Oldfag here, just got out of prison two days ago after serving a 3 year sentence.My carrier just established my broadband half an hour ago. What did I miss?
Inb4 I am not taking questions about why I got to prison
Oldfag here, just got out of prison two days ago after serving a 3 year sentence.My carrier just established my broadband half an hour ago. What did I miss?
Inb4 I am not taking questions about why I got to prison
>what did i miss?
literally nothing
you missed everyone talking shit about you while you were in prison and calling you gay
OP is a pedophile
How did prison treat you FAGGOT
I know your a LYING CUNT
Don't be fooled Sup Forums this is bait
He is just a FAGGOT that wishes he could go to prison for all the rape.
This CUNT just needs attention.
your the reason i fucking hat Sup Forums now
Great cunt we hate faggots we hate rapists we really hate fucking liars.
Suck oats from the tip of my cock faggot
But why you had got to prison?
Post Court Sentencing papers with timestamp, faggot.
I am waiting for my hat pls.
You didn't lose anything. Sup Forums has been on decline since 2010. This is nu-Sup Forums where justin bieber fans and useless porn threads meet. Also some spammed propaganda from Sup Forums.
Sometimes, if you are lucky, there might be something interesting on Sup Forums but most often it's just filled with meaningless threads. You'll notice a pattern here. Better head up somewhere else check the boards which interests you more. /jp/ has stayed pretty much same luckily. If I were you, missing few years in prison, I'd pick up videogaming again.
you missed some of the gratest memes like harambe and dat boi
A helpful advice on Sup Forums. This is something old Sup Forums had too. So I guess Sup Forums is not entirely lost then.
sry wrong image
The Great Trap Uprising
A Gorilla took over as Sup Forums's mascot??
That's even more lame than the stupid frog.
more edgy 13 year olds
Op got v&.
Dumb nigger.
Don't mention you went to prison if you don't want people asking questions faggot, now tell us why you went to prison
There's bananas everywhere now, that's pretty much it
I'm the fucking leader of anonymous, you twat. And now you've thoroughly pissed me off. I wasn't even that close to edge, and yet your miserable dribble has actually managed to push me off. You hear that? To the end of the line. THE BREAKING POINT. Normally I dismiss this kind of shit without a second thought, but you've crossed a certain boundary you fucking faggot. And you should have known better, you should have realized what could happen if you took your joke a little too far. But you failed, and now will await the repercussions. Fuck I haven't even gotten my hacking laptop out in years, I think that shit is still running some pirated version of XP. But it's time to brush the dust off and set an example, because clearly faggots like you are too young to know what can really happen when you mess with the likes of our group. I hope you're ready for what's in store, because mommy won't be able to save you this time. Best you pack your bags and flee now, flee to whatever remote shit hole you can hide to. And you better pray we won't find you. But we will, and when that day comes you will rue the day you made what was seemingly a harmless comment on an anonymous message board. The clock's ticking, pal. Tick tock. Your time is about to run out
Easy bud easy take it easy bud.
We all know he's a faggot and a liar.
He just wants attention
Is this the kind of copypasta that goes around in Sup Forums now? Where's the Navy Seal copypasta? the Mia Culpa copypasta?
This is shit. Oh my god.
i dare you
fucking find me
i challenge your lying ass
to find me in the depths of russia
worst bait
What the fuck did you just fucking say about my paintings, you little bitch? I'll tell you what, I ranked Master Sergeant in the USAF, and I've been involved in numerous art demonstrations across the country, and I have over 30,000 confirmed paintings. I am trained in wet-on-wet oil technique and I'm the top devil beater on the entire PBS television network. You're nothing to me but just another brush cleaning. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me after I kicked the bucket? Think again, mud mixer. If only you could've known what agony city your "unhappy" little comment was about to bring you to, maybe you'd had held your fucking brush. But I'll tell you what, you couldn't, you didn't and now you're painting the price, you goddamned paint sniffer. I will SHIT Van Dyke Brown all over you, and you will drown in it like the effervescent shit stain that you are.
You're fucking dead, kiddo!
Why did you get v&
If you're really an oldfag, you'd know that OP can't inb4. Fuck off neefag
You're a faggot. And I don't mean the gay kind.
>Van Dyke Brown
Does black cock taste like chocolate?
Asking for a friend.
tell him it tastes like shame and another mans sweaty ass
That's not even funny.
So... missing Tyrone already, eh?
>hat /b so much