>on Taiwaneese cartoon board
makes you think
>on Taiwaneese cartoon board
makes you think
Life is fucking shit. The best one can do is do the things they enjoy doing. If you enjoy shitposting on a mongolian childrens forum then so be it.
"a life of memes is a life indeed"
tzun zuuu "the art of weed"4:20"
I've been here for a very long time, I've learned to accept it.
so youre a NEET literal waste of oxygen as well that would rather spend his time bitching about life than go and make the best of it.
you should do the world a favour and literally kys. we dont need your negativity.
get a fucking job you bum. go make something of yourself.
posts like this is just sad
people are literally raping childrene and murdering them too and youre crying over people that dont have a job etc
who gives a shit if someone is leeching on their mom and playing video games
kys fucking faggot
also whats your job
I listen to music while browsing here. At least I can say that I spent my life listening to tunes instead of shitposting with people I never knew.
guys can we talk about waifus pls
Someone is heavily projecting. Chill Neat-Bro.
nice whining and bitching NEET baby. all i see are pathetic excuses to justify your worthless existance. if your dead beat skank of a mother wasnt such a pushover you would literally be homeless. so make sure you thank her for being such a cucked slut the next time she brings you your chicken tendies while you piss away your "life" on her computer
>so youre a NEET literal waste of oxygen as well that would rather spend his time bitching about life than go and make the best of it.
Not the same neet you're talking to, but I seriously just come here to talk about movies. But all anyone ever talks about here is how much everything sucks.
wew. savage af
I have a job but I live at home and spend all my money on weed and alcohol and all my time on vidya and Sup Forums. I feel completely empty but meh
what if god was one of us though
wagie getting ragie! only one more day of freedom left!
because 3/4 of the people here come from middle class white families that baby them and as a result makes them shy. and they try to play off their shyness as anxiety and depression. the other 1/4 of the people here (like me) come here to laugh and meme and are referred to as "normies".
nothing is more pathetic than a whiny NEET baby that has all the oppertunity in the world but would rather cry online than do something about it
I've turned down invitations from friends many dozens of times to go out so I could stay in and post here. Fuck the outside world, it's rotten and stupid.
>that feel when you wanted to start that new netflix series all your friends tell you about
>that feel when you've been sitting there in silence checking the chan for 3 hours now
God wouldn't post BBC and shitpost
same, but also edging
>middle class white families that baby them
if you use that as an insult it let's slip you're a poorfag with a broken family, probably why you didn't make reference to a father when chimping out at that other guy
>we're here forever
>they try to play off their shyness as anxiety and depression
You don't know a damn thing about these people or their mental health issues. Stop pretending you do.
rekt. you put those NEET cucks in their place fellow normie
You know what to do user
this hits the nail right on the spot for at least 90% of the people here.including me
this is reddit
this is memes
this is reddit
this is memes
Let's get to it then, bro.
We got work to do.
hit a little too close to home huh?
or should i say your moms home?
germanfag detected
>he fell for the depression is real meme
Why don't you go back to plebit.
I'm ok with that
You know that you are one of us. No way to fool yourself.
But i understand, it feels good to ventilate the anger against yourself from time to time.
>mfw im the guy who posts all day every day about how patrician BvS is but I don't even like it
this is so true.
virtually every working man and woman would say the exact same thing.
everyone struggles with hard times, everyone has some sort of shit they live with. but they deal with it and continue to live their lives. you are not a special fucking snowflake. all you NEETS that self diagnose yourself are shy white 20 something year old soft as shit bitches that act racist and tough anonymously online.
NEETS are lower than ghetto niggers. lower than muslims. and even lower than terrorists. at least all these people get out of the house and do shit and fight for their cause, even if you dont agree with it. what can a NEET say for himself? that he made a bunch of fake youtube accounts to dislike the new ghostbusters trailer?
This, eventually they stopped inviting me, now I feel regret.
I never edge more than six hours.
Kill me, Pete.
Who hurt you, user.
Please stop, please.
putting NEETS in their place is not only fun, but its too easy. plus, the reactions are priceless, especially when you can tell they literally have absolutely nothing to say to refute your comments and reply just as you did.
>Not being a phoneposter and chuckling at this board while waiting in a queue or eating lunch