I didn't go out to vote democrat because the fucking news said this woman had a 98% chance of winning

I didn't go out to vote democrat because the fucking news said this woman had a 98% chance of winning.

I asked around and 3 other people I know made that same assumption and did not vote.

2 people I know voted for Trump just to see what would happen and now have "buyer's remorse."

3 people I met a few towns south of me voted for Trump because they were afraid Hillary would take their guns away.

I live in Utah, and almost all the Mormon people here that I talked to voted for Evan McMullen, which is really stupid, because at least 2 people I talked to said they would rather have Hillary than Trump; so they basically threw their vote away to Trump. (Even though everyone kept telling you that by voting for a 3rd party, you're throwing your vote to Hillary and not Trump).

What the fuck is happening to this country?

Some of us voted trump to maga. Deal with it faggot and check muh dubs.

So you were an idiot? go fuck yourself and deal with it.

>too stupid to vote
Thanks a lot asshole. You deserve Trump.

You've gotta remember. This is the country that mourned for a fucking gorilla for a couple months? That happened/

>I'm a liberal faggot that relied on other people to get the things I want. They failed and now I'm mad at everyone but myself.




>We're going to fix inner-cities, we're going to fight for the struggling working class
>Thanks for the votes dipshits

Why do people get so worked up over politics again? It's all bullshit.

Because Republicucks totally don't rely on daddy Trump to hand jobs to them on a silver platter instead of putting forth effort to qualify themselves for something in demand.

travel safe pupper