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I fucking love her look in Season 2
She went full ice-queen
She got blacked. Very timely.
So I have to be good looking in order to say she's ugly?
>swn bully you in the workplace
come on pussy, i see you're on your phone so just use the camera phone. show us how handsome you are.
Tilda Swinton?
I look like shit lmao
What does his/her appearance have to do with the actresses' ugliness, idiot? Nothing.
that's not ugly. that's qt
THIS is ugly
After that scene with that guy talking about putting his hairy balls in her mouth, I am attracted to her, as in the way I want to put my hairy balls in her potty mouth.
- Hey faggot, you must be very attractive, post your face.
and people think they don't comb Sup Forums. this shit writes itself.
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
That girl is pretty ugly too lol but she's a bit easier to look at than the other one. Though her personality is fucking annoying. Idk what's up with these actors. Now the supermodel what's her name oh yeah Joanna goddamn I am very thankful she's in the show, like she's legit a 10.
Are you actually retarded, or just joking?
evil angela is BEST angela
>she will never allow me to tie her up and abuse her
Christ the one on the right looks like a literal ghoul.
it's not even fair on the others having this girl in the show
>that's not even plastic surgery or anything
crazy shit
Blonde guy's wife is a figment of Elliot's imagination based on Darlene's face
I bet this is this season's awful twist
Yeah, it's hot desu
she's hot but also an ayy
i find her oddly attractive tbqh.
Yeah, that's how I started thinking after that scene
was this bitch in a fire as a kid? how do you get to be so ugly?
m8, if your arent attractive, you cant tell others peoples ugly.
She's so good looking and she's not even ditsy or anything like Megan fox. Shes a pretty good actor and seems smart.
and nice dubs
holy shit you re right
This serie has probably the ugliest looking actors, but it makes them more realistic which is cool.
I wasn't even mad that she got BLACKED.
I met that ghoul once saw her closing the door as she prepared to ravage some 20 year old fuccboi.
That's what your mom said when you were born.
It feels like they took the worst, edgiest aspects of season 1 and ramped them all up. God, fuck. It feels like a completely different show.
looks like a frog
He's right you know.
Lest you be some shallow bitch.
It was great though, felt a lot more character-driven and just further shows Fsociety doesn't know what the fuck it's doing.
Why does everyone (other than Christian Slater) on that show look like a rare pepe?
Dannybotyht Esta en la casa.
The knife play was creepy
she gives kind of "i've seen that girl in a porn" vibe.
Looks like an uglier Kat Dennings
Those jewish genes
Gideon best girl.
I bet her nipples are pink.
she looks normal
is probably into all kind of depraved shit
All of the bitches on this show look busted.
Just like you
>All of the bitches on this show look busted.
bargain bin elizabeth olsen
more like bargin bin Caitlin Olson and lemme tell ya, that's pretty bargain bin..
I wouldn't do that shit. I'd be like nah I'm fucking you normally
Shes not that bad
What heinous act would you complete to see Elliot bang his sister (pic related)
top ferrari
Because they are ones who usually fuck niggers.
t-t-that's not her is it?
clever photoshop lel
someone auto contrasted it which makes the skin look unnatural in tone. This is from the same event, sans filter.
sure she's had some bad photos but she's still stunning and it's not like anyone here will ever get anywhere near her league lol
dude is slightly photo shopping these pics to make the actress' slightly ugly
wow that's a real eye-opener on how lighting is critical in shaping the appeal of the characters.
>yfw pepe pops out to say hi
Is that Steve Buscemi's daughter?
someone make a make a shoop of Rami Malek as Pepe!
What's up dickholes
god damnit SNAFU she ain't gonna suck your dick.
youre not alone senpai
They weren't just content with her being physically ugly, they had to make her mentally ugly too this season.
Dare I say...tranny?
Gross, get it away from us
That girl on the right is such a qt
me on the left
is S2 out already?
god I hate the USA network tho
it fucking sucks
welp time to torrent
She's a powerbottom tbqh
wtf? I hate her now
Actress is 43 years old and still the most attractive person in the entire series. Why did they cast so many bridge trolls?
isn't that preggers from House of Cards?
yeah i mean wtf. even mr. robot too? why is black man fucking hot white woman now in every single popular media??
Yep. And you remember the hispanic female senator or whatever who was always feuding with Frank Underwood? Same actress who plays the lawyer Angela talks to in Mr. Robot. Small screen can be a pretty small world sometimes.
>Most attractive
Nigga who was Joanna wellick
Gideon also played the President in season 1 and 2.
A fish-lipped, expressionless failure in experimental plastic surgery, if I remember correctly.
And Joanna Wellick's bodyguard is the same guy who played the FBI (?) agent supervising Gavin Orsay, if I'm not mistaken.
For God's sake why can't I just have confidence in myself for once
She didn't even have plastic surgery. You are blind. Also, she is an official model.