Tfw love spikes, up my sleeves, gulliotine, black quarterback, and trash

>tfw love spikes, up my sleeves, gulliotine, black quarterback, and trash
>can't stand any other death grips track
What's the dealio? Do I have bad taste or good taste?

up my sleeves? more like, up my ass


>god tier band
>god tier album
god tier taste

fucking meme band

Meme opinion


Why can't you stand the others?

because i have no legs


really not get got or i seen footage or even the fever? those seem way more accessible

If you actually "love" those songs then there's no reason you should not be able to stand any other DG songs.

Either you're not trying or you just lying. At the very least there would be some songs you would think are just "meh" or something.

meme response to meme opinion


you people dont deserve anything

meme people don't meme anymeme

Using meme to such excess it loses all meming

Where does IT GO(ES)?

You love Up My Sleeves and Black Quarterback but not Billy Not Really? You might wanna see a doctor about that one

I'm starting to notice that Sup Forums doesn't really have any form of discussion anymore.
It's essentially 99% meme threads and people responding with oneliners, driveby shitposting.
Any attempt at actually having a discussion about music is simply met with a driveby shitpost and then the thread dies.

Is this board completely useless now?
I've been browsing 8ch Sup Forums for a while and if you can ignore the edgy neo nazis making "white powah music thread" and such, it's actually really good, i've had actual music discussion going on there, the board is much slower but the quality of the posters is higher on average.

This is more or less the only board where i hold this opinion, any other board is generally speaking better on Sup Forums, for various reasons (aside Sup Forums i guess, i really like 8ch Sup Forums, much better moderation).
Sup Forums is the only board where on Sup Forums it's impossible to use at this point, it's complete trash.

I saw this thread and how horrifically it unfolded into pure radioactive trash and it just hit me: every thread here is like this.
Should i just give up on Sup Forums Sup Forums completely?
I've had some good discussions about music here in the past but the new userbase seems to be literally too retarded and meme/shitposting addicted for that to be possible ever again.

Reminder that if you listen to death grips ironical youre an edgy meme fuck
Listening to it normally is ok but dont rave about how great it is, its literally a homeless man on acid and speed screaming with random sounds in the background

What more could you ask for in music?

Giving Bad People Good Ideas and Spikes are the only songs I really cared about on that album the rest seemed pretty forgettable

>Browsing the pedo++ version of Sup Forums

You can't be browsing all that many boards to hold this opinion, Sup Forums's fall is unlike any other board, pedo threads, blacked threads, ironic marvel/dc fan-wars, pol threads.. there is no discussion there. Sup Forums is a cesspit to say the least..

Sup Forums is without a doubt one of the better boards on this site, anybody that says otherwise has a bone to pick with """hipsters""" I'm not saying it's great, because literally nothing on Sup Forums is, but it certainly is one of the better ones.