developed countries and Jews are behind most if not all of it
>I'm pro trump and never owned an iPhone.
good for you nobody cares. nobody else posted, so normally id be done reading, lets keep reading your faggotry
>Now answer my question,
youre some retarded fucking faggot who uses didnt answer question harassment
>Muslim closet faggot
go shoot yourself. shout allahu ackbar if it makes you feel better when you do it
every jew has inbred itself into blood lust and a deep, incurable hatred of the human race, they are willing to convince the public they are homosexual, to eradicate their future, then re-animate them as soldiers for their own means
>Cockroaches and Iranians are not white nor European. Fuck off Ahmad.
both of these are whiter than you
your jewish masters are the most mentally ill of them all