I hate women. I really do. Every time I look at them, my blood pressure shoots through the roof...

I hate women. I really do. Every time I look at them, my blood pressure shoots through the roof. When they're gabbing on the cell phone about Paris Hilton. When they're adjusting their lipstick and taking up my time rifling through their stupid purse. When they whine to me about their period. When they blither on and on about some artist/film director/musician nobody else gives a flipping fuck about. When they cry and expect your personal sympathy.

But most of all, Sup Forums, I hate them because they're smug, hyperactive little bitches made that way by our shithole society. Look what uncontrolled feminism and the media has done to them: they think they're superior. They can call the shots. No woman will even know what it feels like to be completely alone and unloved unless she is FIERCELY ugly. All their crying about relationships is merely them fucking up; any girl can get any guy she wants if she tries.

When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and fuck him. Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores, they could strike up a conversation with any guy in class and make him theirs. But a lonely, pathetic man is hated by women. They know they're better than him. They give him nothing. Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him. They get to choose who is happy and who is sad.

I know this is BAAWWWWW over being a virgin. I know that it's not morally right. But I'm posting it because every single one of you sexless Sup Forumstards thinks the same thing. When you watch your roommate make out with his girl, when you hear it in love songs on MTV, when you see it on the streets: know that those women are laughing at you, hating you, denying you something completely harmless, just because they hate who you are as a person. And that's their never-questioned right in this world.

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Since when has Paris Hilton been relevant?

Early 2000s at best but it caps at 2005..and that's stretching it

Well....what are you going to do about it?
Stop being transfixed on an issue you're not willing to do anything about, and don't expect help.

work out, play it cool and fuck some bitches. thats all, a litle hard work, bitches are stupid.

That caught me off guard as well. Op is time traveler.

Huh. Well, I'd still vote for her...


Shit bait, faggot

Lol have you ever talked to women tho? You sound like a whiny autistic virgin

lol ikr!

female entitlement

It's not the fact that op has expressed concern of their gender, its the fact that, in their eyes, op must be under some form of distress. The female response to this is to ridicule him and send him away until he comes back with money they can spend

Oh hi Elliot

Show your dick or gtfo!


no "man" youll ever leech from will make more than 40k but in your mind you deserve 85 plus so guess what your entire box of cookies eating ass is going to marry nothing you dumb bitch


True OP the older you get the more you'll realise they're all selfish bitches I'm an oldfag worked hard my life gave all my money to bring up kids and pay bills and I was made to feel lucky and should be grateful if I got one fuck a fortnight. Then when the kids left home I said to their mother I'm not giving you a penny more than half of what the bills cost. I'm going to use the rest of my hard earned money to pay for everything I ever wanted to do to a woman. I've Been fucking whores for the past 5 years none stop. That bitch couldn't afford her half of the bills so I evicted the miserable cunt. Best thing I ever did treat women the way they deserve that is like the pieces of worthless shit they are. Or you'll regret it for the rest of your life

Ye. Well said OP, women are cunts.

even though I agree with the copypasta women can be frustrating , anybody who believes its easy to be a girl is not paying attention.

>Best thing I ever did treat women the way they deserve that is like the pieces of worthless shit they are

If people could understand that statement

The best thing you could do is treat women the way they deserve to be treated


The female is a less capable, highly egotistical, entitled, she thinks she should get everything you ever make because she has hair and walks around with body parts exposed

Women are shit people, shit human beings, they don't see men as people themselves, and yet, like niggers that can't understand technology, they dont understand that the man went to school and works to make 3x the money she makes from her teaching / nursing / psychiatry "career"

Women are genuinely terrible people and they dont care. They think its funny that just because she has face paint and a wig you're willing to break yourself for her.

There is literally nothing the female can offer you besides acting as a gate keeper to the womb, in order for you to produce a child that will inherit the already corrupt and wildly oppressive female world that we've created.

>anybody who believes its easy to be a girl is not paying attention.

Besides your mental and physical handicaps, there is nothing on our end, on the part of the male or of society that makes your life more difficult. In fact, men are being cut through the flesh in order to make yours easier. In the end, after a man has been gutted from feminism, seen as a rapist and killer, he has to avoid relationships or he loses his income, in the end none of the shit that genuinely harms men actually helped you. This is how fucked women are.

"when you hear it in love songs on MTV"

you haven`t left your shithole since 90`s, isn`t it?

All you want to do is make him talk to you so you can be offended and play victim literally this is the reason women initiate an exchange with the male gender

This is what happens when you have an entire gender that doesnt have to do anything, is praised for having done 10x as much, has support systems coming out their ass, and they actually think that by having hair and lip gloss that makes them higher value people, or people at all

i understand op, most of em thinks only about their stupid asses, and how "good" they looks.


if you fuckin buy her some shiny worthless shit then your chance of fucking her is slightly higher

they are not even worth a half they think they are

ITT: people who feel they are owed pussy because they cry about it.

The kikes really have ruined our women. The filthy fucking vermin.

It was a joke...sorry. My husband of 13 years actually makes over 100k a year and he married me because I respect him and fill his needs. Your original post was accurate and Im sorry its hard for you. With an attitude adjustment you'd probably fair a bit better.....so no dp then eh?lol

Try not being such a cunt, and then maybe women won't ignore you. Women are normal fucking people, some feel superior and some inferior. But you're such a cunt that no one likes you and you think that means they think that they're better than you because feminism or something.
Stop being such a cunt. Learn to act like a human fucking being and then maybe your problems will fix themselves.
I don't hate other men because they have sex. Because I'm not a beta cuck. Grow the fuck up.

>they control who is happy
I may be the minority here, but I'm a virgin and honestly don't care and I don't ever attempt to pursue girls. You really shouldn't feel like you NEED a girlfriend to be happy.


you better have a job 'femanon'
otherwise fuck off

You ever considered that people are different and you're the common denominator in "chicks being bitches"

>but you do biologically

Im used being alone but I really want children
So unless I can pay someone to hear them for me I will have to persue a wife soon